EPISODE 253 - Blizzard! Part 1

----------Jasmine got reacquainted with her father, Matthew Cory, when he arrived in Dallas for a visit.

----------John Ross told Krystina that Jeremy Wendell was her father's half-brother.

----------Justin and Pamela learned that more Westar stock had been purchased by an unknown buyer who they suspected to be Jeremy Wendell.

----------Keith Powers, an employee at Westar who had bugged Pamela's office, informed Jeremy that Devon was Tripp McKay's son and Jeremy's great-grandson.

----------Michael continued to act out, and Alex learned he was using drugs and confronted him.

----------As Dylan settled in at work at Ewing Records, a female employee takes a liking to him.

----------Jasmine's father, Matthew Cory, turned out to have known and briefly dated Charlie in New York a few years ago, and the two reconnected in Dallas after running into each other.

----------Bobby began to feel guilty for shutting John Ross out of Ewing Oil.

----------Afton informed Pamela that Wendell had approached her at her club, asking a lot of personal questions about Pamela, Justin, and Devon, which made Pamela and Justin nervous.

-----------The Ewings attended the annual Oil Baron's Ball, which, as usual, was rife with drama.

-----------During the Ball, Jasmine and Ashley got into a confrontation in the ladies' room, which led to Jasmine falling and being knocked unconscious!

A street in Dallas....

 An ambulance speeds down a street in Dallas, its lights flashing and its siren blaring loudly as it rushes toward the hospital.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....

A few minutes later, the ambulance pulls into the emergency entrance at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.  Two paramedics quickly get out of the ambulance and unload Jasmine on a stretcher.  Dylan, who had ridden to the hospital with his wife in the ambulance, gets out also.  Jasmine is rushed into the emergency department, Dylan running behind the paramedics.  A doctor greets them.  "What have we got?"


"Possible concussion,"  one of the paramedics replies.  "There also could be some abdominal trauma."


"How far along is she?"  The doctor asks.


"Nine months," replies Dylan.  "She's due to give birth in about a week."


"You her husband?"




"Okay, take her into trauma room 3.  And we'll need some information from you, Mr.......?"


"Ewing,"  Dylan says.


"Ewing?  As in Ewing Oil?"


"Yes. Please, doctor, is my wife gonna be okay?  And the baby?"


"Try not to worry, Mr. Ewing.  We're gonna take good care of your wife.  Please give the nurse at the desk your wife's information.  I'll let you know something as soon as I've examined Mrs. Ewing."


"Thank you,"  Dylan says as the doctor walks away.


Cory, Conner, Ashley, Ray and Donna walk into the hospital.  Spotting Dylan, they rush over to him.  "Where is she?"  Cory asks.


"The doctor just went in to examine her."


"Do they think she'll be okay?"  Ashley asks.  


"Do you even really care, Ashley?"  Dylan asks.  


"Hey, now wait a minute, little brother,"  says Conner.  


"Ashley, what happened between you and Jasmine in that bathroom?"  Dylan asks.  "She was fine until she met up with you."


"Dylan, it.......it was an accident.  We argued and........"


"And what?  You pushed her?"


"No.  She grabbed my arm, and, she fell.  Dylan, I swear,  I never meant for this to happen."


"I'll tell you something.  If anything happens to Jasmine or our baby......I'll never forgive you."


Conner places his hand on Ashley's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

Meanwhile....back at the Oil Baron's Ball....


Bobby and Ann are sitting at their table, worried looks on their faces, when Catlin and Sue Ellen come over to them.  "Bobby, Ann,"  Sue Ellen says.


"Sue Ellen,"  Bobby says.


"Bobby, do you guys know what's going on?"  Catlin asks.  "A little while ago, Conner rushed out of here with Ashley."


"There was an accident in the ladies' room,"  Ann says.


"An accident?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Yes, Jasmine and Ashley had some sort of a confrontation in the restroom and Jasmine fell or something," replies Bobby.  


"Oh, no,"  says Sue Ellen.


"My God, I hope she's alright,"  Catlin says.


"So do I,"  says Bobby.  "Ray and Donna went to the hospital with them.  Ray said he'd call as soon as they have any news."


