EPISODE 254 - Blizzard! Part 2

Previously on DALLAS:

-----------After her accident at the Oil Baron's Ball, Jasmine was rushed to the hospital, where she gave birth to a baby boy.

-----------An angry Dylan blamed Ashley for Jasmine's accident.

-----------In Knots Landing, Craig and Jill learned of the death of Craig's grandmother, Mavis Anderson, and headed back to Dallas for the funeral.

-----------Bobby proposed to Clay that John Ross be allowed to return to work at Ewing Oil.  At first Clay resisted the idea but they he agreed to it.

-----------After Mavis's funeral, Craig was reunited with his estranged brothers.

-----------John Ross agreed to Bobby's offer to return to work at Ewing Oil as vice-president, but John Ross was obviously hatching a scheme to get back into the president's chair.

-----------Jasmine pressed charges against Ashley, and she was arrested for assault.

-----------As an unexpected snowstorm headed toward Southfork, Lucas gave permission to Michael, Casey, and Devon to go horseback riding on the ranch.  When the storm turned into a full fledged blizzard, the boys ended up stranded in the storm when they were thrown from their horses!


While the worst snowstorm to hit the area in years is going on outside, Bobby, Lucas, and Christopher come into the living room at Southfork, followed by Ann.  "Still no answer on Michael's phone, and I don't know Casey's or Devon's numbers."


"They may be in an area of the ranch where there's no signal,"  Christopher says.


"We'd better take some extra warm clothing or some blankets,"  Bobby says.  "Those boys are gonna be half frozen when we find 'em."


"I wish we could take the chopper up," Lucas says.  


"So do I, son, but it's too dangerous in this blizzard."


"Okay, I think we're all set,"  says Christopher.


"I already called the bunkhouse and alerted the hands to what's goin' on, and they're all gonna join in the search,"  Bobby says.  "We're gonna need every available man."


"And woman," Ann says.  "I'm comin' with you."


"No, honey.  Look, it could be dangerous out there in this weather.  I'm already worried about the boys, I don't wanna have to worry about you out there, too."


"Bobby,"  Ann sternly says.  "Even after 18 years of marriage, you still don't realize that I am not some helpless female who doesn't know my way around a ranch."


"Honey, please, just stay here and let us look for the boys."


John Ross, Krystina, and Krystle come in at that moment.  "Snow is so pretty,"  Krystle says.  "Reminds me of being back home in Denver."


"It's too bad Little John is in California visiting his mother," Krystina says.  "He'd really love this."


"Yeah, he would,"  John Ross agrees.  "Hey, y'all, what's goin' on?  Y'all look worried about somethin'."


"Michael, Casey, and Devon Lewis went out riding a while ago and they haven't come back yet," replies Christopher.  


"We're goin' out lookin' for the boys now," says Bobby.


"Y'all hang on while I get my coat and I'll come help," John Ross says.


"Bobby, do you think we should call Jill?"  Ann asks.


"No, I don't think we should worry her just now.  The boys may be on their way back as we speak."


"Michael knows his way around this ranch pretty well," Lucas says.  "But he's never been out on the ranch too far in this kind of weather.


"Bobby, is there anything we can do?"  Krystina asks.


"No, thank you, Krystina.  Just say a little prayer."


John Ross returns with his coat.  "Okay, let's go," he says, and he, Bobby, Lucas, and Christopher head out into the heavy snow.



Out on the ranch, Casey and Devon continue trying to find a way to get a still unconscious Michael up the hill to possible safety.  


"I don't see how we're gonna do this,"  Devon says.  


"We have to."


"We can't get up that hill with him."


"Dude, listen to me,"  Casey says.  "We gotta keep trying.  "Now come on."


As Casey grabs one of Michael's arms, he hears Michael moan, as if he is starting to regain consciousness.  


"Michael?"  Casey says.  "Hey, Michael?  Come on, wake up."


Slowly, Michael opens his eyes and looks up at his cousin.  


"Thank God,"  Casey says.  "Michael, are you okay?"


"Wha......what happened?"  Michael asks.  


"The horse bucked and threw you,"  Devon replies.  "We all fell down this hill."


"Michael, can you get on your feet?"  Casey asks.


Michael nods, but as he tries to get up, a terrible pain strikes him in his ankle.  "Oh, GOD!!!"  He yells out.


"What is it?"  Casey asks.


"My ankle.  Feels like it's broken,"  Michael replies in tears.


"Can you stand on it at all?"


Michael tries to get on his feet, but the pain is too severe, and he falls down onto the snow.  "I can't"


"We can help you,"  says Casey.  "Now that you're awake, you can put your arms around our necks and gold on.  You won't be like dead weight for us to carry."


"Can you put your arms around our necks?"  Devon asks.


Michael again nods.  He puts his right arm around Casey's neck and his left around Devon's.  The other two boys put their arms around Michael's neck and help him to his feet.  


"Okay,"  Casey says.  "Somehow, we gotta climb this hill and get back up to the pasture above us.  You guys ready?"


"Yeah,"  replies Devon.


"Ready,"  Michael says in a weak voice.  Then the boys begin the difficult effort of trying to make their way up the steep, snow covered hill with an injured Michael.



Back at the house, Ann, Krystina, and Krystle are watching the weather report on TV.  "As of this morning, more than 90% of the state of Texas is covered in snow.  Right now the Dallas-Fort Worth area has 3 to 4 inches on the ground already, and the snow is still comin' down out there.  And, in addition to the snow, almost the entire state is experiencing record cold temperatures.  Here in the   

Dallas area, the actual temperature right now is 18 degrees, but with the wind chill it feels like a frigid 6 degrees above 0.  And 18 is going to be the high today.  The normal high is 61, but at least we made it into the high teens.  The low this morning, and I've mentioned this multiple times, was the second coldest temperature ever recorded in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.  The coldest on record was 8 below, and that happened in February of 1899.  We were expecting a possibility of a wintry mix during the course of today, but this blizzard that's happening right now caught everyone a little off guard, as well as these near record cold temperatures.  But, we do have some  

good news.  Warmer weather is on the way, as over the next several days the temperatures will gradually warm back up to average for this time of year.

Ann picks up the remote and turns the sound on the TV down.  "God, I'm so worried about the boys out there in this weather," she says.  "I'm worried about Bobby and the others out lookin' for them, too.  I should've gone with them."


"Ann, we're all feeling helpless right now,"  says Krystina.  "But the best thing we can do is to stay here and wait, as helpless as that makes us feel."


"Krystina's right, Ann."  Krystle says.  "The last thing the men need is to worry about you out there getting lost, too."


"I do know my way around this ranch, and I've faced snowstorms before."


"One like this?"  Krystle asks.  "The weather a little while ago said this was a snowstorm like this area hasn't seen in almost a century.  Ann, take it from someone who's lived in Colorado for many years.  You could get lost out in a storm like this no matter how well you know your way around.  I'm not saying this to further frighten you, but to help you understand why Bobby didn't want you going with them."


Ann gets up from her seat on the sofa and goes to the window and looks out.  "I wish they would hurry up and get back with the boys."


Krystina walks over to her.  "Ann, I really think we should call Jill and Craig, and Justin, too,"  she says.  


"I think you're right.  Why don't you call Justin, and I'll call Jill?"  Ann suggests.



Dallas Police Department....




Meanwhile, Ashley is taken into custody after being arrested for assaulting Jasmine at the Oil Baron's Ball.  She is booked and fingerprinted at the Dallas Police Department, a blank and dazed look on her face as she struggles to believe what is happening to her. 

After being booked, Ashley is placed in a holding cell.  


A short time later, Conner and Clay rush into the Dallas Police Department and approach the front desk.  "Excuse me,"  Clay says.  "My sister, Ashley Beaumont, was brought in earlier."


