EPISODE 255 - Surprise Returns

Previously on DALLAS:

-----------Casey and Devon struggled to get Michael to shelter and to survive after the boys were lost in an unexpected blizzard that hit Southfork.

-----------After being arrested for assaulting Jasmine, Ashley was booked into custody and Dylan and Cory retained Jay as her attorney.

-----------Bobby, John Ross, Christopher, Lucas, Miguel, Justin, Craig, and the ranch hands at Southfork mounted a search to find Michael, Casey, and Devon before it was too late.

Southfork....late morning....

A beautiful blanket of white covers Southfork the day after one of the worst blizzards in the history of Northeast Texas.  Bobby and Miguel come out of the house and onto the patio.  "Miguel, you and a couple of the other hands check all the herds, and make sure they're all okay after that blizzard yesterday, and also check and make sure we don't have any fencing down,"  Bobby tells the young hand.  "I know it's gonna take some time, but try and get as much as you can done today.  I'm gonna go into the hospital and see Michael, and then when I get home I'll come out and help."


"Yes, sir, Mr. Ewing,"  Miguel says.  "How are Michael and Casey?"


"Casey's doin' fine.  Jill and Craig are gonna go and pick him up from the hospital some time today.  Michael is holdin' his own.  Lucas spent the night at the hospital with him last night."


"I think I'll go and visit him this evening when I get off work."


Bobby smiles.  "I'm sure he'd like that."


"I hope so.  Well, I'd better get to work."


"Alright, Miguel.  See you in a bit,"  Bobby says as the young man walks away. 


John Ross comes onto the patio.  "Mornin', Uncle Bobby."


"John Ross."


"Some storm that was yesterday, huh?"

"Yes it was,"  Bobby says.  "John Ross, I wanna have a meeting tomorrow at Ewing Oil between you, Clay, and myself to discuss the terms of your coming back into the company as vice-president."

 "Just tell me what time, and I'll be there."


"I'll let you know this afternoon,"  says Bobby.  "I have to call Clay and see what he has on his schedule tomorrow.  I'd like to have that meeting at the first available time."


"Alright, fine,"  John Ross says as Ann comes onto the patio.


"You ready to go?"  Ann asks her husband.


"All set,"  Bobby replies. "We're gonna go to the hospital and see Michael.  I'll talk to you later, John Ross."


"Give Michael my best and tell him I hope he's home real soon."


"I will.  Bye,"  Bobby says, and he and Ann walk away toward his car.  



John Ross watches as Bobby and Ann get into Bobby's car and drive away.  Then he smiles.  "I can't wait for that meetin', Uncle Bobby," he says quietly to himself.  "More importantly, I can't wait to get my foot back in the door at Ewing Oil.  And then, it's only a matter of time before I get Clay Beaumont OUT of my company, and I'll be running Ewing Oil all on my own.  Just like my Daddy always wanted."








Braddock Medical Center....

Michael is asleep in his hospital room that morning when a soft knock comes at the door.  Casey opens the door and, using a cane, walks in.  He goes over to Michael's bedside and looks down at him.  Slowly, Michael wakes up and opens his eyes.  "Hey,"  Casey says.  "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."


"It's okay.  How're you doing?"  


"I'm doing okay."


"Hey, what's with the cane?"  Michael asks.


"Oh, mild frostbite in my feet.  Doctor said it should be okay in a few days.  It just hurts to walk without support from the cane.  I got it in my hands too."


"My Dad said you went back out in that storm to get help for me."



"Yeah, I guess I did."


"Casey, I don't know what to say, man.  Thanks."


Casey looks at him and smiles.  "Hey, what are cousins for, anyway?   A few years ago, when we were in school together, who'd have ever thought we'd end up being such good friends that I'd risk my life to save your sorry butt."


Michael smiles.  "Yeah, back then I couldn't stand you."


"I guess I was pretty mean to you.  But, that was before I knew we were cousins,"  Casey says.  "Well, I guess I'd better get going.  My Mom and Dad are waiting for me in the hallway.  They're releasing me from the hospital, so, we're gonna go back to my grandparents' house and pack, and then head to the airport later this afternoon."


"You guys are going back to California this soon?"  Michael asks.


"Yeah,  My Dad has to get back to work and I have to get back to school.  Gee, I wonder if I can use this frostbite as an excuse to stay out for a few more days."


Michael laughs.  "You would, wouldn't you?"


"I might,"  Casey says.  "Dude, maybe this summer I can come spend a few days or a week at Southfork."


"Sure.  We can go riding again."


Casey laughs at the comment.  "Well, I don't think we'll have any freak snowstorms in the summer."


"And next time, we're definitely gonna take a couple walkie talkies with us."


"Yeah.  Well, I gotta go.  Get well, soon, man.  And I'll........."  Casey pauses, and smiles.  "I was gonna say I'd text you when we're on the plane back to California, but, since we both lost our phones out there yesterday, I guess I won't.  But hit me up on Facebook or whatever when you get home."


"I will.  Bye, Casey."


"Bye, man.  See you later,"  Casey says, and leaves.  After he's gone, a sad look comes over Michael's face.  He closes his eyes to go back to sleep.


In the hallway outside, Casey meets up with his parents.  "You all set to go?"  Craig asks.


"Yeah, all set."


"How's Michael?"  Jill asks.


"He seems okay."


"Good, let's go."


The Andersons go down the hall to the elevator, and Craig presses the button.  When the elevator doors open, Lucas steps off and comes face to face with them.


"Hi, Lucas,"  Jill says.


"Hi.  Casey, how are you feeling?"  Lucas asks.


"I'm okay. My feet and hands kinda hurt from the frostbite."


"The doctor said he'll be fine in a few days,"  Jill says.


"I'm glad to hear that.  Casey, I'm so sorry.  If I had known it was gonna get that bad, I never would've let you guys go out."


"It's okay, it wasn't your fault,"  Casey says.  




Jill walks up to her cousin.  "Lucas, we're gonna be going back to California this afternoon.  You take care of yourself and we'll see you on our next trip."


Lucas nods.  "Okay.  Well, you guys have a safe flight home."


"We will,"  Jill says, hugging him.  Then she, Craig, and Casey get on the elevator. 


After the doors close, Lucas makes his way down the hall to Michael's room.  He pauses for a few seconds outside his son's door before going in.  After a moment, Lucas walks into the room and finds Michael sound asleep again.  He looks at his son lying in that hospital bed and he is riddled with guilt.  What if the boys had not been found in time?  He wonders to himself.  How could he ever forgive himself for letting them go out after it had started to snow?  Lucas closes his eyes, his guilt and his craving for a drink becoming almost too much for him to bear.

Southfork....three months later....

A beautiful spring day dawns at Southfork on a morning three months later, and the events that took place during the "blizzard of the century" have been largely forgotten.  Bobby, Ann, Christopher, Erin, Alex, Michael, and Little John are having breakfast in the dining room when John Ross and Krystina come down the stairs and enter the room.  "Mornin',"  John Ross says.


"Morning, John Ross,"  Bobby says.  


Krystina takes her seat at the table, but John Ross only grabs a biscuit and a piece of bacon from a platter in the middle of the table. 


"Krystina, is your mother coming down for breakfast?"  Ann asks.


"I looked in on her and she's still asleep, so I didn't wanna disturb her."


"I don't have time for breakfast,"  John Ross says.  "I have a meetin' first thing this mornin'."


"Oh?"  Bobby asks.  


"Yeah, with Jordan and Jason Lee.  I'm hopin' I can put together a deal with the Cartel again."


"Well, that would be great, but, I hope you're gonna run that by Clay."


John Ross looks at his uncle.  "I plan to, Uncle Bobby, so I'm way ahead of you."




"Alex, I wish you could be in on that meetin',"  John Ross says.  "You have classes this mornin'?"


"Yeah, I do,"  Alex replies.  "I have a meeting with my advisor at 8:30, and then I have my Accounting class at 9.  I really can't afford to miss any classes right now, being this close to graduation."


"I understand.  I look forward to the day you graduate college and you can come to work at Ewing Oil full time." 


"Only another month to go,"  Alex says.  


"Well, if y'all will excuse me, I have to be goin',"  says John Ross.  


"Sure you don't want any breakfast?"  Ann asks.


"No, this is enough for now,"  John Ross replies.  "I'll grab a bagel or somethin' in the break room at the office later.  I gotta prepare for that meetin'.  I've been out of the saddle at Ewing Oil for a while now and I wanna make sure I'm prepared.  Those Lee boys can be pretty shrewd."


"Sounds like you're having the time of your life, being back in the company,"  says Christopher.  


"Oh, I sure am.  You ever miss it?"


Christopher smiles.  "Not at all.  You can have the stress of the business world, John Ross. I'm perfectly happy right here running the ranch with Lucas."


"I hear my name?"  Lucas asks, walking into the dining room.


"Yeah, I was just telling John Ross I'm perfectly happy running the ranch with you," Christopher replies.


"Well, Uncle Bobby, I guess everything worked out just the way it was always supposed to,"  says John Ross.  "Your sons running Southfork, and my Daddy's branch of the family running Ewing Oil.  Well, I have to go.  See you all tonight."  John Ross kisses Little John on top of the head.


"Bye, Dad,"  the boy says.


"I'll walk out with you,"  Krystina says.  She gets up from the table and she and John Ross leave.


"I don't think I've seen John Ross this happy in a long time," Christopher says.  


"He does love being back at Ewing Oil," says Alex.


John Ross and Krystina come out of the house and onto the patio.  "John Ross, how much longer are you going to carry on this charade?"  Krystina asks.


"What charade, darlin'?"


"You know what I'm talking about.  You pretending to be happy being back at Ewing Oil as Clay's second in command.  It's been three months.  I thought you'd have done something by now to get back into the president's office."


John Ross smiles.  "Don't you worry, sweetheart.  I have a plan and everything's under control.  Just trust me.  It won't be long before Clay Beaumont is out at Ewing Oil, and I'm right back where I belong....... as company president.  But we both have to be patient.  I can't tip my hand by actin' too fast."


"Just what is it you have planned?"  Krystina asks, she and John Ross arriving at his car.  


"I don't wanna talk about it here.  How about you comin' into town this afternoon, about 1, and I'll take you to lunch?  Then I'll tell you."


"I'd love to, but I can't today.  My Mom has a doctors' appointment at 11:30 with Mitch, for a checkup, and then I promised I'd take her to lunch."


"Alright, then, let's have dinner in town,"  John Ross says.  


"Fine, I'll meet you at the office at 5:30?"


"I'll be waitin',"  John Ross says.  "Have a good day, darlin'."  He kisses her, then gets into his car.  Krystina watches as John Ross drives away.

Ewing Oil....later....

Clay is working in his office later that morning, looking over a file and some reports when his cell phone rings.  He picks the phone up and looks at it, then answers.  "Samantha," he says.  "Yes, I'm just looking over the reports right now.  So far, I'm pretty impressed.  These geological surveys look great, and if they're right, then we could be looking at one of the richest fields in North Texas,  Okay, why don't we set up a meeting to discuss the particulars?  I'll have our attorneys draw up a contract, and you can have your attorneys look it over."  Clay is silent for a moment as he listens to Samantha Chambers on the other end of the line.  "Yeah," he finally says.  "Okay, well, how about day after tomorrow, let's say, 10 a.m. in my office?  Fine.  I'll see you then.  Bye."  Clay ends the call and puts down his phone.  He smiles as he continues looking over the promising reports.  A few seconds later, a knock comes at his door.  "Come in,"  he says.


Sly comes into the office carrying some papers.  "Clay, here are those reports you wanted on the Harrington field," she says, handing him one stack of papers.  "And the reports you wanted on Ewing 28."  She hands him another stack of papers.


"Thank you, Sly.  Would you ask John Ross to come into my office for a minute?"


"Of course,"  Sly says.  She leaves the office.  Almost a full minute later, John Ross comes in.


"Sly said you wanted to see me," he says.


"That's right."


"Well, you wanna make this fast?  I have a meetin' in about five minutes."


"Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," Clay says.  "John Ross, why didn't you tell me you had a deal in the works with Jordan and Jason Lee?"


"I haven't even made the deal yet.  I have a meetin' with them this morning."


"So when were you gonna tell me?  AFTER the deal was made and the contracts were ready to sign?"


"I was gonna tell you when the Lee boys and I came to terms on the deal."


"That's not good enough,"  Clay says.  "John Ross, when I agreed to let you come back into Ewing Oil as vice-president, it was on the condition that you run every deal by me before going ahead with it."