Catlin and Sue Ellen exchange worried looks.  

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....

Cass and Lila have joined Dylan, Ray, Donna, Conner, and Ashley at the hospital as they all continue to wait for word on Jasmine and the baby's conditions.  Lila is anxiously pacing the floor. "How long have they been in there?  Seems like forever."


"Lila, we've only been here about half an hour,"  says Cass.


"Seems like a lot longer."


"It always does when you're waiting,"  Donna says.  "Lila, were you able to get in touch with Jasmine's father yet?"


"No.  When I called Matthew earlier it went straight to his voicemail, so I left a message."


"Why don't you try and call him again?"  Cass suggests.  "Unless you want me to."


"No, I'll do it,"  Lila says.  "It'll give me somethin' to do.  I'm goin' crazy sittin' around waitin' for news."  Lila takes her cell phone out of her pocket and walks into the hall to try to call Jasmine's father, Matthew Cory, again.  As she is about to dial his number, Lila looks down the long hallway and sees Matthew come into the hospital with Charlie.  She rushes down the hall to meet them.  "Matthew!"  She calls.


"Lila, what happened?"  Matthew asks.  "Where is Jasmine?"


"The doctor is examining her now."


"Well, what the hell happened?"


"I don't know the details.  Apparently, Jasmine took a fall in the ladies room at the Omni Hotel durin' the Oil Baron's Ball."


"Damn it, I knew it was a bad idea for her to go to that Ball so close to time for her to give birth."


"Matthew, she did check with her doctor, didn't she?"  Charlie asks.


"Yes, she did, but......."


"What on Earth are the two of you doin' together?"  Lila asks.  


"Charlie and I knew each other in New York, and we reconnected here in Dallas."


"We may as well go and sit down in the waiting room,"  Lila says.


Lila, Matthew, and Charlie walk into the waiting room where everyone is seated.  Matthew walks over to Dylan and puts his hand on the young man's shoulder.  Ray gets up from his seat and walks over to Charlie.


"Hey,"  Ray says.  "What in the world brings you here?"


"I came with Jasmine's father, Matthew."




"It's a long story, but, Matthew and I were friends in New York, and, we ran into each other a few days ago at lunch.  So, we've been seeing each other."


Ray smiles.  "Seein' each other?  Well, I hope things work out."


"Thanks, Ray."


"How's your Mama?"  Ray asks.


"She's fine,"  Charlie says as a doctor walks into the room.  


Dylan quickly rushes over to the doctor, followed by Matthew, Cory, Cass, Conner, Ashley, Charlie, Ray. and Donna.  "How is she?  How's my wife?"  Dylan nervously asks.


"Mr. Ewing, your wife is experiencing some bleeding."


"Bleeding?"  Matthew asks.




"Mr. Ewing, your wife has started labor.  Because of the bleeding and the trauma she suffered in the fall, we aren't going to be able to deliver the baby naturally."


"Well, what does that mean?"  Dylan asks.


"It means we're going to have to do an emergency cesarean.  If we don't take the baby now and stop the bleeding, we could lose both Jasmine and the baby."


"Oh my God,"  Lila says.


"We need your permission to perform the surgery, Mr. Ewing."


"Yes.  Please, do whatever you have to do but, please just save them."


"I wanna be honest with you,"  the doctor says.  "There's a chance.......the baby may not make it.  We're going to do all we can.  I'll keep you posted."


"Thank you, Doctor,"  Donna says as the doctor walks out of the room.


"This......this can't be happening,"  Dylan says, tears streaming down his face.


"She's gonna be okay, Dylan,"  Ray says.  "You just have to believe that."


"Dylan, is there anything we can do?"  Conner asks.  "Anything you need?"


"Yes,"  Dylan replies, turning to face his brother.  "You and Ashley can get the hell out of here."




"If it wasn't for Ashley, this wouldn't have happened.  I don't want either of you here.  Just get out!"


"Dylan, please,"  Ashley says in tears.  "I'm so sorry."


"GET OUT!"   Dylan yells.


"I think it's best that you two go on home,"  Ray says.  "Donna or I will call you when there's news."