"Beaumont?"  Asks the officer on duty.  "Know what the charge is?"


"When she called me, she told me she'd been arrested for assault,"  Conner says.


The officer looks at a file on his desk in front of him.  "Oh, yes.  Ashley Lynn Beaumont?"


"Yes, that's her,"  replies Clay.


"Can we see her?"  Conner asks.


Just then, Jay Smithfield comes into the station.  "Clay, Conner,"  Jay says.


"Jay, thank God you're here,"  Conner says.


"Yeah we just got here ourselves,"  Clay says.  "We just asked if we could see Ashley."


"Officer,"  Jay says.  "My name is Jay Smithfield, and I'll be acting as legal counsel for Ashley Beaumont.  We'd like to see Miss Beaumont, please."


"Sure thing," the officer says.  He picks up his phone and presses a button.  "Yeah," he says.  "Ashley Beaumont's attorney and brother are here to see her."  After a few seconds, the officer hangs up the phone.  "You can see your client in the visitation room.  Down the hall, third door on the left."


"Thanks, I know where it is,"  Jay says.  He, Conner, and Clay head down the hall to the visitation room and go in.  


"Conner, did Ashley tell you anything on the phone when she called, other than that she had been arrested for assault?"  Jay asks.


"No, not really.  She only said she'd been arrested for assaulting Jasmine the other night."


Jay is about to say something else, when an officer brings Ashley into the room.  Ashley immediately rushes into Conner's arms and the two embrace.


"Are you okay?"  Conner asks.


"I'm fine.  Just scared to death."


"Ashley, I called Jay to represent you,"  says Clay.


"Thank you.  Hello, Jay."


"Ashley, hello,"  Jay says.  "Can you tell me exactly what happened between you and Jasmine Cory?"


"You mean Jasmine Ewing,"  says Ashley.  "It's Ewing now that she and Dylan are married."


"Yes, I'm sorry,  I should've remembered Jasmine and my cousin Dylan were married now.  So what happened?"  Jay says, all four taking seats at the table in the visitation room.


"That night, the night of the Oil Baron's Ball, I went to the ladies' room.  No sooner had I gone in than Jasmine came in behind me."


"Jasmine came in right behind you?"  Jay asks.




"Do you think she followed you to the ladies' room?"


"I'm sure of it,"  Conner says.  "I saw Jasmine get up and follow Ashley out of the ballroom."


"Ashley, do YOU believe she followed you to the ladies' room?"


"Yes, I do.  I don't believe she just HAPPENED to come in there as soon as I did."


"Okay, so what happened after Jasmine arrived in the ladies' room.  Did you argue?"  Jay asks.


Ashley nods.  "Yes, we did."


"What'd you argue about?"


"She was just being her usual self, trying to egg me on,"  Ashley replies.  "Trying to bait me into an argument.  She made comments about her and Dylan, and the fact that they're married now and expecting a baby.  She also made comments about Conner."


"What kind of comments?"


Ashley hesitates a moment before answering, somewhat embarrassed.  She lets out a sigh.  "Comments about mine and Conner's sex life.  Derogatory comments about Conner."


Conner shakes his head.  


"I see," Jay says.  

"She was just jealous,"  says Ashley.


"Jealous?"  Jay asks.  "Of what?"


"Jasmine and I dated before Ashley and I got together,"  Conner says.


"Yes, I remember.  So, Jasmine was making these comments about you and Conner, and trying to force a confrontation?"


"Yes.  I think she was."


"Can you tell me what she said?"  Jay asks.  


Ashley looks at Conner and is reluctant to answer.


"Come on, Ashley,"  Conner says.  "Tell Jay what Jasmine said."


"She said that..........the whole thing started when Jasmine brought up the fact that Conner and I........we slept together while she was dating Conner and I was with Dylan.  I responded by saying she was jealous and wished that were Conner's baby she was carrying instead of Dylan's."


"And what did Jasmine say to that?"


"She got really nasty then.  She said that in Dylan she had a real man, and that when she and Conner were together, he was never able to...........perform,"  Ashley says reluctantly.  


"I was never attracted to Jasmine in that way,"  Conner says.  "I never had that problem with Ashley."  


"After she said that, I said that it was because of who and what Conner was with.  Then she said Dylan never had that problem with her."


"What happened after that?"  Jay asks.


"I warned her."


"You warned her?  About what?"


"Not to hurt Dylan.  He's a decent guy who's been hurt too many times.  I don't exactly remember every word that was said after that, but, she called me a tramp, and I said it takes one to know one.  I turned and started to leave the restroom, but she grabbed me by my arm.  I told her to let go of me, and I........"  Ashley pauses mid- sentence.


"You what, Ashley?"  Jay asks.


"I sort of gently pushed her away from me.  That's when she lost her balance and fell."


"You pushed her?  How hard?"


"Not hard at all."


Jay sighs and nods.  


"Jay, how bad does this look for my sister?"  Clay asks.  


"Well, I'll be honest.  The fact that Ashley admits she pushed Jasmine doesn't look good.  But, we can argue extenuating circumstances.  The fact that Jasmine followed Ashley into the ladies' room and initiated the confrontation.  However, one thing does concern me very much."


"What's that, Jay?"  Conner asks.


"The history between the four of you.........Ashley, you, Dylan, and Jasmine.  It could create quite a scandal if this goes to court, and it could paint Jasmine in a more sympathetic light than she's already in."


"You mean because Ashley and I..........."


"You and Ashley slept together while you were in a relationship with Jasmine, and Ashley was in a relationship with your brother,"  Jay says.


"What about what Jasmine did?"  Ashley asks.


"What do you mean?"


"She set it up so that Dylan would find Ashley and I together.......making love.  Dylan attacked me and nearly beat me half to death, and our relationship has never recovered from that,"  says Conner.


"Jasmine destroyed Conner and Dylan's relationship as brother, and she almost ruined Dylan's life,"  Ashley says.  


"Well perhaps we could use that to our advantage,"  says Jay.  "The simple truth is, none of you are gonna out of this looking very good."


"Jay, can we get Ashley out of here?"  Clay asks.


"Well, this unexpected snowstorm has pretty much brought everything to a standstill in the city today, but I'll speak to the assistant D.A. and to a friend of mine who's a judge and see if we can't get Ashley arraigned this afternoon so she can be bailed out."


"Thank you, Jay,"  Ashley says.  "I don't think I could stand to spend a night in this place."


"Jay, is this gonna be a problem for you?"  Conner asks.  "I mean, you being Dylan's cousin's and Jasmine being Dylan's wife?  It's not a conflict of interest if you represent Ashley, is it?"


Jay looks at him and smiles reassuringly.  "No, not at all.  Especially since Dylan and I don't really have any kind of a close relationship or anything, despite being cousins."


"Good,"  Conner says.


"Ashley, you sit tight,"  Jay says.  "I'm gonna go make a couple phone calls and see if I can't get a an arraignment for you today."


Ashley nods.  Jay smiles at her, then leaves the room.  


Conner takes her by the hand.  "Everything's gonna be okay.  I promise."


"I'm scared,"  says Ashley.  "Really scared."


"Jasmine's not gonna get away with this,"  Conner says.  "I swear, she isn't."


Casey, Devon, and Michael are walking along the banks of a creek at Southfork, Casey and Devon helping Michael since he can only walk on one leg, until they finally find a place to make their way back up the hill and into the pasture where they had fallen from earlier.  "There,"  Michael says, pointing to a place to get up the snow covered hill.


"Yeah, I think we can make it here!"  Casey says.  


"It's so cold, I can't feel my hands or my feet anymore,"  Devon says.


"We're all cold,"  says Casey.  "But we have to get back up to the pasture.  No one would think of looking for us down here.  Come on."