"You honestly expect me to come runnin' to you for approval every time a deal falls into my lap?"  John Ross asks.


"Yes, I do.  Because THAT was part of our agreement."


"Clay, I've been back here at Ewing Oil for three months now.  How long am I gonna have to clear every deal with you before I make it."


"As long as I say.  Don't forget, John Ross, that I am president of Ewing Oil.  If you don't like the terms of our arrangement, then you know where the door is."


John Ross looks at his nephew for a moment, using all of his will power to control the anger rising up inside of him.  "You're only president because Uncle Bobby made you president.  You didn't earn it.  By rights this company should be mine.  It's what my father wanted for me since the day I was born.  Running Ewing Oil is what I was groomed for."


"And you threw that away when you put this company in jeopardy by going into that bogus offshore deal with your wife's snake of a brother.  Look, John Ross.  I don't like this situation any more than you do, but Uncle Bobby wanted me to take you back into the company.  We may can't stand each other, but we do have to work together.  But that's only gonna work out as long as you remember who's president of Ewing Oil.  Now you agreed that if you were allowed to come back, you would run every deal by me, and that's what I expect you to do."


"Yes, Master,"  John Ross says sarcastically.  "If you're done lecturing me on who's president of Ewing Oil, I have a meeting to get to."  The two men look at each other for a couple of seconds, then John Ross leaves the office.  Once outside of Clay's office, John Ross clinches his fist.  


"John Ross, is everything alright?"  Sly asks.


"Yes, Sly.  Everything's fine.  Let me know when Jordan and Jason Lee get here."


"I will,"  Sly says as John Ross goes into his office and closes the door.


In his office, John Ross walks to his bar and pours himself a drink in an attempt to calm down from his argument with Clay.  He takes a sip of the bourbon.  "Enjoy what little power you have for now, Clay.  Because soon.........I'm gonna take that power away from you and then shove it down your throat."  John Ross smiles deviously, the expression on his face reminiscent of his father.

Downtown Dallas....

 Lucy is sitting at a table at an outside cafe in downtown Dallas that morning sipping on a cup of coffee, a sad look on her face.  Lucy is watching various people around her, but mainly she is looking at a young woman 

walking down the street with two little girls, presumably her daughters; she is also looking at another young woman sitting at a nearby table sharing a box of fries with a little girl; and at a woman holding a baby.  A tear falls down Lucy's face as she witnesses these mothers and their children, and that longing she's felt for many years begins to tear at her heart once again.......the longing to have experienced the joys of motherhood.  


Meanwhile, just down the street, Donna is coming out of a small shop carrying three shopping bags when she sees her.  Smiling, Donna walks over to Lucy's table.  "Hi, Lucy."


"Donna, hello."


"You looked really deep in thought,"  Donna says.  "Mind if I join you?"


"No, not at all."


Donna takes a seat across from her.  "I was just doing some shopping for Dylan and Jasmine's baby," Donna 

says.  "Y'know, since Dylan is like a son to Ray and me, having that little baby around is like becoming grandparents all over again."


"I'll bet,"  Lucy says sadly.  "Nothing like having a little one around."  She wipes a tear.


"Hey, what's wrong?"  Donna asks.  


"Nothing.  I'm fine."


"Lucy, I've known you for a long time.  And I know you well enough to know when something's wrong.  You wanna talk about it?"


Lucy shakes her head.  "No, not really."


"It might help.  And I'm still as good a listener as always."


"I was just sitting here watching all these mothers with their children,"  Lucy says.   "Thinking of all the things I missed out on by not having kids.  Donna, sometimes I feel so inadequate."


"Oh, Lucy,"  Donna says, reaching across the table and taking her hand.  "Not having children doesn't make you inadequate, nor does it make you any less of a woman."


"I might agree with you if not having children had been my choice, but it wasn't.  I keep thinking about......... about the child I would've had if I hadn't...........if I hadn't had an abortion.  I keep wondering what my son or daughter would be like now as an adult.  I'd probably be doing the same thing as you now, out buying gifts for my grandchildren.  But all that was stolen from me because I made the worst decision of my life."


"Oh, Lucy.  You did what you thought was best for you at the time.  Honey, you were raped, and I can't even begin to imagine what that's like."


"I remember how I felt when I found out I was pregnant with Roger's baby, the man who raped me,"  Lucy says.  I felt like I'd been violated all over again.  All I wanted to do was get rid of it."  Lucy pauses as she begins to cry.  "So I had the abortion, and afterward, the doctor told me I was perfectly fine.  That he saw no reason I couldn't have as many children as I wanted.  But after Mitch and I got married, we tried for so long to have a baby, but I could never get pregnant."


"And that's when you had the test and found out you........."


"Yes.  I found out that, because of some scar tissue or something from the abortion, I'd never be able to get pregnant.  I'm sorry.  Sometimes, I just start thinking about it.  Especially on this date."


"Why on this date?"  Donna asks.


"Today is the day........the anniversary of the day I had the abortion."


"Oh, Lucy.  I'm so sorry."


"It's alright,"  says Lucy.  "There's nothing that can be done about it now.  I just sometimes........sometimes I just miss what I could've had.  Of course I have a stepson, Daniel, but we can't stand each other.


"Tell you what,"  Donna says.  "I'm free for the rest of the day, so why don't you and I spend the day together.  We haven't hung out in a long time.  We can go to lunch and maybe go see a movie.  Do some shopping.  Whatever you want."


"Thanks, Donna, but you don't have to do that.  I wouldn't be very good company today, anyway."


"Of course I don't have to do it, but I want to.  Come on.  How about we go and do a little shopping, then I'll take you to lunch?"


Lucy nods.  "Alright.  I really would like that."


Donna smiles.  "Let's go then.  I'll just put these packages in my car, and we can hit some of the shops down the street."  She and Lucy get up from their seats and head off down the street.

Ewing Oil....

"So what do you gentlemen think of my proposal?"  John Ross asks Jason Lee and Jordan Lee III in his meeting with them.

"John Ross, this deal is pretty impressive," Jason says.  "Have you pitched this to the others in the Cartel?"


"No, I haven't.  I thought this little deal could be just between Ewing Oil and Lee Energies."


"You wanna leave the rest of the Cartel out of this?"  Jordan asks.  "Why?"


"Because it would mean more profit for your company, and Ewing Oil if the proceeds from that field were split only two ways."


Jason smiles.  "Well, I definitely like the look of this.  What do you think, Jordan?"


"I agree.  It looks great, but I only have one question, John Ross."


"Okay, shoot,"  John Ross says.


"Why us?"  Jordan asks.  "Out of all the Cartel members, why are you proposing this deal to us?  Why not Samantha Chambers, or Harwood Oil, or even your own stepfather's company, Catlin Oil?"


John Ross smiles.  "Jordan, Jordan," he says.  "Because our families go WAY back, much further than we do with any of the other members of the Cartel.  Your great-granddaddy, Jordan Lee I, who was Jason's granddaddy of course, and my granddaddy Jock Ewing were charter members of the old original Cartel way back in the 1940s.  The three of us are the last descendants left of the charter members of the original Cartel, and therefore, I feel that we should stick closer together than with the others."


"You mean the four of us,"  Jordan says.




"The four of us.  You forgot Clay.  He's Jock Ewing's great-grandson, after all"


John Ross gives Jordan a disapproving look for bringing up that fact.  "Oh, yes.  Can't forget Clay, now can we?  So what do you fellas says?  You in on this with me?  Because if not, I WILL pitch this deal to one of the other members of the Cartel.  I just wanted to give you Lee boys first chance at it."


"John Ross, we're gonna have to look this proposal over some more, and talk it over between us,"  Jason says.  "Can we get back to you on this?"


"Sure, but I need an answer real soon,"  John Ross replies.  


"Don't worry,"  says Jordan.  "We'll get back to you by the end of the day."


John Ross smiles.  "Good.  I'll be expecting your call."


"John Ross, good to see you,"  Jason says, shaking John Ross's hand on his way out of the office.  


As Jordan is about to walk past him and leave the office, John Ross grabs him by the arm.  "Hope you can persuade your Uncle Jason to come in on this deal with Ewing Oil."


"We'll talk it over, John Ross,"  Jordan says.  "I, for one, am a little apprehensive about doing business with just you."


"I can't imagine why."


"Oh, let me see........perhaps because you set me up to blackmail me once."


"Water under the bridge, Jordan.  That was a long time ago."


"Not that long."


"Jordan, you coming?"  Jason calls to his nephew from the outer office.  


"Coming, Jason,"  Jordan says.  He walks past John Ross and leaves.  


John Ross closes his office door and smiles, confident that he is about to make a very profitable deal.


 A Dallas taxi cab drives up to Southfork that afternoon and comes to a stop.  After a few seconds, Elena Ramos Channing gets out of the taxi, pays the driver, then walks up to the house as the taxi drives away.  Ann comes onto the patio carrying a spray bottled filled with water.  She begins spraying a hanging fern on the patio.  Elena comes up behind her.  "Ann,"  she says.


Ann turns around and is surprised by her unexpected visitor.  "Elena?  Oh my gosh, hello,"  Ann happily says, greeting Elena with a hug.  "How are you?"




"I had no idea you were comin'."


"It was a spur of the moment thing.  I know that Little John is out of school this week for spring break, so I thought I'd make a trip and spend some time with him."


"I know he'll love that.  He's actually not here right now, though,"  Ann says.  "Krystina took him into town to buy him some new school clothes.  He outgrows clothes almost as fast as Krystina can buy them."


"I know.  When I don't see him for a while, I can't believe how much he's grown."


"Well, they should be back soon.  Why don't we go in the house and have a cup of tea, and we can catch up?" 


"Alright, umm, but, first I'd like to walk around out here for a little while.  Kind of relive some old memories."


Ann smiles.  "You sure do have a lot of those here, don't you?"


"Yeah, I do.  I'll be in in about ten minutes?"


"Fine.  I'll have the tea ready by then,"  Ann says.


Elena nods, then turns and walks away.  

Westar Oil....

Pamela is working at her desk at Westar that afternoon when her cell phone rings.  She picks the phone up from her desk, looks at it, and seeing that it's her attorney, Ken Sullivan calling, she quickly answers.  "Ken, what can I do for you?"  She asks.  She listens to her attorney for a moment, then a look of worry comes over her face,   "You've got to be kidding me," she says.  "Alright, Ken, look, try and find out who bought those shares.  Yes, I know, but there has to be a way to find out who it is.  Just keep trying, and keep me posted."  Pamela ends the call and tosses her phone back onto the desk.  "Damn," she says to herself.  She buzzes her secretary's desk.  


"Yes, Mrs. Ewing?"


"Debbie, would you ask Mr. Ewing to come into my office please?"


"Yes, ma'am."


While she waits for Justin, Pamela pulls up a program on her computer and looks at it.  A moment later, Justin comes in.  


"Hey," he says.  "Debbie said you wanted to see me."


"Yes.  Take a look at this,"  says Pamela, pointing to her computer screen.  


Justin walks over and looks at it.  "What in the hell?  Someone just bought another 200 shares of Westar stock?"


"Yes.  Some McMillan Industries out of California."


"How much stock do we still control?"  Justin asks.


"Enough that we're still in control of the company, but barely.  Justin, if we keep losing shares at this rate, whoever is behind this will be able to launch a hostile takeover of Westar within another month."


"Whoever is behind it?  I don't have to guess who's behind it, I know."


"You're still thinking it's Jeremy Wendell?"  Pamela asks.


"Who else could it be?  We both know Wendell wants Westar back, and I'm not gonna let that old bastard get away with this."  Justin turns and starts to leave.


"Justin, where are  you going?"  Pamela asks.


"To try and find Wendell."


"No.  Justin, you can't off half cocked and confront Wendell."


"Damn it, Pamela, I will NOT let that man get control of this company,"  Justin says.  "I swore I would protect you, our kids, and Westar from him, and that's exactly what I intend to do."


"We'll stop Wendell.  But not like this.  I think we need help."


"Help?  From who?" 


"From your family.  Specifically, from Bobby.  He probably knows Wendell better than just about anybody, and he's stopped him before.  I think Bobby can give us some idea of how to fight him."


Justin looks at her and nods.


 Back at Southfork, Elena is walking near the stables when she spots a horse she remembers from her time

living at the ranch years earlier, and approaches him.  "Hey, Blue.  Remember me?  It's been a long time, boy," she says, lovingly petting the animal.  "I sure have missed you, Blue.  Did you miss me?"