Conner nods, then he and Ashley leave.  


"Excuse me,"  Lila says to Cass, and she follows Conner and Ashley out of the waiting room.  "Ashley!"  She calls.


Conner and Ashley stop and turn back to her.  Lila walks up to them.


"So, you did have somethin' to do with what happened to my daughter,"  Lila says.


"Lila, it was an accident."


"I'll just bet.  Let this be  a warning to you, sweety.  If anything happens to my daughter or her baby, I promise I'll make you pay."


"Come on, let's go,"  Conner says.  He and Ashley walk away and leave without saying a word in response to Lila's threat.  


Bobby, Ann, John Ross, Krystina, and Krystle come into the living room at Southfork late that night after returning home from the Oil Baron's Ball.  "Anybody want a drink?"  Bobby asks, heading straight to the bar.  


"I sure could use one," Ann replies.


"John Ross?  Krystina?  Krystle?"  Bobby asks.


"I'll have one,"  says John Ross.


"Not me,"  replies Krystina.  "It's been a long day and night.  All I wanna do is go upstairs and crawl into bed."


"Me, too,"  says Krystle.  "I'm exhausted."


"Mom, are you sure you're okay?"  Krystina asks.  "I hope going with us to the Ball wasn't too much for you."


"Darling, I'm fine.  Just tired, that's all.  I think I'm going up to bed myself.  Goodnight, everyone."


"Good night, Krystle,"  Ann says.


"Mom, I'll walk up with you,"  Krystina says.  "John Ross, will you be up soon?"


"Yeah, after my drink.  If you're asleep I'll try not to wake you."


Krystina nods.  "Goodnight, everyone," she says, leaving the room with her mother.  


Bobby pours two drinks, one of which he hands to Ann, and the  other to John Ross.  "Quite a night, huh?"  He asks.  "First the news about Mavis Anderson, and then Jasmine's accident."


"That poor girl,"  Ann says.  "I sure hope she and the baby are gonna be alright."


"So do I,"  Bobby says.  "John Ross, you sure are unsually quiet.  You still upset over Clay presenting the Jock Ewing Memorial Scholarship?"


"I'm fine,"  John Ross says in a rather short tone.  "Night."  He finishes off his drink, puts his glass down and then leaves the room.  


Bobby smiles and nods.  "Yep, he's still seething at me that I asked the committee to get Clay to present the scholarship."


"Well, I understand why you did it, but, maybe you should've talked to John Ross about it first,"  Ann says, walking over to him.  "Right now, John Ross is feelin' pushed out.  He lost Ewing Oil to Clay, and now, he had to see Clay up there presentin' that Scholarship when he felt like it should've been him."


Bobby sighs.  "I guess I never thought about how John Ross was feelin'.  I guess mainly because I was so angry with him for going into that deal with Adam Carrington behind my back that could've cost us everything.  Sometimes I forget that, deep down inside, John Ross is still an insecure little boy.  I guess I can understand how he's feelin'.  Y'know, until he was 10-years-old, John Ross grew up believin' he was Mama and Daddy's oldest grandson, and the heir apparent to Ewing Oil and Southfork.  Then James showed up and then after that, Mama gave Southfork to me.  I guess that's why she left that codicil to her will that gave half of the ranch to John Ross after J.R.'s death.  Because she felt guilty about John Ross."


"John Ross and I don't always see things eye to eye, but it couldn't have been easy for him, growin' up in this family,"  Ann says.  "Especially not bein' J.R.'s son."


"No, it wasn't easy for any child to grow up in this family.  But I think John Ross probably had it the hardest.  Lucy didn't have her parents when she was growin' up, but she did have Mama and Daddy, and they spoiled her rotten.  Christopher had a really hard time after Pam left, but I tried to be there for him as best I could.  But John Ross?  J.R. and Sue Ellen were always at war with one another when he was growin' up.  Then he felt.......I dunno, abandoned by J.R., so he went to England to live with Sue Ellen.  And he basically spent the rest of his childhood without a father.  Maybe I have been a little hard on him."


"What are you gonna do about it?"