Mustering all their strength, Casey and Devon carry Michael up the less steep slope of the hill.


 Meanwhile, Bobby and Lucas are searching frantically for the boys, riding across a pasture at the ranch while the snow continues to fall, the bone chilling wind so cold that it caused their lungs to hurt with each breath.  "MICHAEL!!!"  Lucas and Bobby both call out as loud as they could.  


"This is all my fault!"  Lucas says.  


"Son, you can't blame yourself!"  Bobby says.


"If I hadn't let the boys go out riding in this weather, they wouldn't be out here lost somewhere!"


"You couldn't have known the weather was gonna get this bad!  Right now let's focus on finding the boys."


Meanwhile, John Ross and Christopher are searching another area of the ranch.  "This is impossible,"  John Ross says.  "We're never gonna find those kids out here in this snowstorm.  We don't even know where they went.  They could be anywhere on this huge ranch."


"We have to keep looking!"  Christopher says.  Between us, Dad, Lucas, and all the hands, we're bound to find them!"


"If we don't all freeze to death first, or get lost out here ourselves!  You and me both know Southfork like the back of our hand, but in this snow and wind it's hard to even tell where we are."


"Don't worry, we're not gonna get lost.  But those three kids are, and if we don't find them, I hate to think what might happen to them out here in this."


"All, right, well let's keep goin',"  John Ross says.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....

 An angry Conner steps off the elevator on the fifth floor at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital that afternoon and makes his way quickly down the hall to Jasmine's room.  He pauses outside the door and then knocks.  "Come in,"  he hears Jasmine say from inside.


Conner walks into the room.  Jasmine looks surprised to see him.


"Well, Conner,"  she says.  "What are you doing here?"


"You know damned well what I'm doing here.  What the hell is wrong with you?  Having Ashley arrested and charged with assaulting you?"


"She did.  She pushed me."


"It was an accident,"  Conner says.  "One that never would've happened if you hadn't followed Ashley into the bathroom at the Oil Baron's Ball."


"I didn't follow her in there."


"Yes you did.  I saw you get up and leave the ballroom right after Ashley did.  You were looking right at her."


"And what were you doing at the time, Conner?"  Jasmine asks.  "Watching me?"


"Drop the charges against Ashley,"  Conner says.


"Why should I do that?  She assaulted me, and could've cost me the life of my baby.  Speaking of which, have you seen your new nephew?"


"Yes, I have, and he's a beautiful baby, but I didn't come here to talk about the baby.  I came here to try and make you see reason and drop the charges against Ashley."


Jasmine looks at him and smiles.  "You never answered my question.  Were you watching me that night, Conner?"


"Somebody needs to, you've caused so much trouble for everyone."


"I'VE caused trouble?  Your girlfriend is the real troublemaker here, darling.  She wasn't happy with Dylan, so she had to seduce you, knowing you were with me at the time."


"Oh, get off it, Jasmine,"  Conner angrily says.  "How many times are you gonna beat that dead horse?"


"It's true!"


Conner walks over to her bed.  "True?  You want the REAL truth?  Well, I'll give it to you.  The truth is, that so called relationship we had was one sided.  Why do you think I couldn't perform with you?  Why do you think I never wanted to make love with you?  It's because you didn't turn me on at all."


"I sure never had any problem turning your brother on,"  Jasmine says.  "Because Dylan's a REAL man.  He's absolutely terrific in bed.  Never had any performance issues the way you did.  Tell me, Conner.  Is that why you and Ashley still haven't gotten married or moved in together after all this time?"


"For your information, Ashley HAS moved in with me."


"Oh, really?  I sure feel sorry for her.  She's probably in for some very long, lonely nights of no sex."


"If you were a man and not in that hospital bed I'd knock your teeth out for that,"  Conner says.


"Go ahead.  Who's stopping you?  But the minute you lay a hand on me........I'll have you arrested and charged with assault, too.  And you'll probably get a much longer sentence than sweet Ashley.  Maybe I should have you charged with threatening me just now."


Conner is about to say something, but he is interrupted when Dylan walks in.  "Conner, what are you doing here?"  He asks.


"He was just leaving,"  Jasmine says.


Conner gives Jasmine and angry look, then he looks at his brother, and, using all his will power to control his temper, he leaves without saying a word to Dylan.  


"Sweetheart, I'll be right back,"  Dylan says, and he follows Conner out of the room as Jasmine smiles deviously at the new rift between her husband and his brother.  Dylan follows Conner down the hall to the elevator.  "Conner,"  he calls to him.


Conner turns around to face his brother.  


Dylan walks up to him.  "What were you doing in there with Jasmine?"


"I came to try and convince her to drop these ridiculous assault charges against Ashley."


"Ashley pushed her.  Jasmine could've lost the baby,"  Dylan angrily says.


"She only gave her a slight push because Jasmine grabbed her arm."


"That's not what Jasmine says."


"I don't give a damn what your lying troublemaker of a wife says."


Dylan quickly grabs Conner by the jacket collar and shoves him violently against a wall, his arm across Conner's chest.  "Don't you EVER talk about my wife that way again.  And you stay the hell away from her."


Unable to control his anger, Conner breaks free of his brother's grasp and violently punches Dylan in the 

 stomach, sending Dylan falling into the wall and falling to the floor.  Conner stands over his brother and looks down at him.  "I let you beat the crap out of me once before, little brother, but that was the first and last time that's ever gonna happen.  So don't you EVER try to put your hands on me again.  Or I promise you, I WILL forget that we're brothers."  Conner looks angrily at Dylan for a couple of seconds, then walks away, 

leaving Dylan on the floor in pain from the punch he had received.  


"No, Alex,  you stay over at Bridget's grandmother's house," Krystina says, pacing around the living room while she is talking on the phone to Alex.  "No, don't try to drive home in this terrible weather.  I'll call or I'll have your father call and let you know as soon as they find the boys.  I know, Alex.  Yes.  We will.  See you as soon as this blizzard is over.  Bye."  Krystina ends the call and puts her phone down as Ann comes into the room.  


"Was that Alex?"  Ann asks.


"Yeah, it was."


"Is he alright?"


"Yeah, he and Bridget are at her grandmother's house,"  Krystina replies.  "He was so worried about the boys he wanted to drive home in this weather and help in the search, but I told him to stay put."


"Amen to that,"  says Ann.  "We have enough of our men folk out there in this weather."


Krystina sighs.  "I know, and I feel so helpless."


Meanwhile, Krystle comes down the stairs in the foyer.  As she reaches the bottom, she is suddenly stricken by a terrible pain in her head, and a dizzy spell.  She grabs on to the banister and braces herself.  She waits for almost a full moment until the dizziness passes, then she proceeds into the living room where Ann and Krystina are.  "Well, what does it look like outside?"  Krystle asks, trying to smile and be as cheerful as possible.


"The snow is still comin' down pretty hard,"  replies Ann.


"Has there been any word from John Ross and the others?"  Krystle asks.


"No, not yet," says Krystina.  "Mom, are you okay?"


"Yes, sweetheart, I'm fine.  Just a little tired, that's all."


"Why don't you go up and lie down for a while?  I'll bring you up a cup of hot cocoa."

"No.  I've spent enough time lying down,"  Krystle snaps, taking both Ann and Krystina aback.  Krystle immediately feels remorse for her sharpness.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to be so short with you."


"It's alright, Mom,"  says Krystina.  "But are you sure you're okay?"


"Yes.  I......I think I will go up and lie down for a while," Krystle says.  "Please let me know if there's any word on the boys."


"We will, Krystle,"  Ann says.  


Krystle nods, then leaves the room.  As she goes into the foyer and starts to head upstairs, Krystle stumbles, and grabs onto the stair railing as she is stricken by a terrible pain in her head and a ringing in her ears.  For a moment, the pain is so bad that Krystle thinks she is going to lose consciousness.  After several seconds, the pain begins to subside and she proceeds on up the stairs.