"Ol' Blue sho' has missed you, Ms. Ramos,"  says one of the Southfork hands.  "Oh, excuse me......MRS. Channing.  We all have."


"Thank you, Sam, I've missed all of you, too."


Miguel comes up to the stables.  "Sam, Mark could use your help," Miguel says to the other ranch hand.


"Alright.  Miz Channing, good to see you again."


"Good to see you, too, Sam,"  Elena says as Sam walks away.  



"Hi,"  Miguel says to Elena.  


"Hello,"  Elena says.  


"I'm Miguel.  I work here."


"Miguel?"  Elena asks.  "Oh, you must be the Miguel that my son talks about a lot."


"I do not know.  I could be.  Who's your son?"  Miguel asks.


"I'm Elena, Little John's mother."


The smile disappears from Miguel's face upon hearing who the woman is he has been chatting with.  "You're Little John's mother?"


"Yes, that's right.  I've heard him talk about you.  You've been helping him learn to ride."


Miguel nods.  "Yes, I have.  Well, if you will excuse me.  I have to get back to work."


"Alright.  It was very nice meeting you, Miguel."


Miguel looks at Elena, almost with contempt, then walks away, leaving Elena confused as to why the young man's attitude toward her suddenly changed when she told him who she was.  She quickly brushes it off and begins walking back toward the house to join Ann for tea.  


Meanwhile, Krystina's car pulls up at Southfork and comes to a stop in the parking area in back of the house.  Krystina, Krystle, Little John, and Ellie get out of the car.  


"Darling, thank you for lunch,"  Krystle says.  


"You're welcome, Mom, but you've already thanked me THREE times."


"Have I?  Well, the lunch was just that delicious."


"Little John, why don't you take these things of yours upstairs and put them away?"  Krystina asks.




"Ellie, you go with your brother,"  Krystina tells her little girl.  


As Little John takes his packages, he sees Elena coming toward the house from the stables.  "MOM!!"  The boy excitedly yells, and runs to meet his mother, dropping his two store packages he had taken out of the car.  Seeing her son, Elena runs to meet him and the two greet with a hug.  


"Hi, sweetheart!"  Elena says, hugging her son tightly.  


"Mom, what are you doing here?"


"I came to see you.  Ann said you had gone shopping for some new clothes."


"Yeah.  Come on!"  Little John grabs his mother by the hand and practically drags her back to the patio, where they come face to face with Krystina.  "Hey, Krystina, look,"  Little John says.  "My Mom's here."


"Hello, Krystina,"  Elena says.


"Elena.  What brings you to Dallas?"


"Well, I knew Little John was out of school for spring break this week, and I wanted to see him."


"Oh, I see.  Elena Channing, this is my mother, Krystle Carrington."


"Mrs. Carrington,"  Elena says.  


"Hello,"  Krystle says.  


"Mom, how long are you gonna stay?"  Little John asks.


"Well, I'll probably be here a few days.  The rest of the week while you're out of school, anyway.  And  if it's okay with your father, you can come and spend most of the week with me at my hotel.  Maybe we can even go to Six Flags or White Water or something."


"Mom, that would be AWESOME!  Hey, come upstairs and see the new clothes Krystina bought for me."


"Alright,"  Elena says.  Little John picks up his packages, grabs Elena by the hand and leads her off toward the house as Krystle, Krystina, and little Ellie watch.  


"Her being here bothers you, doesn't it?"  Krystle asks.


Krystina sighs.  "She was John Ross's first love.  The mother of his son.  And nothing but trouble has ever come into John Ross's life whenever Elena was around."


"I wonder why she's really here.  Did you believe what she said about wanting to see Little John?"


"Not one word of it,"  Krystina replies.  

Southfork....that evening....

 John Ross's car drive through the front gate at Southfork that evening.  A few moments later, John Ross comes into the den, goes to the bar and pours himself a glass of bourbon, a big smile on his face.  As he takes a sip of his drink. Krystina comes into the room.  "I'm glad you're home."


"Sorry I'm a little late, darlin'.  But why don't you go on upstairs and get dressed, and we can head back into town for dinner like we planned?"


"I think dinner out is gonna have to wait until another night,"  Krystina says.  "We have an unexpected visitor."


John Ross gives his wife a puzzled look.  

A few minutes later....

Little John and Elena are in his bedroom playing a game when John Ross walks in.  He and Elena look at each other awkwardly for a few seconds.  "Hello, John Ross," Elena finally says.




"Dad, look what Mom brought me from California," Little John says, showing his father the new game he had been given by his mother.  


"Real nice, son.  Elena, I'd like to talk to you.......downstairs.  Little John, you start gettin' ready for dinner."


"Yes, sir,"  the boy says.


Elena reluctantly gets up and follows John Ross out of their son's bedroom. 


A moment later, the two walk into the den downstairs.  "Elena, what the hell are you doin' here?"  John Ross asks.


"I came to see my son."


"Little John is supposed to come visit you in California weekend after next.  That's our custody agreement.  You get him one weekend a month, and for three weeks durin' the summer."


"Well, that's not enough anymore,"  Elena says.  "Especially since my son is growing up so fast."


"That's just too damn bad.  I have full custody, and you have visitation rights."


"You still hate me, don't you?"  Elena asks.  "Even after all these years.  You hate me for keeping Little John away from you after he was born."


"Keeping him away from me?  Is that what you call it?  Y'see, I remember things a little differently.  You told me that my son had died, Elena.  You let me mourn him.  Do you know HOW MUCH THAT HURT ME?  But then again, maybe I should thank you.  If it hadn't been for that lie, that judge might never have given me full custody of my son."  


"And you've never stopped rubbing that in my face, have you?  The fact that you have full custody and that I'm just a visitor in my own son's life."


"And who's fault is that?"  John Ross asks.  


"It's mine.  I know that.  Look, John Ross, you and I may never be able to have a cordial relationship again, but for the sake of our son, we need to at least try to put the past behind us and give Little John two parents who aren't constantly at each others' throats.  Don't you think he deserves that?"


John Ross looks at her for a few seconds, then he nods and lets out a sigh.  "Yeah.  He does deserve that.  Alright.  I'm willin' to meet you half way for my son's sake.  I won't stop you from seein' Little John this week while he's out of school.  Just as long as you understand that we're not gonna make a habit of this.  From now on, if you wanna see Little John when it's not your time, I expect a little advance notice."




"Good.  So how's that lightweight you married?"


"His name is Michael, and he's fine."


"And what about your other little boy?"  John Ross asks.


"He's fine, too."


"Good.  Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for dinner."


"John Ross?"  Elena says.


"What is it?"


"When I arrived here, I met a ranch hand.  A young man named Miguel.  I've heard Little John talk about him, and he's told me how Miguel was helping him learn how to ride a horse."


"So, you met Miguel Trevino,"  John Ross says.




"That's right.  I'm sure you'll remember the boy's father, a murdering thug by the name of Nicolas Trevino."


Elena's mouth falls open in shock.  "Miguel is Nicolas's son?"


"That's right."


"What........Little John talked about a ranch hand named Miguel who was his friend, but he never told me Miguel's last name was Trevino."


"Why should he?"


"What is Nicolas's son doing here?"  Elena asks.


"Elena, if you want answers to your questions about that Trevino kid, I suggest you ask Uncle Bobby or Christopher.  They're the ones who hired him on as a ranch hand over my objections," John Ross says, then he leaves the room.  

Conner and Ashley's apartment....later that night....

The sound of thunder can be heard in the distance and the occasional lightening illuminates the night sky.  In their apartment, Conner and Ashley are laying in bed.  Conner is asleep, but Ashley is wide awake, staring at the rain hitting the outside of the window of their bedroom, unable to sleep.  Ashley looks over at Conner and, not wanting to disturb him, she quietly gets out of bed, slips on her robe, and leaves the bedroom.  She goes into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator.  Taking out a jug of milk, Ashley pours herself a glass.


Conner comes into the kitchen.  "Ashley?"  He says.  


"Hey,  I hope I didn't wake you up when I got out of bed."



"No, you didn't.  I wasn't sound asleep, and I reached over and you were gone.  The lightening flashing in the window wake you up?"


"No,"  Ashley replies.  "I couldn't sleep. I keep thinking about jury selection in my trial starting tomorrow."


Conner walks over to her.  "I know you're worried.  But sweetheart, I don't see that there's any way a jury could find you guilty."


"Why not?  It's my word against Jasmine's.  There were no other witnesses to what happened in that bathroom during the Oil Baron's Ball."


"Jasmine is a liar,"  Conner says.  "Look at the trouble she's caused.  She set Dylan up to find the two of us in bed together, and that destroyed my relationship with my brother.  And then just as Dylan and I were becoming brothers again after all this time, she pulls this crap with you."


"She's a real piece of work, alright,"  says Ashley.  "But. again, it IS my word against hers.  If only there were some way to prove that Jasmine is lying about me deliberately pushing her down that night."


"Or if we could somehow trick her into telling the truth, with witnesses.  Then she'd be exposed for the lying, scheming witch she is.  And maybe Dylan would see his wife for who she really is."


Ashley sighs and fights back tears.  "I just don't see that happening," she says.


"It will,"  Conner says, putting his arms around her.  "It's getting late.  Come on back to bed.  We should try and get some sleep if we can.  Tomorrow is gonna be a long and hard day."


"Yeah.  The first of many,"  Ashley says.  


"Come on,"  Conner says, taking her by the hand.


"I doubt I'll be able to sleep."


"Then we can just lie there, with me holding you in my arms while we watch the rain and lightening outside."


"That sounds nice,"  Ashley says.  "I love you, Conner."


He puts his hands on each side of Ashley's face and looks at her.  "And I love you, Ashley Beaumont.  More than you could possibly know."


Ashley begins to cry.  "I'm scared, Conner.  I'm SO scared."


Conner puts his arms around Ashley and embraces her.  "I know.  So am I.  But I promise you, Ashley.  I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.  Somehow, I'm gonna prove that Jasmine is lying."  Conner continues to hold Ashley in his arms in the middle of the kitchen as lightening flashes through the window of the apartment. 

Lucy and Mitch Cooper's apartment....the next morning  

 Lucy is setting the table in the dining room of her and Mitch's apartment the next morning for breakfast.  She begins placing the food on the table as Mitch comes into the room.  "Good morning,"  Lucy says cheerfully.  


"Morning.  Something sure smells good."


"Yeah, I made breakfast,"  Lucy says.  "Now aren't you glad I learned to cook?"


"Lucy, I'm sorry,"  Mitch says.  "But I'm afraid I've only got time to grab a quick bite, and then I have to get to the hospital."


The smile quickly leaves Lucy's face.  "The hospital?  I thought you had the whole day off.  I thought we were gonna spend it together."


"Lucy, I'm sorry.  But the hospital called just a few minutes ago.  We're short staffed, and they need me to come in."


"Couldn't you get someone else?"  Lucy asks.  "You ARE the chief of staff."


"Lucy, there IS no one else.  Like I said, we're short staffed right now, and we have a couple of doctors out with the flu, and another is on his honeymoon.  Look, I'll make it up to you.  I promise."


"Oh, yeah?  How?"


"We'll go away together.  Maybe this weekend......oh, wait, no.  I have to work this weekend."


"That's the trouble,"  Lucy says.  "You work EVERY weekend, and every week DAY too.  The only time I ever see you anymore is when you're coming or going.  You come home every night so exhausted, all you wanna do is take a shower and crawl into bed.  Mitch, I thought being chief of staff you would have more free time."


"Things will ease up,"  Mitch says.  "Just as soon as this staff shortage ends, things will get back to normal."


"Mitch, you've said that before.  How long are you gonna continue working like this?  It's not like we need the money."


"Lucy, I didn't go into medicine for the money.  For me, it's about helping people and making a difference."


"And after more than forty years in medicine, don't you think you've done that?"  Lucy asks.  "Mitch, we're not getting any younger.  I want us to spend some time together while we still can."


"Lucy, come on.  You talk as if we both have one foot in the grave already.  We're not that old, and both of us are in excellent health.  Look, sweetheart, I promise.  Just as soon as I get this staffing shortage taken care of, we'll go away.  I'll take a vacation and we can go anywhere you want for a whole week."


"Mitch, you've been promising me that for at least the last two years.  If I want a vacation, I might as well go by myself."


"Well, that's a good idea."


"What's a good idea?"  Lucy asks.


"Why not go some place this weekend, just to get away for a couple of days?"