"I'll talk to him tomorrow.  But right now, I'm pretty exhausted.  Krystina's right, it HAS been a long day and night, and I'm ready to hit the hay.  I told Ray to call or text me when there was news about Jasmine."


Ann nods and puts her arm around him.  "Let's go up to bed."


Bobby and Ann leave the living room, arm in arm, Bobby turning off the light as they walk out.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....later....

Dylan puts a dollar into the snack machine at the hospital and chooses a pack of peanut butter crackers from the machine's selection of snacks.  When the crackers fail to come out of the machine, Dylan shakes it.  When they again fail to come out, Dylan angrily kicks the machine, then he begins shaking it violently.  


"Hey, now, I doubt that machine has done anything to deserve that kind of treatment,"  Matthew Cory says, walking up behind Dylan.


"It took my dollar and didn't give me the crackers I wanted."


"You sure that's why you're so angry at that thing?  Maybe you're just scared."


"Damn right, I'm scared,"  Dylan says.  "My wife is in there, having emergency surgery to deliver our baby, who could die.  And it's all because I talked her into going to that damned Oil Baron's Ball with me tonight."


"Cory's in there feeling guilty, too, because he talked you into going and getting Jasmine to go.  But you know what, Dylan?  This wasn't your fault, and it wasn't Cory's fault.  It was an accident."


"It wasn't an accident, Mr. Cory.  Ashley Beaumont is the cause of this."


"Ashley and my daughter are first cousins, aren't they?"  Matthew asks.


"Yeah.  Ashley's father was Lila's half-brother."


"So, I take it there's a history there?"  


"Oh, yes.  There's a history."


"And that young man Ashley was with, that's......."


"My brother, Conner."


"You four sure do believe in keeping it in the family, don't you?"  Matthew asks.


Dylan looks at him.  "What's that supposed to mean?"


"You and my daughter are distant cousins, and you're married.  Your brother is dating Ashley Beaumont, and, I'm guessing they, too, are related.  And the four of your seem to have some kind of crazy love quadrangle going on."


"Look, Mr. Cory, it's all very complicated.  But there's one thing I want you to know.  I love Jasmine.  I love her very much, and all I want is to make her happy."


"I believe that, Dylan.  I really do believe that."


"Hey, Dylan, Matthew,"  Cory says, coming down the hall.  "The doctor wants to see you."


Dylan and Matthew exchange looks, then the three men hurry down the hall to the waiting room, where the doctor is with Ray, Donna, Lila, Cass, Cory, and Charlie.  


"Doctor, how is she?  How's my wife?  And the baby?"  Dylan asks.


"Jasmine came through the surgery just fine.  And congratulations, Mr. Ewing........you have a son."


Dylan and everyone else in the room breathes a sigh of relief.  


"How is the baby?"  Matthew asks.


"There were some minor complications, but, over all, the baby is doing well.  Fortunately this accident happened late in Mrs. Ewing's pregnancy.  If it had happened a month or two earlier, the baby might not have been strong enough to survive.  He's a little small for his age, but, I'm confident that, unless any unexpected complications set in, he'll be fine."


"Thank God,"  Donna says with a smile.  


"Can I see Jasmine?"  Dylan asks.


"Yes, but only for a moment.  She's heavily sedated."


"What about the baby?  Can I see him?"


"Of course.  Come with me."


"What about the rest of us?"  Lila asks.  "Can I see my daughter?"


"I really would prefer Mrs. Ewing be limited to only her husband seeing her tonight,"  the doctor replies.  "But you can see the baby."  The doctor smiles, then leaves the room, Dylan following.


"Oh, thank God,"  Matthew says.  


"Well, Matthew,"  says Lila.  "Shall we go and see our firstborn grandson?"


Matthew smiles.  "Yes.  Let's go  see our grandson."  Matthew, Lila, Cass, and the others leave the waiting room to see the newest addition to the family.  

Southfork....the next morning....