Back in the living room, Krystina has a worried look on her face.  "Krystina, are you alright?"  Ann asks.


"I'm worried about my Mom."


"Krystle did act a little strange.  She's probably just tired and under stress."


"I hope you're right,"  Krystina says.


 Michael, Casey, and Devon have managed to make their way to the top of the hill and back into the pasture, with great difficulty.  The boys look around.  "Which way, Michael?"  Casey asks.  "Which way back to the stables?"


"I.........that way, I think,"  Michael replies, pointing to their left.  "I'm not sure which way we came."


"They must be out looking for us by now,"  says Devon.  


"They don't even know where to look for us,"  Casey says.  "On this big ranch, they may not find us for days."


"I'm freezing,"  Devon says.


"We all are,"  says Casey.  "Michael, how are you feeling?"


"Besides freezing, I feel kinda dizzy."


"Yeah you took a pretty good blow to the head when you fell down that hill."


"My.......my horse,"  Michael says.  "What happened to the horses?"


Casey and Devon exchange looks.  "Two of the horses ran off,"  Casey replies.  "The ones Devon and I were riding."


"And what about my horse?  What about Buddy?"  Michael asks.


"Sorry, man,"  Casey says.  "He was hurt pretty bad in the fall.  His leg was broken."


"No,"  Michael cries.  


"Come on, we better keep moving,"  says Casey.  He and Devon grab Michael on each side and the three continue on their journey to find their way back to the stables.  

Elsewhere on the ranch....

 Bobby, and Lucas are continuing on across one of Southfork's numerous pastures searching for the boys.  "We should've spotted them by now,"  Lucas says.


"There's a lot of ground to cover out here,"  Bobby says.  


"That's what worries me,  The boys could be anywhere, and Southfork is HUGE."


"We have to think positive, son, as hard as that is.  Michael knows this ranch like the back of his hand, and he knows how to survive in a pinch."


"I know, but this freezing weather is what worries me,"  says Lucas.  


"I just hope they were close enough to the old cabin to take shelter."


"Wasn't Miguel and some of the other hands supposed to check the cabin?"  Lucas asks.


"Yeah.  We should've heard somethin' by now."


"Dad, look!"  Lucas says, pointing straight ahead across the pasture.


Bobby looks in the direction Lucas is pointing and sees one of the horses the missing boys had been riding.  "Come on,  let's check it out,"  Bobby says.  He and Lucas ride the short distance across the snow covered prairie to where the horse is standing.  


"This has to be one of the horses the boys took out,"  Lucas says.  "So they've gotta be close by."


"Not necessarily,"  replies Bobby.  "Who knows how far that horse may have come."


"Now I'm really worried.  Somethin' must have happened for this horse to have gotten away from them."


Bobby looks around the pasture, but the wind and falling snow make it hard to see far.  "MICHAEL!!!"  He calls out.  "CASEY!!!  DEVON!!!"


"MICHAEL!!!"  Lucas yells out.  

Braddock Road....

 Meanwhile, Justin's pickup truck is heading slowly down Braddock Road headed toward Southfork with Justin, Pamela, Jill, and Craig.  


"Justin, can't you go any faster?"  Jill impatiently asks.


"Not with the roads this slick, Jill."


"I'm sorry,"  Jill says.  "I'm just anxious to get to Southfork and find out if there's any news on the boys."


"Ann said she'd call if there was any news,"  says Pamela.


"I can't believe this is happening,"  Craig says.  "I just buried my grandmother, and now my son is lost in this blizzard."


"Uncle Bobby and the others will find them, and as soon as we get to the ranch, I'm goin' out and join in the search,"  Justin says.  


"So am I,"  says Craig.  


"Craig, I don't think that's a good idea,"  Justin says.  


"And why the hell not?"


"Because you're a city boy.  You wouldn't last five minutes out there on a ranch in this snowstorm."


"Justin, you forget, I'm a cop.  I know how to handle myself in all kinds of situations."


"God I pray Devon and the others are okay,"  Pamela says.  


Justin sighs.  "So do I."


"What I'd like to know is who had the bright idea to let the boys go out riding in this weather,"  Craig says.


Jill and Pamela look at him, both of them wondering the same thing.


Back at the ranch, Michael, Casey, and Devon come upon the little cabin that sits in the middle of one of the ranch's numerous pastures next to a pond.  "Hey, look......the cabin,"  Michael says, pointing out the structure to the other two boys as they come out of the woods into the pasture.  "We can take shelter there."


"Oh, thank God,"  says Casey.  "At least we'll be out of this storm."


"Come on, guys,"  Michael says.  "I feel sick."


"Let's hurry up and get inside,"  Casey says.


"What if it's locked?"  Devon asks.


"I know how we can get in,"  says Michael.  "Let's just get there."


Casey and Devon help Michael the distance to the cabin.

Back at the mansion....

Ann, Krystina, Justin, Pamela, Jill, and Craig are in the living room at Southfork, Jill anxiously pacing the room.  "How long have the boys been gone?"  Jill asks.


"A little more than three hours,"  Ann replies.


"Three hours?"  Craig asks.  "Those boys have been out in this blizzard for THREE hours?"


"Oh my God,"  says Pamela.  "It only takes a little while for frost bite to set in in this kind of weather."


"Look, we're not accomplishin' anything by standin' around,"  Justin says.  "I'm goin' down to the stables and saddle up and go out lookn'."


"I'm coming with you,"  Craig says.


"Craig, like I told you in the truck on the way out here, you're a city boy and you wouldn't last long out there."


"And like I told you, Justin......I'm a cop and I'm trained for all kinds of situations."


"Okay, let's go then."


"I'm coming, too,"  says Jill.


"Oh, no, you're not,"  Craig tells his wife.  "I don't want both you AND Casey out there."


"I think you ALL should stay here and wait for word from the others," Ann says.  "If you get lost out there, then we'll have even more trouble to deal with."


"Ann's right,"  Krystina agrees.  


"I'm not just gonna sit here while my son is lost somewhere out there in this blizzard," Craig says.  


"And don't forget, I was a ranch hand when I first came to Southfork," says Justin.  "And I've spent a lot of time here over the years.  I know this ranch as well as anybody.  Craig, let's go."


"Please, be careful,"  Pamela says, kissing her husband.


"I will."


"And you be careful, too,"  Jill says, putting her arms around Craig.


"You bet,"  Craig says, and he and Justin quickly leave as expressions of worry come over the womens' faces.

Southfork....the cabin....

Meanwhile, Casey and Devon have managed to break into the cabin and bring Michael inside out of the cold.  By the time the boys enter the cabin, Michael is feeling faint, and Casey and Devon have to carry him in.  They place Michael on the small bed that sits in one corner of the one room cabin.  


"It's cold in here, but at least we're in out of that snow,"  Casey says.  "Michael, you okay?"


"I feel kinda weird.  Like, like I might pass out.  My head's swimmin'."


"Dude, we're gonna be okay,"  Casey says.  "We just have to hold on until this storm passes, or until someone finds us."


"You think they'll look for us here?"  Devon asks.


"Probably,"  Casey replies.  "Someone will probably figure we would take shelter here."


Michael moans.


"Hey, buddy, what's wrong?"  Casey asks.


"My leg......it hurts.  And I really feel like I'm gonna faint."


"Just hold on, bro.  Just stay with us."  Casey looks around.  "Devon, go out and get some fire wood.  We'll build us a fire and that'll help us stay warm, and maybe someone will see the smoke."


"The wood'll be wet, and what are we gonna use to start the fire with?"  Devon asks.


Casey sighs.  "Crap, I didn't think about that."