"You mean alone?"


"Not necessarily.  Why not see if Muriel can go with you?"


"I might just do that,"  Lucy angrily says.


"Lucy, I really have to go,"  Mitch says.  "I have to see a patient of Dr. Rogers at 8:45.  I'll see you this evening."  Mitch starts to kiss her but Lucy turns her head, and he kisses her on the cheek.  Mitch looks at his wife for a second, but Lucy continues to look away from him.  Realizing there's no talking to her right now, and pushed for time, Mitch leaves.  


After he's gone, Lucy sighs deeply and shakes her head, frustrated by the fact that her husband seems more married to medicine than to her.


 Christopher comes into the den that morning and finds Elena standing at the fireplace, looking at a couple of photos sitting on the mantle.  "Elena?"  He says.


"Christopher, hello.  It's been a long time."


"Yes it has.  I heard you were back in Dallas.  How are you?"


"I'm fine.  How've you been?"


"I've been great actually,"  Christopher replies.


"I'm glad.  I heard about your little boy.  Little John told me.  He's really happy to have a friend around close to his age."


"Yeah, the boys get along great.  Elena, you look really.........really well."


"Thanks.  So do you.  Would you listen to us?  Our conversation sounds so awkward."


"Yeah, well, a lot has happened since the old days,"  says Christopher.  "So how are things with you and Michael Channing?  I heard you had a son."


"Yes.  I named him Drew after my brother.  He's a smart, beautiful little boy."


"Sounds like your life has really come together these last few years.  I'm glad."


"I'm glad that things have come together for you too, Christopher,"  Elena says.  "If anyone deserves happiness, it's you."


"Well, I have a lot of work to do today, so I'd better get goin'," Christopher says.  "It was good seeing you, Elena."


"You, too.  Oh, Christopher?"




"I wanted to ask you something."


"Okay, what's on your mind?"


"I met Miguel Trevino yesterday.  Christopher, what is Nicolas Trevino's son living and working here at Southfork?  How did that even happen?"


Christopher sighs.  "About three years ago, Miguel came here looking for revenge for what happened to his father.  He used a fake name and a fake I.D. that showed him to be older than he actually was.  He came for revenge against me.  When I found out who he really was, I confronted him.  I tried to convince him that I killed Nicolas in self defense.  But it wasn't until his mother came up from Mexico and made him see what kind of man Nicolas really was, that Miguel stopped hating me and this whole family."


"He came for revenge?  Meaning he planned to hurt you for killing Nicolas?"




"I don't understand,"  Elena says.  "If he planned to do you harm, why did you hire him as a hand here at the ranch?"


"Because, underneath his tough exterior, Miguel was just a confused kid who'd grown up with this idea of who his father was.  He didn't wanna believe that Nicolas was a criminal and  a cold blooded killer.  Miguel is a good kid, Elena, and he's been a wonderful addition to Southfork.  He's a hard worker, and he's been a good friend to Michael and to Little John.  And........"


"And what?"  Elena asks.


"And, for a while, I was involved with his mother."


"You and Lucia Trevino?"


"Yes.  Lucia and her younger son, Antonio, moved here from Mexico.  They lived here at the ranch for a while, in your old cottage.  After my wife, Courtney, and I separated, Lucia and I became involved.  But it didn't work out, and Lucia and Antonio returned to Mexico."


"Wow,"  Elena says softly.  "A lot HAS happened around here since I last visited Southfork.  Why didn't Miguel go back to Mexico with them?"


"Because by that time, Miguel had come to think of Southfork as his home.   Elena, did it bother you seeing him here?   It had to have brought back memories of Nicolas."


"You're right, it does bring back memories," Elena says, struggling to hold back tears.  


"Nicolas has been gone for ten years, Elena.  He can't ever hurt any of us again."


"But doesn't having his son here remind you of him?"


Before Christopher can answer, John Ross and Little John come into the room.  "Mom!"  Little John says with excitement.  


"Hi, sweetheart, are you ready?"  Elena asks.


"All set.  Mom, what's wrong?  You're crying."


"I'm fine, Little John.  I'm just happy."


"You're crying because you're happy?"  Little John asks.


"Yes.  Us grown ups are silly.  Sometimes we cry when we're happy, and I'm very happy to be spending the day with my favorite guy.  Come on, we'd better go."


"You have fun with your Mama today, Little John."  says John Ross.  


"I will, Dad.  Hey, why don't you come to Six Flags with us?"  The boy asks.


"Because I have to go to work.  And this is your time with your Mama."


"Come on, sweetheart,"  Elena says.  "John Ross, I'll have him home by 8 tonight."


"I'll be waitin',"  John Ross says.  "Just make sure he wears sunscreen."


"Don't worry, I will,"  Elena says, annoyed at John Ross's order.  She and Little John leave.


"So, you and Elena been catchin' up?"  John Ross asks his cousin.


"Yeah, we were," Christopher replies.  


"I wonder why she's really here."


"What do you mean?  She's here to spend some time with Little John."


"But why now?  I've had full custody of the boy since he was a baby, and Elena has always accepted the terms of the custody arrangement and with Little John visiting her in California.  Now, all of a sudden, she shows up here after several years claimin' she just wants to spend time with our son while he's on his spring vacation?  That doesn't make sense, Christopher."


"What else could she possibly want?"  Christopher asks.


"I don't know.  But I'm sure as hell gonna find out."

Ewing Records....later....

At Ewing Records, country music artist Parker McCollum is in the studio in a recording session while Dylan,

Cory, another young man, and Dylan's assistant, Amber, look on from the adjoining control booth.

The group listens as Parker records his song Handle On You.  After the song is finished, Cory presses the 

intercom button to the studio.  "Parker, that was awesome," he says.  "That's a wrap.  Come on out."


"I can't believe I'm actually getting to meet Parker McCollum," Amber says.  "He's one of my favorite singers."


"And him signing on with us is gonna put Ewing Records on the map," Cory says.  


Parker comes into the control room.  "Did we get that in one take?"  Parker asks.


"Sure did," replies Dylan.  




"Parker, it's really great having you here,"  Dylan says.  "I can't tell you what it means to us having an artist of your stature sign on with us to record two albums.  Cory was just saying you're gonna help us really put Ewing Records on the map."


"Hey, when Donna called me and told me about you and how you needed some established artists to help Ewing Records make it into the big leagues, I couldn't resist comin' to help

out.  Donna and my father were pretty close when my father was growin' up."


"Did I hear my name?"  Donna asks, walking into the room.


"Hey, Donna!"  Parker says,


"Hi.  Am I too late to sit in on the recording session?"


"I'm afraid so," Dylan replies.  "We just finished."


"Oh, darn,"  says Donna.


Amber clears her throat, as if to get everyone's attention.


"Oh, I'm sorry,"  Cory says.  "Parker McCollum, this is Amber, Dylan's assistant."


Parker smiles as he shakes the beautiful young woman's hand.  "Amber, it's a pleasure."


"The pleasure's all mine, Mr. McCollum.  I'm a huge fan."


"Well, thank you, and call me Parker."


"Okay.....Parker.  Well, I'd better get back to work,"  Amber says.  She smiles at Parker, then leaves.



"Lovely young lady,"  Parker says.


"Yes, she is,"  Dylan agrees.  "She's been a real asset around here."


"Parker, since you're done here, how about some lunch?"  Donna asks.


"Donna, I'd love to, but I have an event to get to in about half an hour, but I'll take a raincheck."


"Okay, then, how about dinner tonight at the house?"  


"Now THAT I'll take you up on."


"Great,"  Donna says with a smile.  "Seven o'clock okay?"


"Seven  is perfect.  That'll give me time to drive over to Fort Worth this afternoon and see my mother."


"Good.  Seven it is, then,"  Donna says.


"Well, I really have to be going,"  says Parker.  "I'll see you tonight, Donna."


"Bye,"  Donna says as Parker leaves.


"He's a real nice guy,"  Cory says.


"Yes, he is.  I hadn't seen him since he was a little boy.  I'm very proud of the success he's become.  Dylan, I would love to have you  come for dinner tonight, too."


Dylan looks at her.  "And my wife?  Is she welcome to come with me?"


Cory looks at Dylan, then at Donna as an uncomfortable silence follows.  


"Well, naturally, I assume if you come, Jasmine will be with you,"  Donna finally says.



"Thanks, but no thanks.  Donna, I appreciate you asking your cousin Parker to sign a short term contract with us, but, as long as you have that attitude toward my wife, as long as she isn't welcome in your house, then neither am I."


"Dylan, you will ALWAYS be welcome in our home, and I hope you know that."


"And my wife?"


Donna sighs.  "Look........Dylan, you have to understand how Ray and I feel.  Cory, I'm sorry.  I know Jasmine is your sister, and I know you both love her.  But I hate to see the trouble Jasmine has caused between Dylan and Conner."


"Jasmine didn't cause any trouble," Dylan says.  "Ashley did when she almost caused Jasmine to miscarry our baby."


"What happened was an accident,"  Donna says.  


"That's not what Jasmine says.  All we have is her word against Ashley's, and you and Ray have clearly made up your minds about who you believe."

"Can you blame us?"  Donna asks.  "Jasmine hasn't exactly done a whole lot to win anyone's trust."


"Well, she has MY trust,"  says Dylan.  


"Look, I don't wanna argue about this anymore.  Dylan, we would really like it if you.......and Jasmine....... would come to dinner tonight.  And Cory, you're more than welcome to join us."


"Thank you,"  Cory says.


Donna walks over to Dylan and places her hand on his arm.  "You know that Ray and I love you very much. I hope you and Jasmine will be at dinner tonight.  I promise I'll make every effort to get along with Jasmine.  But please come."


Dylan nods.  "We'll be there," he says.


"Good.  We'll see you tonight, and hopefully, you too, Cory."  She kisses Dylan on the cheek and leaves.  

The Tower Club....

Pamela walks into The Tower Club Restaurant that afternoon and is greeted by the hostess.  The young woman leads Pamela across the crowded restaurant to a table where Elena is seated.  


"Hello, Pamela,"  Elena says.  "Thank you for coming."


"Elena,"  Pamela says, taking a seat across from her.  


"Can I get you something to drink, Mrs. Ewing?"  The hostess asks.


"Yes, I'll have an ice tea."


"Coming right up.  And your server will be with you shortly," the young woman says, and walks away.


"I was surprised to get your call asking me to have lunch,"  Pamela says.  

"I just thought we could catch up,"  Elena says.  "It's been a long time."


"Yes, it has.  How long are you gonna be in Dallas?"


"Most likely, just the rest of the week.  I came to spend some time with Little John while he's out of school.  I get to see him so seldom."


"I can't even imagine how hard that must be, only getting to see your son once a month and on certain holidays."


"It's very hard."


"I really am glad you called me,"  Pamela says.  "It's good to see you again."


Elena smiles.  "It's good to see you, too.  I think about the old days a lot."


"The old days when I was married to Christopher and you were with John Ross?"  Pamela asks.  "Or the old days when I was married to John Ross and you were with Christopher?"


Elena laughs.  "We all did have a complicated history, didn't we?  Whoever thought things would turn out the way they did?  That I would end up having John Ross's child, moving to California, and being married to  Michael Channing."


"And that I would be married to John Ross's younger brother."


"How are things going with you and Justin?"  Elena asks.  


"Couldn't be better.  I don't know if you've heard, but Justin and I are running Westar Oil now."


"I actually did hear that."


"We have two beautiful sons, Hunter and Randall, and we've even taken in a foster child."


"Really?"  Elena asks.


"Yes.  His name is Devon."


"Sounds like your life has really come together since the old days."


"It has.  I've never been this happy in my entire life,"  Pamela says.  "Okay, so enough about me.  I'm dying to hear about you.  How are things going for you in California.  I heard that you and your husband have a little boy now."


"Yes.  His name is Drew.  I named him after my brother."


"Well, it sounds as though both of our lives are going very well,"  Pamela says.  


"Yes, it does," Elena replies, a hint of sadness in her tone.  

Southfork....the stables....

 Lucas is returning to the stables on his horse that afternoon.  He climbs down from the animal and ties the horse to a post outside.  As he is walking  into the stables, Miguel approaches him.  "Lucas?"  Miguel says, startling him.


Lucas turns to face the young man.  "Yeah, Miguel, what is it?"


"We just had twenty head of Herefords delivered to the north gate at section 10," Miguel says.  "I need your signature on the receipt."


Miguel hands Lucas the paper on a clipboard and Lucas quickly signs it, then hands it back to Miguel.  "Anything else?"