Bobby and Ann are coming down for breakfast the next morning when Bobby's cell phone rings in his pocket.  He takes the phone out and looks at it.  "Oh, it's Ray," he says, and quickly takes the call.  "Ray, what's up?  How are Jasmine and the baby?"  Bobby asks.  he listens to Ray for almost a full minute, then Bobby smiles.  "Ray, that's wonderful.  Yes.  Give Dylan our congratulations, and Ann and I will be in to see Jasmine and the baby later today."  Again, Bobby is silent for a moment as he listens to his brother on the phone.  The smile disappears from his face.  "Oh, no,"  he says.  "Well, I'm real sorry to hear that.  Yeah.  Okay, Ray.  Thanks for calling, and tell Dylan and Jasmine we'll see 'em later.  Bye."  Bobby ends the call and puts his phone back into his pocket.


"Well, what'd he say?"  Ann asks.


"Good news.  Jasmine gave birth to a baby boy and the doctor thinks she and the baby are gonna be fine."


"Thank God for that,"  Ann says.


"Ray also had some bad news.  Mavis Anderson passed away last night.  He and Donna ran into Mavis's son Tim and he said Mavis passed peacefully at around 11:30 last night."


"I'm sorry to hear that, but, she had suffered for so long with Alzheimer's.  It's always sad when someone dies, but, in a situation like that, it's hard not to look at it as anything other than a blessing."


"I know,"  Bobby says.  "Mavis was my Mama's best friend from the time I was just a little boy.  Just like Punk was Daddy's best friend.  Well, maybe they're all together again now.  Come on, let's go in to breakfast."

Meanwhile....Alex's room upstairs....

Alex is sound asleep that morning when a knock sounds at his door.  When Alex doesn't reply to the knock, Michael opens the door and peaks into his cousin's bedroom.  "Alex?"  he says.  


"Huh?  Yeah, what?"  A sleepy Alex asks, awakening from his slumber.  


"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.  I'll come back later."


"No, it's fine,"  Alex says, rolling over in bed on his back.  "What's up?"


"I wanted to say thanks."


"Thanks?  For what?"  Alex asks.


"For what you did for me last week.  Mainly, for not saying anything to my Dad about the drugs."


"Well, that's alright.  But I meant what I said, Michael.  I'll keep my mouth shut as long as you stop doing drugs." 

"You don't have to worry about that, Alex,"  Michael says.  "I'm done with drugs, including the weed."


"I'm glad to hear that, man.  And I really hope you mean that."


"I do.  Last night, while the rest of you were at the Oil Baron's Ball, something happened.  I was headed out to the barn to smoke some."


Alex looks at his cousin and sighs.  "You got some more?"


"No.  I had some hidden in my room."


"So you broke your promise to me,"  Alex says.


"Yeah, just listen, will you?  I was going out to the barn to smoke, and my Dad was sitting on the back porch, and he stopped me.  He wanted to go for a walk, and, while we were walking, he started talking about my Mom and everything, and, well, I got really upset.  Told him I hated him."


"You did?  What happened after that?"


"I told him I didn't mean it.  And I didn't.  My Dad and I, we talked everything out.  And it made me take a look at myself, and why I started smoking in the first place."


"Because you were in so much pain over losing your Mom?"  Alex asks.


"Yeah,"  Michael says.  "Last night was the first time I really let myself.........the first time I really let everything out.  Everything I'd kept inside all this time.  And it brought me and my Dad closer.  Alex, I got to thinkin' how hurt and disappointed my Mom would have been if she'd known what I was doing. I don't ever wanna do anymore drugs, and that includes smoking weed."


Alex sits up in bed and smiles.  "I'm real glad to hear you say that, and I'm real proud of you for coming to that decision on your own. And Michael, I meant what I said.  If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."


"Thanks.  Well, I'll let you get back to sleep."


"Nah, I'm wide awake now.  Hey, why don't I get dressed, and we'll go for a ride out on the ranch?"


"Yeah, sure, okay,"  Michael says.  "I'll let you get dressed then."  Michael smiles at Alex, then leaves the room.  

Conner's apartment....

 Conner comes out of his bedroom in his new apartment that morning to find Ashley making breakfast.  "Morning,"  she says.


"Good morning,"  says Conner.  "Something smells great."


"Hash Browns, eggs Benedict, and bacon."


Conner walks into the kitchen and kisses her.  "I love it when you fix me breakfast, but you really didn't have to.  I was gonna take us out for breakfast this morning."