"In.......the drawer,"  Michael says, his voice sounding very weak.  "Matches...."


Casey rushes to a small table on the other side of the room and opens a drawer on it.  He finds a box of kitchen matches and smiles.  "YES!"  He happily says.  "Devon, get some wood."


"Man, I'm telling you, the wood is gonna be wet from the snow.  How are we gonna light it on fire?"


"Dude, just get the wood.  We'll dry it somehow, and we can use........In know, we can use these magazines to start a fire.  But we'll need some wood to keep it going."


Devon nods, then reluctantly goes to the door.


"Devon,"  Casey says.


Devon stops at the door and looks back at Casey.


"Whatever you do, don't get too far from the cabin.  We don't need you getting lost out there.  Find some wood nearby."


Devon nods at him, then leaves. 


Casey goes back over to Michael and kneels beside the bed.  Michael's eyes are closed and he isn't moving, which frightens Devon.  "Oh my God.....Michael?"


The boy opens his eyes.  "Yeah," he says weakly.


Casey breathes a sigh of relief.  "Bro, I thought you were.......nevermind."  Casey touches Michael's forehead.  "Your head.......it's hot, and it shouldn't be.  I think you've got a fever.  How do you feel?"


"Terrible,"  Michael replies.   "I'm freezing."


"I know.  Devon will be here with that wood soon.  Meanwhile, I'll see if I can get a fire started with these magazines."  Casey, visibly worried about his cousin, stands to his feet and goes to the fireplace.  He begins ripping the magazines apart and tossing them into the fireplace.  Once he has the pieces in a neat stack, he attempts to strike one of the matches but it fails to light.  "Damn," he says in frustration.  He tries another, and again, without success.  A third and a fourth match also fail to light, the fourth one breaking in half when he strikes it on the box.  He tries a fifth time, and finally this one lights.  He quickly sets the end of a page of a magazine on fire and places it in the fireplace on top of the other pieces of the pages.  Soon, he has a nice fire going.  


After a few minutes, Devon comes back into the cabin carrying a small stack of wood.  "This is all the wood I could find."


"Good,"  says Casey.  


"Oh, man, that fire looks so good.  And it's starting to feel a little warmer in here."


"Yeah, we can dry the wood by the fire, and then use it to keep the fire going."


"How's Michael?"  Devon asks, looking at the other boy on the bed.


"Not so good.  I think he has a fever. His head's pretty hot."


"At least we're better off in here than out there in that snowstorm."


"Is it still snowing as hard, or is it letting up some?"  Casey.


"If anything, it's snowing harder,"  Devon replies.  


Casey sighs.  "Hopefully, someone will see the smoke and realize we're here."


"I sure hope so."


Casey walks over to Michael, who has fallen asleep.  Devon walks up beside Casey and they both look down at Michael.  


"You think he's gonna be okay?"  Devon asks.


"I dunno, man.  But I'm really worried."


Justin and Craig are searching for the boys on the ranch, their path made difficult by the freezing temperatures and snowfall, which hasn't let up at all.  Justin is attempting to call Bobby on his cell phone to find out where he and the other members of the search parties are on the ranch.  Unable to reach Bobby, Justin ends the call.  "Damn," he says.


"Still no luck reaching your Uncle Bobby?"  Craig asks.


"No.  I don't have much of a signal out here."


Craig takes his phone out and looks at it.  "I don't have any signal at all."


"Craig, I didn't wanna say this in front of Jill and Pamela.  But I'm scared to death that.......that when we find the boys......"


"Justin, don't even go there," Craig says.


"Look, I'm just bein' realistic here.  Those boys have been out in this blizzard for hours now.  They could be injured, or frost bite could set in pretty fast."


"You can believe that if you want.  But I have GOT to believe 

that my son is okay.  I taught Casey how to survive in the wilderness."


"And Michael knows how to take care of himself, too, but neither of them have ever faced a winter storm like this.  But you're right.  We have to have faith that they're okay, and that we're gonna find them."


"Let's keep moving," Craig says.  "You keep trying to reach Bobby or John Ross or Christopher."


Justin nods.  He takes his cell phone out and this time he dials John Ross's number.

Back at the cabin....

 Casey walks over to the small bed Michael is laying on and kneels beside him.  Michael is shivering.  Casey touches his cousin's forehead.  "He's burning up,"  Casey says.


"What are we gonna do?"  Devon asks.


"One of us is gonna have to go and try to find some help,"  Casey replies.  "And since I know the ranch a little, it's gonna have to be me."


"Dude, if you go out there alone, you could get lost."


"It's a chance I'm gonna have to 

take.  Michael is sick, and he needs help fast."


"Casey, I'm scared."


"So am I."


"Look, I think we should just stay here,"  says Devon.  "Someone is bound to find us soon.  Someone will see the smoke."


"And what if they don't?  I'm not gonna sit here and wait and maybe let Michael get worse, or die."


"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know,"  Casey replies.  "He must have some sort of infection.  He's got a fever, that's all I know.  Devon, I'm gonna need you to stay here with Michael, and, just try and keep him comfortable.  And whatever you do, don't let that fire go out.  It's possible someone could see the smoke and come here, but I can't wait to find out.  Understand?"


A frightened Devon looks at Michael, then at Casey, and he nods.  


"Good.  I'll try to be back as soon as I can."


"You don't even have a phone, dude.  What's gonna happen if you get lost out there.  It was different when it was all three of us."


"I know.  But, man, I don't know what else to do,"  Casey says, putting his hoodie and coat back on.  He walks over to Michael and looks down at him.  Casey closes his eyes and says a quick, silent prayer, then he goes to the door to leave the cabin.


"Casey,"  Devon says.


Casey stops and turns back to look at him.  


"Be careful?"


"I will.  Look, I'm gonna head in that direction,"  Casey says, pointing to his left.  "Opposite the way we came.  If anyone does come, just tell them which direction I went."


Devon nods, and Casey leaves.  Devon goes over to the small bed where Michael is laying.  He takes a seat on the floor beside the bed and begins to cry.  



John Ross and Christopher continue searching for the boys.  "I wonder if Uncle Bobby or the others have had any luck," John Ross says.


"Nah, we'd have heard somethin' if they had," replies Christopher.  


"Look.  Somebody's comin'," John Ross says, pointing eastward.  


Christopher looks up and sees someone riding toward them horseback.  "It's Miguel," says Christopher.  



"John Ross, Christopher, thank God,"  Miguel says, riding up to them.  "I was with one of the other hands, but we got separated."


"Any luck, Miguel?"  Christopher asks.


"No, none.  Worse thing is, we can't even follow any tracks the boys may have made because the snow is covering them almost as fast as they're made."



"I think I'm gonna try to reach my father or Lucas on the radio," Christopher says.


"Hey, wait a minute,"  says John Ross.  "Somebody else is comin'.  It's Justin and Craig Anderson."


"John Ross, Christopher,"  says Justin as he and Craig reach the others.  


"Any sign of the boys?"  Craig asks.


"No,"  replies Christopher.  


"What the hell are you two doin' out here?"  John Ross asks.


"Ann called us and told us about the boys," replies Justin.  "We couldn't just sit at the house and do nothin'.  Has anybody checked the old cabin over on Section 20?"


"We haven't," says Christopher.  "I don't know any of the others have or not, but if they'd found the boys, they'd have radioed us."


"Maybe we should check the cabin," Justin suggests.


"Alright, you two and Miguel do that," John Ross says.  "Christopher and I will go check out Two Stick Pasture.  Justin, Miguel, you two remember how to get to the cabin?"


"Yeah, I remember,"  Justin replies.  "It's not far from here."


"Okay, let's get goin'," Christopher says.  