"Do you wanna take a look at them?"


"No,"  Lucas replies.  "Miguel, I have things to do, so, you take care of it for me, okay?"


"Yeah, sure, I will.  Lucas, are you okay?"


"Yeah, I'm fine, Miguel."


"Okay, well, I'll get back to work then.  We'll inspect the new cattle, and I'll let you know if any don't meet Southfork standards."


Lucas nods.  Miguel looks at him for a few seconds with concern, then turns and walks away.  Lucas 

watches as Miguel gets back onto his horse and rides away.  Once Miguel is gone, Lucas looks around to make sure he is alone, then he reaches into his pocket and brings out a small flask.  Opening it, he takes a sip from the flask.  After a few seconds, he takes another sip, and then another before replacing the cap on the flask and putting it back into his pocket.  

The Krebbs home....that night....

"Oh, Donna, that was just about the best meal I've had in a long, LONG time," Parker McCollum says after finishing dinner at the Krebbs home with Ray, Donna, Dylan, Jasmine, and Cory.  


"Well, thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it," Donna says.


"Why don't we all go into the livin' room and have a drink?" Ray suggests.


Parker smiles.  "Sounds good to me."


"I can't believe I'm actually having dinner with you, Parker,"  Jasmine says as the group moves across from the dining room to the living room.  "You're one of my favorite singers."


"Well, thank ya, Jasmine, but you better get use to hangin' out with celebrities now that your hubby is runnin' a record company."


"That's right," says Dylan.  "We hope to sign a lot of big names to Ewing Records in the future."


"Parker, what can I get ya?"  Ray asks, going to the bar.


"Scotch and water, Ray."


"Comin' right up."


"I can't tell you how happy I am to have you for dinner," Donna says.  


"I'm happy to be here,"  Parker replies.  


"Say, Parker, if you and Donna are cousins, how come you spell your name with an 'o' in the middle and Donna's maiden name is spelled with a 'u'?"


"Yeah, how exactly are you two related, anyway?"  Cory asks.


"Uh, well, let's see,"  Donna says.  "It's  fairly distant.  My grandfather, Andrew McCullum, and Parker's great-grandfather, Thomas, were brothers. As for the different spellings of the names my grandfather had a falling out with his father and left home at the age of 17.  From what I've been told, when he settled in Marshall, Texas, where I was born, people there pronounced the name McCullum instead of McCollum, so, Grandpa Andrew just started spelling it that way, and so did my father."


Ray hands Donna her drink, then hands Parker his.  "So, Parker's daddy is your.......


"Second cousin,"  Donna says.  "I remember when I was a little girl, I use to go during summers with my Grandpa Andrew and Grandma Irma to visit his brother Thomas's family in Temple, Texas.  Of course, Uncle  Thomas had passed away by then, but, Grandpa and Grandma remained close with his widow, my Aunt Ella, Parker's great-grandmother, and her family.  In fact, I was a flower girl at Parker's grandparents' wedding when I was just about 5-years-old."


"Really?"  Parker asks.  "I never knew that.  I do remember my father talking about you comin' to visit with your parents when he was a little boy."


"Yes, we did.  Even after I went away to college, I'd come home during summer breaks and we'd visit the family in Conroe, Texas, where they were living then.  We went every summer until........."  Donna pauses for a moment and lowers her head.  "Until my parents were killed.  My whole life changed after that."


"I can imagine,"  Parker says.  


"But you did alright for yourself after your parents died,"  Jasmine says.  "You eventually married the very rich former governor, Sam Culver."


"Yes, I did,"  Donna says.  


"I read all about your life, and your marriage to him,"  says Jasmine. "He must have been like a substitute father for you. I can't imagine any other reason a young woman fresh out of college would have married a man almost old enough to be her grandfather.  Or was it his money?"


Donna gives the girl an angry look.   She  is about to say something to Jasmine when Ray decides it best to intervene.  


"Hey, Donna," Ray says.  "Why don't we show Parker the rest of the house?  He said when he first got here it reminded him of his grandparents' ranch house when he was growin' up."


"It sure does, and I'd love a tour,"  Parker says.  


"Alright.  Let's go,"  Donna says.  


"Mind if I come, too?"  Cory asks.  "I've never seen your whole house."


"Sure, come on,"  Ray says.  He, Donna, Parker, and Cory exit, leaving Dylan and Jasmine in the living room.  


"Was it really necessary for you to antagonize Donna like that?"  Dylan asks Jasmine.  


"Me?  Didn't you see the way she was looking at me all evening?"  Jasmine asks.  "All through dinner?  She didn't want  me here tonight.  It was obvious."


"That's not true.  I told Donna that if my wife isn't welcome here, then neither am I."


"And so she's just tolerating me because she wanted you here tonight.  Just PERFECT."


"Look, sweetheart,"  Dylan says, putting his arms around her.  "You and Donna will probably never be friends, but I would like for my wife and the woman I consider my mother to at least be civil to each other.  You have to stop making these snide remarks to her."


"I will when she stops giving me those looks."


"Looks?  What looks?"


"Looks of contempt,"  Jasmine says  as the sound of the baby crying upstairs is heard. 


"I'll go check on him."


"No, I'll go.  I'll be back down in a minute,"  Jasmine says.  She leaves the room and goes upstairs to check on the baby.  


A moment  later, Donna returns to the living room.  "Did I hear the baby crying?"


"Yeah, Jasmine went up to check on him," replies Dylan.  "Donna, look, what Jasmine said about Sam Culver, I........"


"You don't have to apologize for her, Dylan," Donna says.  "I really had hoped that the birth of Dylan Matthew might have changed Jasmine a little.  But I suppose that's too much for anybody to hope for."

Southfork....the next morning....


 A car drives up to Southfork and comes to a stop.  Elena gets out and walks up to the patio, where Bobby and Ann are having breakfast.  "Well, good morning,"  Bobby says.  


"Morning, Bobby.  Ann,"   Elena says.


"Good mornin',"  says Ann.  "You want some breakfast?"


"No, thank you, I already had breakfast at the hotel."


"How about some coffee?"


"Coffee would be nice."


Ann smiles and pours Elena a cup.  


"So what are your plans with Little John today?"  Bobby asks.


"Well, we were going to White Water today, but, with the weather turning so cool, we're gonna go to the zoo first, and then after lunch I'm taking him to the Museum of History."


"Oh, Little John will love that,"  says Bobby.  "He's crazy about animals and he loves history."


"He sure has had fun havin' you around this week and spendin' time with you,"  says Ann.


"And I sure have enjoyed being with him.  And John Ross has been incredibly nice about it.  Is it possible he's mellowed over the years?"


"John Ross has mellowed some,"  Bobby says.  "But, I think the real reason is that he wants what's best for his son, and  spending time with his mother is good for Little John."


Just then, Little John comes out of the house.  "Mom!"  The boy says with excitement.


"Hi, sweetheart, how are you?"


"You ready to go?"  Little John asks.


"Yeah, just about.  Do you have everything?" 


"Sure do," the boy replies.  "Mom, are you SURE we can't go to White Water today?"


"Sweetheart, I'd love to, but it's  too cold.  But if we don't get to go while I'm here this week, I promise I'll take you several times this summer."


Miguel comes up to the patio.   "Good morning." 


"Morning, Miguel,"  Bobby says.  


Miguel and Elena exchange awkward looks.  "Mr. Ewing, I have some bill receipts for you to go over."


"Well, alright, but Lucas is supposed to take care of all that."


"I can't find him.  I tried texting and calling him, but he didn't reply."


"Okay, well, let me see the receipts."  


"Hey, Miguel, guess what!  My Mom and I are going to the zoo today,"  Little John says.  


"Oh, yeah?  Well, I'm sure you'll have a great time, buddy,"  Miguel says.


"Fine," Miguel says.  "Mr. Ewing, I'll 

pick those receipts up later."


"Alright, Miguel, and thanks," Bobby says.

"Hello, Miguel," Elena says.  


"Mrs. Channing," the young man says in a rude tone.


"How are you?" 


Miguel nods at his employer.  He gives Elena one final look of disdain, then walks away.  


"Mom, you ready to go?"  Little John asks.


"Yes.  Let's go.  Bobby, Ann, nice seeing you."


"Nice seeing you, Elena,"  Bobby says, Elena and Little John walking away toward Elena's rented car.  Bobby watches with curiosity as Elena turns and looks at Miguel, who is making his way back to the stables.  After a few seconds of watching the young man, Elena gets into the car with Little John and they drive away.  


"Wow, Miguel sure seemed tense around Elena,"  Ann says.  


"That's understandable, itn't it?  Until she came here the other day, Miguel had never met Elena.  He has to know a little of the history between his father and Elena.  I hate to say this, but I'll actually be kind of glad when Elena decides to head back to California."


"Why?  I thought you always liked her."


"I did.  I do.  I dunno, honey, it's just a feeling I have.  Elena was once a very big part of our lives, and she was almost a member of  this family.  But in recent years, she's caused a lot of trouble for Christopher and John Ross, especially after she married Kevin Channing.  I know it's good for Little John having his mother around, but I think the sooner Elena is gone, the easier I'll rest."

The J.R. Ewing Foundation....

Sue Ellen is talking on the phone in her office at the J.R. Ewing Foundation in Dallas later that morning.  "Yes, Mr. Devlin, that would be fine," she says.  "We would certainly appreciate anything you can do for us.  That last contribution you made to the J.R. Ewing Foundation was very generous.  Alright, we'll get together for lunch one day real soon.  Yes.  It was wonderful talking to you, too.  Goodbye."  Sue Ellen hangs up her phone, looks at a paper on her desk in front of her and smiles just as her secretary buzzes her desk.  "Yes, Barbara?"


"Mrs. Ewing, Lucy Cooper is here to see you."


"Lucy?  Oh, well, send her in," Sue Ellen happily says.  She gets up from her seat at the desk to greet Lucy as the secretary shows Lucy into the office.  "Lucy, hello."


"Hi, Sue Ellen,"  Lucy says, greeting her former aunt with a hug.


"Mrs. Cooper,  can I get you anything?"  The secretary asks.


"No, thanks, I'm fine."


The secretary smiles, and leaves the office.  


"Lucy, you look wonderful,"  Sue Ellen says.  


"Thank you, so do you.  And this office.......Sue Ellen, I'm very impressed."


"Thank you, Lucy.  Yes, I really do love it here.  I'm actually enjoying running the Foundation much more than I ever enjoyed working at Ewing Oil.  Here, I feel as if I can really make a difference in peoples' lives.  Now, then, Lucy, what brings you by?"


"Just what you said.  Making a difference in peoples' lives.  Actually, Sue Ellen, I came here to ask you for a job."


"A job?"


"A job?"  Asks a surprised Sue Ellen.


"Yes.  Mitch spends most of his time working at the hospital, and Daniel is away at college, so I spend most of my time rattling around in that apartment all day.  I'm glad now we didn't buy that big house we looked at."


"And you're bored,"  Sue Ellen says.


"Oh, yes.  Bored to tears."


"But Lucy, I thought you worked as a volunteer at the hospital."

"I  did, but the hospital is having some financial troubles so they had to cut some things from the budget.  And the volunteer program was one of them.  Hopefully that's only temporary, until the hospital is more financially stable, but in the meantime I really am bored to tears.  I thought maybe there was something I could do here to help you."


"You know, Lucy, I think we do have a place for you here.  How would you like to  be our new vice-president in charge of fundraising?"


"Vice-president in charge of fundraising?"  Lucy asks.  "Sounds important."


"It's an extremely important position.  You would be the person in charge of organizing fundraisers and soliciting donations.  I've been handling that myself, but, with all my other responsibilities as CEO of the Foundation, it's been hard.  I was going to look for someone to fill the position, so you came in at the right time."


"Well,"  Lucy says.  "Sue Ellen, you have yourself a vice-president in charge of fundraising."


Sue Ellen smiles.  "Lucy, that's  wonderful.  The  work we do here with raising money for  cancer research, AIDS research, and Alzheimer's research is so important, and very rewarding.  You'd be helping not only me, but a lot of other people."


"I'd also be helping myself,"  Lucy says.  "Sue Ellen, thank you."


"No, thank YOU, Lucy."


"When do you want me to start?"


"Well, since it's almost the weekend, how about first thing Monday morning?"


"I'll be here bright and  early,"  Lucy says.  "And thanks again.  It's going to be great working together."