"I enjoy cooking, you know that.  I take after my mother.  She always loved to cook.  Besides, I couldn't sleep, so I needed something to do.  I already made some cornbread muffins for later."


"Did you get ANY sleep last night?"  Conner asks.


Ashley looks at him and sighs.  "No."


"Ash, Ray sent me a text saying Jasmine and the baby are going to be fine,"  Conner says.  




"Yes.  Jasmine gave birth by cesarean to a baby boy."


"Thank God,"  Ashley says.  "If anything had happened to them, I......."

"Hey, what happened was NOT your fault,"  Conner says.  


"In a way it was,"  says Ashley.  "Jasmine grabbed my arm, and I gave her a little push.  A very light push.


"But you didn't mean for her to fall, did you?"

"Of course not,"  Ashley says.  "No matter what differences Jasmine and I have had, I would never have done anything deliberately to harm her or especially her baby."


"Then this wasn't your fault.  Jasmine and her baby are gonna be okay, so stop beating up on yourself."


Ashley looks at him and smiles.  "You always know the right things to say."


Conner kisses her.  "I have an idea."


"What's that?"


"Well, it seems kinda silly, you still living with your brother.  And since I moved out of C.J.''s place and have this nice apartment all to myself, and since you ARE over here a lot of the time anyway.........why not move in with me?"


"Isn't this kinda sudden?"  Ashley asks.


"No, it's not.  Ash, we've been in a relationship for a long time now.  I think it's time that we took that next step."


"This wouldn't have anything to do with what I told you that Jasmine said during our argument last night, would it?  How she taunted me about things going so slowly in our relationship?"


"No.  Actually, I've been thinking about this ever since I moved in here.  Nothing would make me happier than to wake up beside you every morning right here in our very own apartment."


"OUR apartment,"  Ashley says with a smile.  "I admit, I do like the sound of that."


"So do I.  What do you say?  Will you?"


Ashley looks at him and nods.  "Yes.  Yes, I will move into this beautiful apartment with you."


Conner smiles.  "I love you."


"I love you, too,"  Ashley says as she and Conner embrace.

Knots Landing, California....

Jill Anderson is in her kitchen at her home on Seaview Circle in Knots Landing, California that morning, making breakfast when her husband, Detective Craig Anderson, walks in.


"Morning,"  Jill says cheerfully.  "Breakfast will be ready soon.  Is Casey up yet?"


"Huh?  I don't know,"  Craig replies, a sad and stunned look on his face.  


"Craig, honey what is it?"  Jill asks.


"My father just called.  My grandmother passed away last night."

"Oh, no.  Oh, Craig, sweetheart, I'm so sorry,"  Jill says, walking over to him.  


"I always thought that when this news came, I'd feel some sort of relief because my grandmother had been living with this terrible Alzheimer's for so many years.  She'd gotten to the point that she didn't even know my Dad or my Mom or my Aunt.  Didn't know any of her grandchildren.  She didn't even remember my grandfather or their marriage.  I know she's with my grandfather in Heaven right now, but, I can't help feeling this incredible sadness."


"That's only normal.  Why don't we go up and tell Casey, and then, we'll make plans to fly to Dallas today."


"Alright.  I need to call Parker and the station and request a few days off.  I really wanna be with my family right now."


Jill places her hand gently on his face and nods.

Dallas-Love Field Airport.....late afternoon....

 Justin is waiting at Dallas-Love Field Airport late that afternoon, looking around for Jill and her family as they are arriving from California.  Finally spotting them through the crowd, Justin rushes to meet them.  "Hey, guys,"  Justin says.


"Justin, so good to see you,"  Jill says, greeting her brother with a hug.  


"It's great to see you, too.  Craig, I'm so sorry about your grandmother."


"Thanks, Justin, I appreciate that.  And, we also appreciate you sending the Westar jet to California to get us."


"No problem.  I knew it might be hard to get a commercial flight on such short notice, and the Westar jet would be a lot more comfortable,"  Justin says.  "Craig, I already spoke to your Dad, and I told him I'd be picking you guys up."




"So I guess you guys had a good flight?"  Justin asks.