The five searchers split up, with John Ross and Christopher heading in one direction, and Justin, Miguel and Craig heading in another, but no sooner had they started off than Craig's horse steps into a hole covered by snow.  The horse stumbles, and Craig, not a very experienced rider, yells out and is thrown from the horse, landing on his left shoulder.  


"CRAIG!!!"  Justin yells, alerting John Ross and Christopher, who had not gotten far, and the two turn and make their way back to them.  Justin quickly gets off his horse and rushes to his brother-in-law.  "Craig, you okay?"


"My shoulder, I hurt my shoulder," Craig says.  


"What happened?"  Christopher asks.


"My horse stepped in a hole or something," Craig says.  


"Can you get up?"  Justin asks.


"I think so."  As Craig tries to get up, he yells out in pain.  "Damn.  My ankle, too."


"It's obvious he can't go any further," John Ross says.


"The hell I can't," says Craig.  "Just help me get back on my horse, Justin."  Craig moans out in pain.


"Craig, it's no use," Justin says.  "You may have dislocated or broken your shoulder.




"Craig, he's right," Christopher says.  "We need to get you back to the house.  You'll just slow us down searching."

"Alright, Christopher and I'll take him back," John Ross says.  "Justin, you and Miguel go on and check out the old cabin.  If nobody's found any trace of 'em by the time we get Craig to the house, we'll come back out and keep lookin'."


"Okay," Justin says.  "Miguel, let's go."


"Justin?"  Craig says.




Craig looks at him for a second.  "Please.....find my son."


"We will, Craig.  You can count on that,"  Justin says, then he and Miguel head off in the direction of the cabin while John Ross and Christopher try to help Craig onto his horse.

Back at the cabin....

Devon is standing at the window watching the snow continue to fall outside.  The cabin is getting warmer thanks to the fire, so Devon takes off his top coat and his hoodie.  He looks around out the window as far as he can see, and he is beginning to worry about Casey.  He hears Michael moan.  Devon rushes over to Michael's bedside just as Michael starts to wake up.  Opening his eyes, Michael looks up at him.  


"Devon?"  Michael says, his voice weak.


"Hey.  Glad you're finally awake.  How you feel?"


"Kinda.......kinda bad."


"Well, at least the cabin's warm now, thanks to the fire.  Are you in any pain?"


"My leg hurts, pretty bad,"  Michael says.  "Wouldn't you know it?  It's the same leg I broke a few years ago.  Where's Casey?"


"He, uh, he went out to try and find help.  I thought he'd be back by now.  He said he wasn't gonna go far."


"I hope he's okay,"  Michael says.  


"Yeah, me, too,"  Devon says.  He touches Michael's forehead.  "You're still burning up."


"I thought someone would've found us by now,"  says Michael.  "Damn it, where's my Dad?  Why hasn't anyone found us?"


"Don't worry, man, they will,"  Devon says, the expression on his face displaying that he is skeptical.  


Justin and Miguel are making their way across a nearby pasture when Miguel sees smoke rising up from beyond a group of trees on the far end of the pasture.  "Justin, look,"  Miguel says.  "Smoke!"


Justin looks in the direction Miguel points and sees the smoke as well.  "That's comin' from the old cabin.  Come on!"  Justin says.  He and Miguel head off toward the cabin.  

The cabin....a few minutes later....

Devon begins to worry even more as Michael starts to shiver again, seized by violent chills.  "Michael, what's wrong?"  Devon asks.


"I'm........I'm fr...freeezing,"  Michael replies, his teeth chattering.  


Devon takes his coat and places it over Michael.  Then he goes to the fire and places more wood in.  He goes to the window and looks out.  He sighs in frustration.  "Come on, Casey,"  Devon says quietly to himself so that Michael doesn't hear him.  "Where are you?  Sure hope you didn't get lost out there."  Devon walks back over to Michael, who has his eyes closes, and is shivering uncontrollably from chills.  A tear falls down a frightened Devon's face as he worries about both Michael and Casey, and he has no idea what to do in what could be a life or death situation.  All of a sudden, Devon hears the sound of a horse whinnying outside.  Before he even has time to react, the front door of the cabin flies open, and Justin and Miguel rush in.  


"Devon, thank God!"  Justin says.


"Justin!"  Devon says, immediately runs over to greet his guardian.  Justin embraces the boy tightly while Miguel rushes over to Michael.  "I didn't think anybody would ever come for us,"  Devon says in tears.  


"It's okay, buddy,"  Justin says, comforting the boy.  "You're okay now."


"Michael?"  Miguel says, touching Michael's face. 


The boy opens his eyes.  "Miguel?"


"Yeah, bro, it's me.  You're gonna be okay."


"Miguel, how is he?"  Justin asks. 


"I......I'm not sure."


"Michael, how do you feel?"  Justin asks.


"C....cold.  And my leg hurts."


"We all got thrown off our horses,"  Devon says.  "Michael is the only one of us who got hurt.  He hurt his leg."


"Hey, wait a minute," says Justin.  "Where's Casey?"


"He........he went out to try and find some help," replies Devon.


"Oh my God.  Do you know which direction he went?"


"Umm, yeah, he went that,"  Devon says, pointing.


"Miguel, use your walkie talkie to call the others and tell them Devon and Michael are at the old cabin, and Michael needs help,"  Justin says.  "I'm goin' out to look for Casey."


Miguel nods.  


"Justin,"  says Devon.  "I'm scared."


Justin places his hand on the boy's shoulder.  "It's okay, buddy.  You're gonna be fine.  Michael's gonna be fine.  And I'm gonna find Casey.  If I don't find him before help arrives, Miguel, then tell them where I went, and which direction, and I'll see you guys back at the house when I find Casey."  Justin quickly rushes out of the cabin.  


 Casey is in a pasture not far from the cabin, but the bitter cold is making it hard for him to continue on.  He stops and looks around, but nothing is familiar to him.  Disoriented due to the cold and beginning stages of hypothermia, Casey is unable to remember which direction he had just come from, or how to get back to the cabin.  He attempts to walk another few steps, but he cannot.  He stumbles and falls near a creek that normally flows freely through the pasture, but today the water is frozen.  Feeling extremely weak, Casey is unable to get up.  Looking around, he is unsure of where he is, how to get back to the cabin, or if anyone will find him before it's too late.  The boy begins to cry, as he is both frightened and extremely cold.  Unable to continue on, and feeling very tired, Casey lays down and curls up into a fetal position in a futile attempt to stay warmer.  Terrified that he is going to die here, Casey cries.


A short distance away, Justin is frantically searching for his nephew.  "CASEY!!!"  He calls out.  "CASEY!!!"


Back at the creek, Casey believes he hears his name being called in the distance.  But when he opens his eyes and listens, there is only silence.  He begins to cry again, but then, he hears his name once more......"Casey!!"  Mustering all his strength, Casey sits up.  "HERE!!!"  he yells as loudly as he can.  "I'M HERE!!!  PLEASE, HELP ME!!!"


Hearing Casey's pleas for help in the distance, Justin immediately follows the sounds of Casey's voice, then he sees Casey's footprints in the snow, "CASEY!!"  Justin calls out again.


"HERE!!"  Casey yells.  


"Come on, boy!"  Justin tells his horse, and he rides the short distance across the pasture to the creek, where he sees Casey lying in the snow.  Justin quickly leaps down from his horse and rushes to him.  "Casey!"


"Justin,"  Casey says in tears.  "You found me."


"Yeah, I'm here, buddy.  You're gonna be okay.  Come on, let's get you to safety."


"Wait........Michael and Devon,"  Casey says.  "They're at the cabin."


"I know, we already found them.  One of the ranch hands, Miguel is with them.  Come on.  Can you stand up?"


"I.......my hands and feet are numb."