"I'll see you on Monday then,"  Sue Ellen says as Lucy leaves the office.  

Ewing Oil....

 Clay is working at his desk at Ewing Oil later that morning when a knock comes at his door.  "Come in," he says.


Sally walks into the office.  "Clay, here are those contracts you wanted on the Murphy field, and the contract on the Logan property in Ellis County."

 "Thank you, Sally,"  Clay says.  "And would you make sure John Ross gets a copy of those to sign, too, please?"


"I sure will."


"Thanks.  Oh, Sally, I understand congratulations are in order.  Sly told me the good news."


Sally looks at him and smiles.  "Thanks, Clay.  My husband and I have been trying so hard to have a baby the last few years, we just never thought it would happen."


"Well, things have a way of happening at just the time they're supposed to,"  says Clay.  "If you need anything, just let me know, okay?"


"I will, and thanks again,"  Sally says as Clay's phone rings.   "I'll get it."   Sally picks up the phone on Clay's desk and answers the call.  "Good morning, Ewing Oil," she says.  "Yes, he's right here.  Clay, it's Blake Colby, calling from Denver."


"Oh?  Thank you, Sally, I'll take, and that'll be all."


Sally smiles as she leaves the office.  After she's gone, Clay takes the call.


"Mr. Colby,"  Clay says.  "What can I do for you?"

Denver, Colorado....

"Mr. Beaumont,"  Krystina's nephew, Blake Colby, says as he  sits at his desk at Denver-Carrington Oil talking to Clay on his phone.  "I have a business deal Ewing Oil might be interested in.  I'll be in Dallas this weekend, so is there any way we can meet to discuss it?  Say, Saturday for lunch?"


"Sure, Saturday should be fine," Clay says.  "How about we meet at the Tower Club around 1 o'clock?"

Denver, Colorado....

"That's perfect,"  Blake says.   "I'll call you Saturday morning to confirm.  I just know you're gonna jump at this deal, and it'll give our two companies a chance to do business together again."


"Fine,"  Clay says.  "I look forward to our meeting, Mr. Colby."


"So do I, and please, call me Blake, or L.B.  After all, your uncle is married to my aunt, so that makes us practically family.  I'll talk to you in a couple days."

Ewing Oil....

"Talk to you soon, Blake.  Bye,"  Clay says, and hangs up the phone.  He leans back in his chair and smiles, wondering what this deal is Blake Colby  is going to offer him.  





Bobby and Christopher are in Bobby's Mercedes heading down a dusty dirt road running through the middle of the ranch.  "Dad, would you mind telling me where we're going?"  Christopher asks.


"You're just gonna have to sit tight," Bobby replies.  You'll find out in just a minute."  At the end  of the road, 

 Bobby takes a right and the truck travels a short distance down another dirt road, then Bobby pulls over and brings the Mercedes to a stop.  "Well, here we are,"  Bobby says. 


"Dad, what are we  doin' out here?"


"Just take a look around,"  Bobby says.



Christopher looks around, still puzzled as to why his father has brought him to this remote section of the ranch.


"Beautiful, itn't it?"  Bobby asks.


"Yeah, it's beautiful.  But you still haven't told me what we're doin' out here."



"Now don't tell me you've forgotten what this section of  the ranch is."


Christopher again looks all around the beautiful piece of property.  "It's been a long time since I've been out here, but, Dad, isn't this........."


"It's the site of the original ranch house that my great-grandpa, Enoch Southworth, built when he came back from the Civil War and actually turned Southfork into a profitable working ranch,"  Bobby says.  "Mama and Uncle Garrison were born in the old house that sat right over there."


"That's right, in that old house in that painting that Grandma had."


"Yep.  Come on, let's get out and look around,"  Bobby says.  He and  Christopher get out of the car.


"Dad, that's real interesting, but why are we here?"  Christopher asks.


Bobby looks at his son and smiles.  "I was gonna wait and  do this for you  as a wedding gift, whenever you and Erin set the date.  But, I just felt like giving it to you now."


"Giving me what?"



"This.  This section of Southfork.  It's yours, son.  I should have done this years ago, when you married Courtney.  I know when I pass on you'll inherit part of Southfork anyway, but I wanted to give you this section now.  A place for you and your family to settle, build a home, and  you can even raise a few hundred head of cattle of your own here.  And best of all, you'll still be on Southfork."


Christopher looks around the property and smiles.  "Dad, I.........I really don't know what to say."


"Son, you don't have to say anything.  I know you and Erin wanna be out on your own, away from the family. This way you can do just that, but still be close by."


"You know you're more like Grandma than you probably even know."


"In what way?"  Bobby asks.


"You'd do anything to keep the family together, wouldn't you?"  Christopher asks with a smile.  


"Anything wrong with that?  In wanting my family close, and in wanting my little grandson to grow up on Southfork?"


"No, Dad,"  Christopher says.  "Nothing wrong with that at all.  God, I love you, Dad."


"I love you, too, son,"  Bobby says as the two embrace.  

Ewing Oil....

 Sly buzzes John Ross's office.  "John Ross, Dan Marshall is here to see you."


"Alright, Sly.  Send him in,"  John Ross says.  A moment later,  Dan Marshall enters John Ross's office.  "Marshall,"  John Ross says.


"John Ross."


"What brings you over?"



"John Ross, we have a bit of a problem,"  Dan says.


John Ross looks at him and sighs.  "A bit of a problem?  Now, Dan, I don't like the sound of that.  What kinda problem are we talking about?"


"This deal you're going into with Jordan and Jason Lee.  It's going to cost quite a lot of capital."


"Yeah, so?  Ewing Oil does have the capital."


"Unfortunately.........the company doesn't have that kind of cash on hand to put up your share of the money for the deal with the Lee boys."


"Dan, what the hell are you talkin' about?"  John Ross asks.  "We're talkin' $27 million.  Ewing Oil has many times that."


"Yes, but, as I said, not in ready cash.  All but a few million are tied up in deals that your nephew, Clay, is involved in."


"You gotta be kiddin' me.  Clay Beaumont has tied up all of our capital in his dumb ass deals?"


"I'm afraid so."


"DAMN!!"  An angry John Ross says as he slams his fist down on his desk.  "Okay, what about assets we can sell to raise the capital?"


"Of course, Ewing Oil has many properties that could be sold, but, you would need your nephew's approval.  Do you think he would give it?"


John Ross looks at the man.  "Dan, you're tellin' me that I need Clay Beaumont's permission to sell Ewing property to raise money I need for a deal?"


"I'm afraid, since Clay is president of Ewing Oil."


John Ross walks to the window and looks out over the city skyline of Dallas.  "So not only is Clay Beaumont sitting in an office that use to be mine, and still should be mine, but he's tied my hands so I can't even make a damned deal or do anything around here without his approval.  Well, I'm not gonna stand still for that."


"Well, what choice do you have?"  Dan asks.


"What choice do I have?"  John Ross repeats Dan's question.  He pauses for a second, then looks at Dan.  "Oh, I have a choice, Dan.  I can get Clay Beaumont the hell OUT of Ewing Oil.  And that's just what I intend to do.  One way or another, and by any means necessary.........Clay Beaumont has got to go."

Ewing Oil....that evening....

 John Ross's car pulls up to Southfork late that evening and comes to a stop.  A couple of minutes later, John 

Ross comes into the den, makes his way straight to the bar, takes out a key from his pocket, and unlocks the locked bar, sighing with frustration as he does so.  He takes out a bottle of bourbon and a glass, and pours himself a drink.  As he takes a sip, Miguel comes into the room.  John Ross doesn't see him as he has his back to the door.  


"Excuse me, Mr. Ewing,"  Miguel says.  


John Ross sighs and shakes his head.  "Lord, this kid is all I need this evenin'," he says.


"Mr. Ewing?"  Miguel says.


"What do you want?"  John Ross asks.


"I have some invoices that need signing."


"My Uncle Bobby, Christopher, or Lucas take care of that stuff. Get one of them to sign."


"Your uncle and Mrs. Ewing went out to dinner, Christopher took Miss Ward and K.C. to a movie, and I can't find Lucas anywhere.  I  figured since you own half of Southfork, you could sign them."


John Ross sighs.  "Alright, give me the damn things," he angrily says. 


Miguel hands John Ross the invoices.  John Ross signs all four and rudely hands them back to Miguel. 


"Thank you,"  Miguel says.


"Now I trust you can find your own way out,"  says John Ross.  


Meanwhile, Elena comes down the stairs.  Hearing John Ross and Miguel talking in the den, she stops at the bottom of the stairs and listens. 


"Mind if I ask you a question?"  Miguel asks. 


"As a matter of fact, I do mind.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you've got some horse stalls to clean out or somethin'."  John Ross turns his back to Miguel and pours himself another drink.


"Why is it that you don't like me, Mr. Ewing?  What have I ever done to you to make you dislike me?  Is it really me?  Or is it because of my father?"


John Ross turns back to face the boy and looks at him.  "Nicolas Trevino was a murdering piece of trash.  And the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.  You may not have killed anybody, and Uncle Bobby and Christopher may have forgotten the real reason you came here, but I haven't.  I don't like you, I don't trust you, and I never will."


"You really think you're high and mighty, don't you?"  Miguel asks.  "Mr. big shot in your three piece suit.  You think I'm scum?  But you're the one whose own uncle kicked you out of Ewing Oil."


"Get the hell out of here, and get off this ranch,"  John Ross says.  "I don't wanna see you around here by mornin'.  You're fired."


"I think your uncle might just have something to say about that."


"We'll just see.  Now get out of here."


Miguel looks angrily at John Ross for a moment, then walks out of the room.  In the foyer, he sees Elena standing at the stairs.  He gives her the same angry look, and walks away. 


Elena pauses for a few seconds, then she walks into the den.  "John Ross," she says.


"Well, this day just keeps gettin' better and better,"  John Ross says.  "Elena, what the hell are you doin' here?"


"I took Little John to the museum today and to the movies, or did you forget?"


"I didn't forget.  I was just hopin' you'd be gone by the time I got home.  Why are you still here?"


"I was watching Little John and Michael play a video game.  What was that all about with Miguel Trevino?"


"Heard that little exchange, did ya?"  John Ross asks.


"Yes, I did.  Why were you so rude to him?"


"Elena, how I deal with the hired help around here is certainly none of your damned business."


"Do you treat all the people who work for you that way now, or just Miguel?"


"Why the hell are you so interested in Miguel Trevino, anyway?  His father did kidnap and try to kill you, and he tried to kill Christopher. so why are you defendin' his delinquent son?"  John Ross moves closer to her.  "Is it because you're still carryin' a torch for that criminal of a father of his?  Nicolas Trevino and Michael Channing.  You sure picked two winners there, didn't you?"


"And let's not forget one of my WORST choices.....John Ross Ewing III," Elena says.


"At least I'm not a criminal like Trevino or that jackass you're married to.  So tell me the truth, Elena,  Why are you so interested in defending Nicolas Trevino's delinquent son?"


"That's none of your damned business."


"I wonder.  Could be that the boy reminds you of his daddy?  Maybe you got the hots for him because he makes you think about Nicolas."


"Shut up, John Ross,"  Elena angrily says, gritting her teeth.


John Ross smiles.  "Looks like I struck a nerve.  Which means I must be on to somethin'.  You do have the hots for that Trevino kid, don't you?"


"I'm warning you, John Ross.  Shut up about Miguel."


"Oh, Elena,"  John Ross says with a cruel smile.  "I sure never figured you for a cradle robber.  If you hurry, you might be able to catch up with him.  Maybe the two of you can have a little romp in the hay before his bedtime."


"You sick, pathetic BASTARD!!!"  Elena yells as she slaps John Ross hard across the face.  "Miguel is my son!!"


Elena's unexpected confession shocks John Ross to his core.  His mouth falls open.  "What?  You're that kid's mother?  How the hell is that even possible?  Miguel is what?  18, 19 years old?  That means you hooked up with Trevino that year you and Christopher split up and you went back to Mexico?"


"No," Elena says.  


"Then when?  When did you sleep with Trevino back then?"


"You want the truth?  Then I'll GIVE you the truth.  Nicolas wasn't Miguel's father, John Ross..........YOU are!" Elena says, then she turns and storms out of the room, leaving John Ross more stunned than at any point in his life.  


What neither John Ross or Elena realize is that Little John was sitting on the stairs, a stunned look on his face, having overheard his parents' argument, and his mother's shocking confession about Miguel being his brother!!






The Tower Club....