"We did,"  Jill replies.  "I was really surprised when we got here to Dallas to feel how cold it is.  In California it's been in the mid-70s all week."


"Yeah, it's been a pretty cold winter here this year.  In fact, I was listening to the weather forecast on my way over here, and they're actually predicting up to 3 or 4 inches of snow this week."


"Oh, awesome, that'd be great,"  Casey says.  "I haven't seen snow since we moved to California."


"Oh my gosh,"  Justin says.  "Casey, look at you.  You're almost as tall as your Dad now."

"Yeah, gettin' there," the boy says.  "How're you doing, Uncle Justin?"


"I'm great, buddy, how are you?  How's school?"


"School sucks."


"Casey,"  Jill says, reprimanding her son.


"Sorry, Mom, but it does."


Justin laughs at his nephew's comments.  "Trust me, Casey, I remember.  I felt the same way.  Listen, Craig, I know you guys are ready to get over and see your folks, so we'll get your bags and I'll drop you by there.  I also want you to know that you're perfectly welcome to stay with us while you're in town.  Casey, I can't wait for you to meet Devon, the kid who's been staying with us the last several months.  He's just your age, and I think you guys are gonna hit it off."


"Oh, yeah, my Mom told me about him.  I can't wait to meet him,"  Casey says as the four make their way through the crowded airport.  

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....

 Jasmine is sitting up in bed in her hospital room that afternoon, Dylan sitting at her bedside, and a nurse taking her vitals.  "Your blood pressure is still a little high, Mrs. Ewing,"  the nurse says.


"Is it any wonder, with what I've been through?"  Jasmine asks.


"Well, you try and get some rest for now.  Dinner will be served in about half an hour."


"Thank you, Nurse,"  Dylan says.


As the nurse is leaving the room, she almost bumps into Cory on his way in.  She smiles at him, and leaves.  


"Hey, can I come in?"  Cory asks.


"Sure,"  Jasmine replies.


Cory walks over to his sister's bedside.  "How do you feel, sis?"




"I guess that's normal.  Listen, I wanted to come and tell you how sorry I am this happened."


"Sorry?"  Jasmine asks.  "What have you got to be sorry about?"


"If I hadn't pressed Dylan into getting you to go to Oil Baron's Ball, this wouldn't have happened."


"Cory, that's nonsense,"  Dylan says.  "I blamed myself, too, but Jasmine's father made me realize this wasn't my fault, and it wasn't yours, either."


"Dylan's right,"  says Jasmine.  "Cory, this wasn't your fault, so stop blaming yourself.  Only one person is to blame for what happened to me, and that's Ashley Beaumont.  And believe me, I'm going to make her pay for what she did to me."


"Jasmine, I'm sure Ashley didn't mean to hurt you,"  Cory says.  


"Yes she did!  She pushed me, Cory.  And I'm filing charges against her for assault."


"Charges?"  Dylan asks.  "Jasmine, is that really necessary?"


"Dylan, she nearly cost us the life of our baby.  Damn right it's necessary."


Dylan is about to say something else when a knock comes at the door.  Lila and Matthew Cory come into the room.  "Jasmine?"  Lila says.


"Mom, Dad."

"Hello, sweetheart,"  Matthew says.


"How are you feelin'?"  Lila asks.  "I ran into your father outside so we came up together."


"I'm surprised to see you, Mom."


Lila smiles.  "Well, after all, Jamine, you ARE my daughter.  Your father and I just came from seein' the baby."


"And what do you think of him?"  Dylan asks.


"He's beautiful,"  Matthew says.  


Lila finally looks at her son.  "Hello, Cory,"  she says. 




"How are you?"


"I'm.......great.  Jasmine, I'd better get going.  I'll talk to you later," Cory says.  


"Thanks for coming."


"Cory, wait, I'll walk down with you,"  says Dylan, getting up from his seat.  "I'm sure Jasmine would like some time with her parents."


"Sure,"  Cory says.  He and Lila exchange awkward looks, then Cory and Dylan leave the room.


"What was that all about?"  Matthew asks.  "Lila, what's going on with you and your son?"


"It's a long story,"  Lila replies.