"Okay.  I'll help you,"  Justin says.  He grabs Casey around the waist and helps him up, then over to his horse.  Casey is too weak to pull himself onto the horse, so Justin lifts the boy up and helps him onto the animal.  Then he climbs on himself.  "Hold on, Casey.  I'm gonna get you back to the house,"  Justin says.  He slowly backs the horse up several steps, then they head off across the pasture as fast as the animal can travel in the snow.

Southfork....half an hour later....

"Casey, thank God!"  Jill happily says as Justin brings Casey into the house, practically having to carry the boy.  "We were so worried."


Craig hops over to his son with Justin's help.  "Casey, are you alright, son?"


"I think hypothermia has set,"  Justin says.  


"Oh my God," Jill says.


"We have to get him to the hospital," says Craig.


"Have you heard anything from the others?"  Justin asks.  "We found Devon and Michael in the old cabin out on Section 20."


"Yeah, Bobby called and they're on their way back with the boys now," Ann replies.




"Casey, we have to get him warm by the fire,"  Jill says, helping her son to the fireplace.


"Jill, we have to get him to the hospital," Craig says.  


"Yeah, we can take my truck,"  says Justin.  "It can make it through just about anything."


"Come on, let's go,"  says Craig.


Just then, Bobby, Lucas, Miguel, and another ranch hand come into the house with Devon and Michael, who is being carried by Lucas and Miguel.  


"Bobby!"  Ann says, rushing over to her husband.  


"Devon, are you okay?"  Pamela asks, embracing the boy.


"I'm fine.  But Michael's real sick."


"What's wrong?"  Ann asks.


"Probably exposure to the elements,"  replies Bobby.


"We were just about to get Casey to the hospital in my truck,"  Justin says.  "Come on, let's get Michael in the truck.  Devon, you come, too."


"No, I'm fine,"  Devon says.


"You were out there exposed to freezing weather for a long time,"  says Pamela.  "You need to be checked out."


"Come on, let's go,"  Lucas says.  He hurries out carrying Michael, with Justin carrying Casey, followed by Devon, Bobby, Craig and Jill.  

Braddock Medical Center....later....

Bobby is standing at the window in the waiting room down the hall from the emergency department at Braddock Medical Center looking out, while Lucas paces the room.  "The snow has almost stopped,"  he says.  


"Figures it would stop now," says Lucas.  "How long have they been in there?"


"Be patient, son,"  Bobby says.  "I'm sure we'll hear somethin' soon."


"I hope so.  Damn it, Dad, this is all my fault.  If I hadn't let the boys go out......"


"Lucas, this isn't your fault,"  Bobby says.


"I have to disagree with you there, Bobby,"  Craig says, he and Jill entering the waiting room.  "This WAS Lucas's fault."


"Craig, don't,"  Jill says.  


"Craig, Jill, how is Casey?"  Lucas asks.


"The doctor wants to keep him here over night,"  Jill replies.  "He's suffering from hypothermia and mild frostbite on his hands and feet."


"Is he gonna be okay?"  Lucas asks.


"No thanks to you,"  says Craig.  "Lucas, why the hell did you let them go out in this weather?"


"Craig, when I gave the boys permission to go out riding, it was  barely snowing at all.  I had no idea we'd be hit with a blizzard."


"There was no way anyone could have known this morning,"  Bobby says.  "We didn't hear it on the weather until after the boys left, so you can't blame Lucas."


"The hell I can't,"  Craig says.  "He shouldn't have let them go out at all, even if there were only flurries."


As Bobby is about to say something, Justin, Pamela, and Devon walk into the room.  "Hey, what's goin' on?"  Justin asks.  "We could hear y'all arguin' all the way down the hall."


"Devon, are you okay?"  Lucas asks.


"I'm fine, Mr. Ewing,"  the boy replies with a nod.


"He has some mild frostbite, but the doctor said he'll be fine," Pamela says.


"Thank God,"  Lucas says.  "Devon, I'm so sorry this happened.  Justin, Pamela, please believe me.  If I had known the weather was gonna get that bad, I never would've let the boys go out."


"We know that, Lucas,"  Justin says.


"It wasn't your fault, Mr. Ewing,"  says Devon.  "We shouldn't gone out as far as we did, and we should've headed back as soon as it started snowing harder.  How are Michael and Casey?"


"Casey's gonna be fine,"  Jill says.  "He's gonna have to stay overnight for observation, but the doctor said we can take him home tomorrow."


"We haven't heard anything about Michael's condition yet,"  Bobby says.


"Jill, Craig, we're gonna get Devon home and into bed,"  Justin says.  "Since Casey's gonna be here over night, are you guys gonna stay here, or ride back into town with us?"


"I'm staying here,"  Jill says.  "I don't wanna be that far from Casey.  But Craig, you go with them."


"No, I'm not leaving either."


"Look, I have an idea,"  says Bobby.  "Why don't the two of you spend the night at Southfork?  That way you can be near Casey, and still be where you'll be comfortable and get a good night's sleep."


"I still wanna stay with Casey,"  Jill says.  


"Honey, there's no point,"  Craig says.  "They gave him some pain medicine, and the doctor said he'll probably sleep through the night.  Besides, we're both exhausted after the couple days we've had.  So let's spend the night at Southfork.  It's not that far, and the hospital can contact us there if they need us."


"Jill, I think he's right,"  Justin says.  "All you can do here is sit and watch Casey sleep."


Jill nods.  "Alright.  Fine."


"We'll drop you guys off at Southfork,"  Justin says.  


"Could you wait just a few minutes?"  Jill asks.  "Since we're leaving, I'd like to check on Casey one more time."


"Okay, we'll wait."


"We'll be back in a couple minutes,"  Craig says.  He and Jill leave.  


Lucas runs his hand through his hair and walks to the window, looking out at the darkness that has fallen over Braddock.  A moment later, a doctor comes into the room.  


"Excuse me, Mr. Ewing?"  The doctor says.  


"Yes, I'm Lucas Ewing, Michael's father,"  Lucas says.  "How is my son?"


"Okay, here's the good news,"  the doctor says.  "Michael has a sprained ankle.  Thankfully, it's not broken, but he will have to be on crutches for a while.  Now, the bad news.  Michael has pneumonia."


"Pneumonia?"  Lucas asks.




"But, he was fine this morning.  I thought pneumonia developed gradually over days."


"Viral pneumonia, yes,"  the doctor says.  "But Michael has bacterial pneumonia.  He's probably had the bacteria that caused the pneumonia in his lungs for at least a couple of days, but prolonged exposure to the cold, coupled with a broken rib, caused rapid onset pneumonia, the symptoms of which can develop over just a few hours."


"Is my grandson gonna be okay?"  Asks a worried Bobby.  


"Michael has a lot going in his favor.  He's young, he's strong, and he's an otherwise healthy, normal teenager.  We're keeping him in the hospital for a few days, and treating him with antibiotics, and giving him fluids because he was dehydrated.  If there are no complications, I expect Michael to make a full recovery, although he will have to take it easy for a while."


"Can I see him?"  Lucas asks.


"Yes, but just for a couple of minutes,"  the doctor replies.  "The best thing for Michael right now is rest.  And after you see him, I suggest you all go home."


"No, I'm staying with my son."


"Mr. Ewing, there's nothing you can do for Michael.  He's going to be very well taken care of.  I'm sure that you've had a long and difficult day, so go home and get some rest.  Now, we're getting Michael settled into a room upstairs, and I'll let you know when you can see him.  Excuse me."


"Thank you,"  Lucas says as the doctor walks away.  


"Pneumonia,"  Lucas says, his voice shaky.


"Lucas, you heard the doctor,"  Bobby says.  "Michael's gonna be okay."


Jill and Craig return to the waiting room.  "We saw a doctor coming out of here,"  says Jill.  "Did he have news about Michael?"