Bobby, Ann, Ray, and Donna are finishing dinner that evening at the elegant Tower Club in Dallas.  "Boy, I can't remember the last time I've had such a good dinner,"  Ray says.


"I told you, this place has the best food in town," says Bobby.  "Despite the scumbag who owns it."


"I'm kind of surprised you wanted to eat here tonight, given how you feel about Jeremy Wendell,"  Donna says.


"Well, my wife here convinced me that boycotting this place just because Wendell owns it would be silly."


Ann smiles.  "I told him, why deprive ourselves of the best food in Dallas?  So, I said let's just go outt and have a good time and a wonderful dinner with Ray and Donna, despite Jeremy Wendell."


"And then I said I hoped Wendell was here and would see us dining in his restaurant and it would shock him so much he'd choke,"  Bobby says with a smile.  


Ray, Donna, and Ann laugh at Bobby's humorous comment.  


"Y'know, it's been way too long since the four of us got together like this,"  says Ray.


"It sure has,"  Bobby agrees.  "We're just gonna have to plan to get together more often."


"I'll drink to that,"  Ann says, and the four raise their glasses in a toast.


"This place really reminds me of the old Oil Baron's Club,"  Donna says.  "It has the same atmosphere, and the same quality of food and service."


"Yes, it does,"  says Bobby.  "I still miss the Oil Baron's Club, even after all these years."


"How long after I left Dallas did the Oil Baron's close?"  Donna asks.


"If I remember right, it closed around 2001.  The building was sold and the new owner wanted to turn the space into a large bowling alley or something."


Meanwhile, Justin and Pamela step off the elevator and walk into the restaurant.  "You sure you wanna eat here?"  Justin asks.  


"Of course, I'm sure,"  Pamela replies.  "We're going to have a wonderful evening and a wonderful dinner."


A young female hostess approaches them.  "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ewing,"  she says.


"Good evening, Mariah,"  Pamela says.  "Our usual table, please."


"Yes, ma'am.  This way."  The hostess grabs two menus from the nearby bar, and starts leading the couple across the crowded restaurant.  


"Hey, wait,"  Justin says.  "I see Uncle Bobby over there.  Let's go say hi.  Mariah, we'll be right over."


"Yes, sir,"  Mariah says.


Justin and Pamela make their way over to the table where Bobby, Ann, Ray and Donna are sitting.  "Well, you sure never who you're gonna run into when you take your wife out to dinner,"  Justin says jokingly.  


"Justin, Pamela, hello,"  Bobby says.  


"Hey, Uncle Bobby, Uncle Ray.  Ann, Donna."


"Justin, how are ya?"  Ray asks, shaking his nephew's hand.  "Pamela."


"We're doin' fine."


"Won't you two join us?"  Bobby asks.


"Yes, please do,"  says Ann.


"We don't wanna intrude."  Pamela says.


"Nonsense, you wouldn't be intruding."


"Okay, then, we will,"  Justin says.  He and Pamela grab two chairs from a nearby table and pull them over.  He then motions for Mariah, the hostess.  She comes over to them.  "Mariah, we're gonna be joining my family."


"Yes, sir, Mr. Ewing, I'll send your server right over."


"Thank you,"  Pamela says as Mariah walks away.  


"Donna, congratulations on the success of your book about my father,"  Justin says.  "I hear that J.R. Ewing:  The Man, The Myth, The Legend is at the top of the New York Times bestseller list."


Donna smiles.  "Thank you, and yes it is.  I must say I'm very proud of the book and the reception it's gotten."


"I'm surprised you didn't run into opposition from the family in writing about J.R.'s life," says Pamela.  "Especially from Sue Ellen and John Ross."


"Well, John Ross wasn't too happy with the book, but then, John Ross isn't too happy about much of anything,"  says Donna.  "I spoke with Sue Ellen before I ever wrote the book."


"How are things going with you two?"  Bobby asks.  


"Is Devon still adjusting well to livin' with you?"  Ann asks.


"Things are fine,"  Justin replies.  "And yes, Devon is a great kid."


"From what I hear, you've done wonders with him," Ray says.


"Trust me, it wasn't that hard,"  Pamela says.  "Like Justin said, Devon is a great kid, and he's been a true blessing to us."


Bobby is about to say something when Jeremy Wendell comes over to their table.  "Well, well," he says.  "I don't think I've seen this many Ewings in one place since the last Ewing Barbecue I attended many years ago."


"Think I just lost my appetite,"  Ray says.


"You're not the only one,"  says Justin.  


"Everyone enjoying your dinner?"  Jeremy asks.


"We were until you showed up," replies Bobby.  


Jeremy laughs.  "Well, you're the ones who chose to eat in my restaurant.  Justin, Pamela, how are things at Westar?"


"Westar is none of your concern anymore,"  Pamela replies.


"Perhaps not, at least at the moment.  But things can and do change."


"Wendell, this may be your restaurant, but if you don't mind, we'd like to eat our meal in peace," says Justin.


"Of course.  I'll leave you to it, then,"  Jeremy says.  He starts to walk away, but then pauses and looks at Justin and Pamela.  "Oh, please give my regards to that young ward of yours.......his name is Devon, isn't it?"  He asks, sending chills down Justin and Pamela's spines.  Jeremy smiles.  "Enjoy the rest of your evening.......while you can," he says, and walks away.


"That son of a......."  Justin says as he starts to get up from his seat.  


"No,"  Pamela says, grabbing her husband by the arm.  "Just let it go."


"You hear what he said about Devon?"


"What in sam hill was that all about?"  Ray asks.


"Why did Wendell tell you to give Devon his regards?"  Bobby asks.  "How does he even know Devon?"


"He doesn't,"  Pamela replies.  "He's just trying to get under our skin."


Donna sighs.  "That man gives me the creeps.  He's like a vampire or something, just sucking the energy right out of the room."


Just then, Pamela's phone receives a text message.  Taking the phone from her pocket, she looks at it, and her mouth drops open in shock.  "Oh my God," she says.


"What is it?"  Justin asks.


Pamela hands her phone to Justin and he reads the text.  A look of anger comes over his face.  


"What the hell?"  Justin asks.  "This can't be happening."


"Justin, what's going on?"  Bobby asks.


"For the past few months, someone......or rather, a number of unknown someones.......has been buying large chunks of Westar stock from our shareholders,"  Pamela says.  "We've been trying to find out who's behind it, but we were unsuccessful.  We also tried to stop it by reaching out to everyone who held a significant amount of stock in the company.  Almost all of the shareholders we spoke to assured us that they wouldn't sell their stock."


"We even thought about tryin' to buy the stock ourselves, but we didn't have the money,"  Justin says.  


"And you have no idea who could be behind this?"  Bobby asks.


"The stock has been purchased by several different individuals and companies, and we haven't been able to find any information on any of them," says Pamela.


"Come on,"  says Justin.  "I think we all know who's behind this.  Jeremy Wendell.  Who else?"


"And now, who is buying the stock.........be it Wendell or someone else.........they're within a hair of having enough stock to gain controlling interest in Westar.  If one more stockholder sells out, Justin and I will be out.  We'll lose control of the company."


Justin takes out his phone and dials a number.  "I'm callin' Carl Hannigan.  After us, he owns the next largest block of Westar stock.  I've got to stop him from sellin' us out."  Justin waits for an answer.  Finally, as he is about to hang up, a man answers.  "Carl, Justin Ewing here.  Look, as you know someone has been buyin' up large chunks of Westar stock.  Elizabeth Michaels and Ed Shapiro just sold us out.  Now I need your assurance that you won't sell your stock in the company, no matter how much someone offers you for it.  If you, me, and Pamela band together, we can stop this takeover of the company."  Justin listens for a moment as the man on the other   

end of the line speaks.  An angry expression again comes over Justin's face.  "Hannigan, you just made one hell of a huge mistake.  I'll make you regret this, if it's the last thing I ever do,"  Justin says, then slams his phone down on the table.


"Justin, what did he say?"  Pamela asks.


"He betrayed us.  Hannigan just sold his shares, not ten minutes before I called him.  That's it, Pamela.  We've lost.  We no longer own controlling interest in Westar."


Pamela fights back tears.  She is about to say something when she looks across the room and 

sees Jeremy standing at the bar watching them with a sadistic smile on his face.  Justin, Bobby, Ann, Ray, and Donna also turn and look at Jeremy.  Justin and Pamela needed no more proof than that devious smile to prove to them that Jeremy was behind this hostile takeover of Westar.  Justin glares at Jeremy with a look of pure hate on his face, as Jeremy savors his victory over at least part of the Ewing clan!








Write a comment

Comments: 36
  • #1

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 02:02)

    How in the world is Miguel Trevino Elena Ramos Channing son? How in the world is John Ross his father? You know I don’t believe Elena at all! Miguel Trevino already has a mother, Lucia Trevino. He has a father Nicholas Trevino. You know one thing that I’ve gotten to learn about Elena Ramos Channing, she has gotten to be a really good troublemaker and liar since she been married to Micheal Channing that family is just a bunch of troublemakers. Overall, John Ross better not believe a word that Elena Romas Channing says. Man, Krystina Carrington Ewing was really sharp not to believe a word she says. Something tells me Krystina is going to get involved in this mess before it’s over.

  • #2

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 07:59)

    Bobby was right about Elena Ramos Channing too. She has caused major problems between John Ross and Christopher and I still remember when she was working with Cliff Barnes. Her meeting up with Pamela was interesting and I remember when Pamela was with Christopher Ewing? He didn’t know she was Cliff Barnes daughter. Then Elena was with Christopher too when she had their little love triangle. It’s amazing that both of these women have been with Christopher and John Ross though respectively. Their past has definitely been very complicated. Anyway though I definitely don’t like Elena anymore. I used to but Krystina is right. Bobby again is right too. All she brings when she comes around is trouble. This is true.

  • #3

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 08:22)

    Krystina needs to definitely get involved and call Elena on her crap. John Ross may be Elena’s first love, the mother of his child, but she is not to be trusted. She at times is a liar, and I remember what she did. She told John Ross that their unborn child was dead. Stillborn! When she did that I guarantee you that’s the day John Ross stopped trusting his former love. Right now the love of his life is Krystina Carrington Ewing. She’s better than Elena Ramos-Channing. I mean he grieved for his unborn child while Elena had that child and tried keeping him from John Ross. Her credibility is shot to hell and it’s her fault she only has supervised visitation while John Ross and Krystina have full custody. She took away his chance to be a father, and she severely underestimated him. She figured since he was too much like JR, that he would influence their unborn son to be like JR and that has been farthest from the truth. John Ross been a great father to Little John, Little Ellie, and Alex Ewing. John Ross has 3 kids. Not 4. Miguel is not his son like wow! Elena got some nerve coming in and causing all this trouble with his nonsense!

  • #4

    NRK (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 09:52)

    It sounds like Elena was a teenager or barely legal when she had Miguel. Maybe Elena's mother Carmen decided that the baby should be left with Nicolas and Lucia. Elena grew up with John Ross and Christopher, and while she was seriously involved with Christopher, she may have had a drunken one night stand with John Ross, like Charlie did when she and John Ross conceived Alex. Expect John Ross to have a DNA test done before he accepts Miguel as his son. If this is a problem for John Ross IV, expect to see him run off to the treehouse.

    It looks like Michael getting sick pneumonia caused Lucas to fall off the wagon. I guess Lucas will have to stay at the rehab center that Dylan was at. Maybe Dylan will become Lucas' sponsor.

    If Wendell does indeed now have a controlling interest in Westar, will he run it himself or install a puppet CEO?

    And we finally have a name for Dylan and Jasmine's baby, Dylan Matthew. So he was named for his father and maternal grandfather. Hopefully he won't turn out like Tom Marvolo Riddle (Voldemort) from the Harry Potter series.

  • #5

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 10:31)

    I can’t stand Jasmine! She is such a troublemaker and I can’t believe she going to antagonize somebody in their own house. I curse the day Dylan ever met Jasmine, all she has done is cause problems between Dylan and Connor. She got caught up in her feud with Ashley Beaumont she’s lying about Ashley Beaumont assaulting her only because she’s salty that Connor didn’t want her. She’s salty that Connor wanted Ashley and that the sex was better with her. He was never attracted to Janine either. For once Jasmine keep your mouth shut!

  • #6

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 10:35)

    I would have thought that Jasmine would have changed becoming a mother having Baby Matthew but now I see she hasn’t changed. She hasn’t changed at all and the audicity of making Ashley Beaumont go through this ridiculous trail. The whole thing was an accident!