"Yes,"  Bobby replies.  "Michael has pneumonia, and a broken rib."


"Pneumonia?  My God."


"But the doctor said he thinks Michael will be fine in a few days."


"Guys, we'd better get goin',"  Justin says to Jill and Craig.


Jill walks over to Lucas and hugs him.  "Lucas, it's going to be okay."


"Jill, I'm so sorry."


"It's okay.  No one blames you."


"Lucas, look,"  Craig says. "I'm sorry for what I said."


"No, Craig.  You were right.  This WAS my fault.  I should've had better sense than to let the boys go out riding when it was snowing,"  Lucas says.  He walks past the others and out of the waiting room.  


"Son, where are you going?"  Bobby asks.


"I'm just gonna take a walk.  I need some time to myself,"  Lucas replies, and continues down the hall.  


"Uncle Bobby, if there's anything we can do,"  Justin says.


"Thank you, Justin."


"Bobby,"  Pamela says, hugging him.  "We'll come by tomorrow and see how Michael's doing."


Bobby nods.  "Alright."


"Uncle Bobby, do you need me to come back and pick you up after I drop them off?"  Justin asks.


"No, Justin, thank you.  But I'll get Christopher or one of the hands to come pick us up in one of the Southfork trucks.  No need for you to drive all the way back from Dallas."


"Uncle Bobby, we'll see you at the house later,"  Jill says.


"Mr. Ewing, tell Michael I hope he feels better and gets home soon,"  Devon says.


"I will, son,"  Bobby replies and Devon leaves with Justin, Pamela, Craig, and Jill.  A sad expression comes over Bobby's face as he worries about both Lucas and Michael.  


Meanwhile, after learning what room Michael is in, Lucas goes in to see his son.  He pauses at the door for a few seconds looking at his son in a hospital bed, Lucas walks over to Michael's bedside.  Lucas struggles to

hold back his tears.  "Michael," he says softly.  "I'm so sorry.  How could I have been so stupid?  Why did I let you and the other boys go out when it was snowing?  Michael, you've got to be alright.  You've just GOT to. I'll never forgive myself for letting you go out this morning.  I've already lost your Mom, I can't lose you, too.  I don't think I could bear that." 

Lucas lowers his head and begins to cry, riddled with guilt over what he perceives as his role in Michael's illness....



Write a comment

Comments: 20
  • #1

    Cindy Shaft (Saturday, 17 August 2024 21:05)

    Awesome wtiting.. I could not stop reading while watching the Atlanta Braves. Best story in a while. Hopefully all the boys will be ok. The cousins will even be closer. Can't wait for another story

  • #2

    trevor campbell (Saturday, 17 August 2024 22:58)

    hopefully the next episode comes before long. excited to see what happens when wendell and katherine turn up again. connor and ashley need to be put in their place

  • #3

    joseph pace (Sunday, 18 August 2024 05:15)

    wow you kept hanging on well done keep it up

  • #4

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:17)

    Really Trevor? Ashley and Connor need to be put in their place. No Jasmine needs to stop being a troublemaker and everything. She needs to stop lying and being spiteful. She loves the fact that Dylan and Connor are having problems. She’s only pressing charges because she wanted to get back at Ashley for sleeping with Connor and hurting Dylan.

  • #5

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:30)

    That was quite an adventure them boys had! Micheal hurt his leg and got pneumonia and the horse hurt his leg from he threw Micheal from that from hill. Just goes to show you it’s dangerous when you are riding and on a big ranch. Craig got hurt, he did teach his son how to survive though and Casey did a great job of that. The snowstorm just got out of control.

  • #6

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:33)

    Ann I love you but Bobby doesn’t think you are helpless but he doesn’t want to worry about you if you had went with him, and everything. Krystina was right the best thing you and Jill the right thing to do was wait. I was so thrilled to see Justin and Miguel find them boys.

  • #7

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:37)

    It was good thinking for the boys to go to that cabin and it was good thinking for the Ewing men to consider the cabin for shelter, make a fire, and then survive. They did that. They all showed their toughness.

  • #8

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:42)

    Dylan deserved to get knocked on his ass after violently shoving his brother against the wall. Once he did that, Connor had a right to defend himself and he did that. Never again will he let his brother just beat the hell out of him and now we got more drama between the brothers. Jasmine just couldn’t help herself.

  • #9

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:50)

    Jasmines father was right about the Ewing family. That definitely keep it in the family and Jasmine, Dylan, Ashley, Connor are all cousins and they are married and dating each other and they have very violate history between the four. It’s very complicated too.

  • #10

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:53)

    I honestly think there is something really wrong with Krystinas mom? She is not the type to actually snap like that with that tongue of hers, and what was that sharp pain of hers as she was walking up and down the bannister of the stairs. She needs to go to the doctor again.

  • #11

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 10:54)

    I’m glad that Lucas has guilt over what happened to Micheal. That shows that really loves his son and cares about it. Man Micheal almost literally died! Thank god God was looking over him.

  • #12

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 11:00)

    Casey has mild frostbite and some other kind of hyperthermia from his feet and hands. Man it’s a wonderful he even survived but he’s plenty though.

  • #13

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 14:10)

    Lucas needs a good woman in his life. He needs to start dating again and I want him yo date the principal of his son Micheal. She’s absolutely gorgeous. That would be a great storyline and he needs to know it’s ok to move on and start dating someone else.

  • #14

    Rose Meisenhelder (Sunday, 18 August 2024 23:21)

    Conner, you may mean well, but confronting Jasmine about having Ashley arrested while she's still in the hospital could just make things worse. Especially when you wound up in a fight with Dylan.

  • #15

    Timmy (Monday, 19 August 2024 04:57)

    Good episode although I do like Wendell and his schemes I know I'm definitely in the minority in saying that bit I do like his story lines more than anyone else I'm also wondering how long till he passes on and who will get his fortune. Justin is also 1 of my favourite characters he reminds me so much of bobby back in hos earlier days with Pam him and Pamela seem really happy and he can be tough and ruthless when family's threatened. I just hope lucas doesn't fall back into drinking after this I think Jill was a bit out of line blaming him for the boys getting stranded in the storm I do understand her and others being upset and angry but it seems the boys are fine can't wait for the next episode keep up the great work

  • #16

    Ada Vincent (Tuesday, 20 August 2024 20:36)

    Wonderful episode

  • #17

    Andrew P Hass (Wednesday, 21 August 2024 09:34)

    I hope this crisis with Michael is the wake-up call that Lucas needs to turn things around.Also once Michael is okay maybe Lucas should take him and Logan away for a bit to give them an opportunity to reconnect because they may not be able to do that in Dallas.

  • #18

    Derek Mathews (Monday, 26 August 2024 16:16)

    But Rose Jasmine is only pressing charges against Ashley because of what happened between her and Connor. She’s acting like she is some victim and she’s not. The whole thing with Ashley was an accident but from the looks of things it looked and sounds like a setup if Jasmine followed Ashley into the bathroom hoping to ensight a confrontation. She’s fine, her baby is fine, and it’s getting stronger by the moment. Pressing charges is absolutely outrageous! She’s just like her mother just like John Ross is like JR.

  • #19

    Rose Meisenhelder (Tuesday, 27 August 2024 12:34)

    Derek, I am well aware of why Jasmine is doing what she's doing. I'm simply saying that Connor is not going to fix the problem by confronting her like that and getting into a fight with Dylan. If it comes out in course, it just makes things look worse.

  • #20

    Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 17 September 2024 05:45)

    Well you are right. But I think he did it because he was desperate and he didn’t want her to get away with nothing. And he didn’t necessarily get into a fight with Dylan, Dylan shoved him get the wall. Connor was just defending him, and honestly Dylan shouldn’t have shoved or pushed Connor into the wall like that. Well we will see what happens.