  • #7

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 11:05)

    Dang Jasmine is easily the most low down conniving and sneaky jealous person I’ve ever seen. She hasn’t learned her lesson at all lmmfao like good god! Jasmine has to stop being disrespect, and everything. Like wow! Be respectful toward people who are harder than you young lady and watch how you speak to them. You have a lot of work to do as a mother and person and so on.

  • #8

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 11:25)

    Lucas and Micheal need major therapy! Death, abusing alcohol excessively, grieving at the end of the day, and Micheal got pneumonia from the cold. That scene would make anyboy relapse brcsuse they would really start to feel guilty.

  • #9

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 12:31)

    Please John Ross take a damn DNA test before you take the word of your lying baby momma! I can’t stand Elena Ramos-Channing! All she brings is trouble every time she comes to Southfork. Krystina saw Elena coming a mile away that he doesn’t believe a word she says. I love Krystina she got some really sharp instincts that’s for sure instincts that she got from her mother and late father.

  • #10

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 12:36)

    And now to you Wendell you are a low down snake in that you forced a trusted employee to betray the Ewings! Like it’s time that Bobby helped Pamela and Justin take down the old man because this is ridiculous. I hate how he is being successful at it too.

  • #11

    Cindy Shaft (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 16:49)

    Wow. What a story. Hard to believe Miquel is Elana and John Ross. I did not see that coming. Jeremy is such the protaganist for the Ewings. It will be fun to read about how they will get even with the damage he will do. I want to thank you John for your writing the last 10 years. 10 years ago my sister was dying from cancer and you gave me something to look forward to every in such a sad time of my life. I was so upset when Larry Hagman died and then again when they cancelled Dallas A week later I started reading your episodes and that was my escape. Thank you!

  • #12

    Rose Meisenhelder (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 19:33)

    Okay, I agree that Jasmine is a sneaky troublemaker. However, Conner doesn't have cause to blame her for ruining his relationship with Dylan. Conner, you slept with Ashley when she was Dylan's girlfriend. Jasmine may have exposed you, but YOU need to take some responsibility. How Dylan found out is irrelevant, you and Ashley were cheating, and Dylan would have been furious with no matter how he found out.

  • #13

    trevor campbell (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 20:53)

    wow if that twist about miguel is true, that might be the most shocking twist in dallas history, a lot of questions need to be answered if he's john ross and elena's son, but the trevinos raised him

  • #14

    Dollyflinngable (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 22:23)

    Great esposide .

  • #15

    Timmy (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 22:48)

    I don't get why Pamela and Justin didn't buy up the weststar stock to strengthen there strong hold on the company they must have known Wendell was coming for weststar and even John Ross should have bought shares and stock and votedbis pr

  • #16

    Timmy (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 22:51)

    His proxy's with Pamela and Justin Justin and Pamela weren't going to go after Ewing oil like Wendell is going go to le

  • #17

    Timmy (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 22:51)

    Sorry internet's playing up

  • #18

    Ada Vincent (Tuesday, 08 October 2024 23:14)

    Great writing as usual

  • #19

    NRK (Wednesday, 09 October 2024 14:29)

    @Derek Sharing women seems to be a Ewing family trait.
    Pamela has gotten with Christopher, John Ross, and Justin
    Elena has gotten with John Ross and Christopher
    Amanda got with John Ross, Christopher, Justin, Jimmy, and Dylan
    Heather got with Christopher and Lucas
    Charlie got with John Ross and Christopher
    In the previous generation:
    Pam got with Bobby and Ray
    Sue Ellen got with JR and Ray
    Jenna got with Bobby and Ray
    Garnett McGee got with JR and Ray
    April with Jack, JR, and Bobby
    Abby got with JR and Gary

  • #20

    Rose Meisenhelder (Wednesday, 09 October 2024 22:35)

    @ NRK
    Quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 7 episode 2
    "Is there anyone here that hasn't slept together?"

  • #21

    NRK (Thursday, 10 October 2024 06:49)

    @Rose And that's to say nothing of the 6 women that JR crossed swords with Cliff on.

    I forgot to mention, Emma got with John Ross and Lucas. I thought that one of the characters would have said that Emma and Lucas shouldn't be together because they are step brother and sister. Bobby and Ann don't have any children together, but they share a grandson.

  • #22

    Andrew P Hass (Thursday, 10 October 2024 12:30)

    Didn't Amanda also had sex with Christopher when she was married to John Ross and Alex caught Christopher leaving Amanda's bedroom?
    As for Wendell, maybe the Ewings should find out where he's getting the money for his attempted takeover of Westar because maybe they could stop him by cutting off his money.
    As for Elena, maybe she is Miguel's biological mother because she wasn't ready to be a mother at that time and so she gave her child away but i have doubts about John Ross been the father.However maybe JR is Miguel's father and not John Ross which could really complicate things because Elena may not have wanted JR to know he had another child out there since she may have known what JR was like and that could explain why she went to Mexico after learning she was pregnant.

  • #23

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 10 October 2024 18:04)

    It’s the same situation all over again! Elena Ramos-Channing is a troublemaker. She’s not Miguel’s biological mother, John Ross is not his biological father. But Elena Ramos-Channing is nothing more than a habitual liar and troublemaker. She lied about Little John being stillborn. Trust me, if any woman told me a story like that and it used to be someone I love, I’d have a really hard time believing anything they say ever again. I have again major doubts that John Ross is Miguel Trevinos father. How convenient Elena Ramos Channing doesn’t want John Ross to know she had another child which means she had planned on keeping that boy from him all over again. But I just don’t believe it, please Krystina step in and help your man out.

  • #24

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 10 October 2024 18:11)

    Yes Andrew P Hass, Amanda was very promiscuous. She slept with everyone! John Ross, Christopher and Alex caught her coming out of his bedroom, she slept with Justin, and even Jimmy. She was married to both John Ross and Justin who are brothers. Unbelievable! All of that is just way too messy and way too complicated.

  • #25

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 10 October 2024 18:26)

    Andrew P Hass, Amanda slept with Dylan so she slept with literally everyone. Yes Bobby needs to get involved to figure out where Wendell is getting the money so he can take over Westar at the end of the day. Wendell got some many enemies and I could see one of them taking him out. I could see Katherine doing it too.

  • #26

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 10 October 2024 18:41)

    Yes NRK unfortunately sharing women is absolutely a Ewing trait so you are absolutely correct about the list there. That’s how things got so complicated with all those relationships with the new generation and previous older generation. You forgot one too Jimmy Beaumont was with both Michelle Stevens and Debra Lynn Warren. He eventually ended up choosing Debra Lynn Warren who became Debra Lynn-Beaumont.

  • #27

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 10 October 2024 18:57)

    Rose I didn’t say anything about the stuff you wrote, all I’m willing to say is that everybody had a part to play in that whole mess. Something like that has happened to everybody in this whole family. Connor has taken responsibility he has. He apologized to Dylan, Ashley has apologized to Dylan too. They both have taken responsibility for how that mess happened. You know Connor let Dylan beat him up, I doubt he’s going to let him do it again. No it doesn’t matter how Dylan found out or how he exposed Ashley and you when she was his girlfriend. it came out. But my point is they were all reconciling with each other that’s the issue I have; Dylan and Connor were back to at least being civil with each other. Then their complicated history I know is connected to this case. But the other issue I have is Jasmines baby is fine, she’s fine herself. Why is she pushing this? This whole entire thing was an accident not meticulous. If Jasmine had any common sense or any hope for being a better person and not like her mother, she will drop these absurd charges. She hates Ashley Beaumont and wants to punish her for what she did to Dylan.

  • #28

    NRK (Friday, 11 October 2024 09:38)

    @Derek I was talking about women who have been with multiple Ewing men, not any Ewing man who has had multiple women, of which most have. Alex may break the mold if he marries Bridget and stays faithful to her.
    Actually, there may be one I missed if we count the Dallas book as being canon. In that JR had an affair with Valene, and he is Lucy's biological father.

  • #29

    Andrew P Hass (Friday, 11 October 2024 12:36)

    @DerekMatthews I'm wondering if Jasmine is going after Ashley because she's jealous of her and maybe Jasmine is wondering if Dylan would have married her or even be with her if she wasn't the mother of his child.Also maybe Jasmine is going after Ashley to test Dylan in a way because she may want to see if he supports Ashley and not her.Also by dropping the charges Jasmine could look good to everyone and not look vindictive.

  • #30

    Derek Mathews (Friday, 11 October 2024 12:54)

    Well i understand several different various beautiful women have shared or been with mutiple Ewing men. Alex is not a cheater and if he marries Bridget he will be faithful to her. He doesn’t have it in him to cheat. JR and Valene don’t like each other. I’m pretty sure Gary is Lucy’s dad. The whole JR is Lucy’s dad doesn’t make sense though.

  • #31

    Derek Mathews (Friday, 11 October 2024 13:06)

    Andrew P Hass all that is way too much energy and time consuming. To think that someone would do all that just to test somebody or test their feelings for somebody is very highly manipulative, and we both know Jasmine is very easily highly manipulative. She is her mothers daughter. If you have to do something like you, you are very insecure as a woman, and person. Well so far Dylan is supporting her so her little test is working. Connor is supporting Ashley, and that’s it. Jasmine needs to drop these absurd and ridiculous charges.

  • #32

    Rose Meisenhelder (Friday, 11 October 2024 15:34)

    @NRK My understanding of Gary & Val's relationship is that Gary met Val when she was 15 and working as a waitress, and he was 17. Val became pregnant, they got married and then Gary brought her home to meet the family. So Val & J.R. didn't even meet until after she was pregnant. Let's not blow this, Gary is the ONLY Ewing brother with more than one kid by the same woman.

  • #33

    John Walden (Saturday, 12 October 2024 01:32)

    @NRK........that Dallas book by Lee Rountree is anything but canon. In it, Valene was changed to "Maureen" and Miss Ellie's daddy's name in the book was Sam Southworth instead of Aaron.

  • #34

    Andrew P Hass (Saturday, 12 October 2024 16:07)

    @DerekMatthews I agree that Alex would never cheat on Bridget because he may not want to be like his father where John Ross has cheated on Krystina but maybe the better question should be would Bridget ever cheat on Alex?It would be an interesting twist if Alex is faithful but Bridget isn't.
    As for Jasmine, i agree that she needs to drop the charges against Ashley because she's got to nothing to gain really by pursuing the charges.Plus maybe the best revenge Jasmine could get is just to be happy with Dylan and their baby and forget about Ashley.Plus lets say Ashley goes on trial for hurting Jasmine things could come out publicly that people may have wanted to keep private.

  • #35

    Derek Mathews (Monday, 14 October 2024 04:23)

    Alex doesn’t have cheating in him. Hell Bridget doesn’t have it in her either. These young people have been with each other a long time. Yes it would be an interesting twist if Bridget did cheat on Alex. But I believe they are both committed to each other. I would be super stunned if Bridget ever did something like that. We both know that John Ross is no saint, he’s done lots of unethical things such as cheating but believe it or not he’s actually practiced disgression there. His dad cheated on his mother hundreds of times and he was anything but discreet. John Ross does love his family and has gone well beyond his means to protect it. He’s mellowed down considerably he just gets caught up sometimes because he’s trying to prove a point to somebody. He doesn’t like being underestimated and Bobby is always underestimating him. Sometimes John Ross mother Sue Ellen is too. Right the charges are ridiculous and absurd. Ashley didn’t hurt Jasmine meticulously. The whole thing was an accident. The person that really might be put on trail is Jasmine herself. Because it could come out that Jasmine set the whole thing up to entice Ashley into a confrontation since she followed her up into that restroom. Yes that best revenge idea is just crazy enough to work. Yes focus on your brand new baby, be happy you have a husband who is head over heels in love with you, who will always be on your side, and forget about Ashley. Why waste time and energy trying to hate someone who doesn’t like you anyway? Ashley and Jasmine just need to stay away from each other. If that trail goes through then all of their history with Connor and Dylan would come out. Their reputations would be on the line too.

  • #36

    Andrew P Hass (Monday, 14 October 2024 10:03)

    I like Alex and Bridget as a couple and i hope they get married soon but eventually there has to be some kind of conflict/drama in their relationship or they became boring.As for John Ross, yes i agree he loves his family and unlike JR maybe he's learned from his mistakes and there's lines he won't cross no matter what.As for Jasmine, maybe she would agree to drop the charges against Ashley if she can get a restraining order keeping Ashley away from her.