Meanwhile, Cory and Dylan walk down the hall to the elevator.  "Things still not great between you and your Mom, huh?"  Dylan asks.


Cory sighs.  "Nope."


"You still haven't forgiven her for not accepting you when you came out as gay?"


"It's more than that, man," Cory says.  "My Mom destroyed my relationship with Daniel.  Daniel

was the most important person in my life, and she took that relationship away from me.  And I don't think that I can ever forgive her for that."


The elevator doors open.  Cory and Dylan get onto the elevator, and a few seconds later, the doors close.

Southfork....that night....

"Ann, that dinner was delicious," Jill says as she, Casey, Bobby, Ann, John Ross, Krystina, Alex, Krystle, Lucas, and Michael finish dinner at Southfork that night. 


"Well, thank you,"  Ann says.  "But most of the credit goes to Maria.  I just did the pasta and the sauce.  She did the meat."


"Well, it was delicious."


"Jill we're so happy you and Casey came over for dinner tonight."  Krystina says.


"Thank you, Krystina,"  Jill says.  "Craig really wanted to spend some time with his parents and his brothers tonight, and Casey and I wanted to see my side of the family, so, here we are."


"Yeah, I always felt more comfortable with Mom's side of the family, anyway," Casey says.


"How come?"  Michael asks.


"I dunno.  I guess because there really aren't any other kids on the Anderson side of the family."


"Casey, your father's brothers don't have children?"  Krystle asks.


"Nah,"  Casey replies, awkwardly.  


"Umm, Craig's the oldest of three brothers in his family,"  Jill explains.  "His middle brother, Scott, is gay.  And the youngest brother, Adam, is not much older than Casey."


"I see."


"That's right, I'd even forgotten that Craig had another brother besides Scott,"  says Bobby.


"Adam came to stay with us for a while in Knots Landing a couple of years ago,"  Jill says.  


"He was a bit of a trouble maker, wasn't he?"  John Ross asks.  "Always in trouble with the law, if I remember right."


"You WOULD know about that, wouldn't you?"  Casey asks.


"And what's that supposed to mean, son?"  John Ross asks.


"I'm not your son."


"Okay, why don't we all go into the den for drinks?  Non-alcoholic, of course,"  Bobby suggests in an effort to keep the peace.


"Hey, I got some new video games since you were here last,"  Michael tells Casey.  "Why don't we go up to my room and check 'em out?"


"Sure,"  Casey says, and the two boys leave the room and head upstairs.  The rest of the family get up from the table and make their way across the foyer into the den for after dinner drinks, carrying on various conversations as they make the short walk.


Lagging behind, John Ross sighs.  


"What's the matter?"  Krystina asks.


"That kid of Jill's is still a smart mouth little punk."


"John Ross, be nice.  He IS Jill's son, and your nephew."


"Wish he was my kid, I'd turn him over my knee for talkin' to an elder the way he does,"  John Ross says, he and Krystina heading into the den.


Bobby pours glasses of club soda for everyone in the room and hands them out.  John Ross looks at his glass with disgust.


"Uncle Bobby, when did Southfork become alcohol-free?"  Jill asks, and an uncomfortable silence falls over the room, making Jill immediately regret her question.  


"Well, we were all drinking too much alcohol,"  Bobby replies, unsure of what else to say without embarrassing his son.


Lucas, feeling as if his problem with drinking is causing the rest of the family to not be able to drink around him, puts his glass down and leaves the room.  


Standing nearby, John Ross takes a sip of his club soda and grimaces.  "Ugh," he says.  "I can't take any more of this.  I'm goin' where I can get a real drink."


"John Ross,"  Krystina says to him as he leaves the room.  She follows him into the foyer.  "John Ross, you know Lucas has......"


"Yeah, I know.  Lucas is a drunk and we got to protect him from drinkin'.  But why the hell do the rest of us have to do without.  Come on, darlin'.  I got a bottle of bourbon up in our room,"  John Ross says.  He and Krystina leave the room together.  


Meanwhile, Lucas is in the living room, standing at the fireplace, his hands propped up on the mantle, as he stares into the flames of the fire.  Jill comes into the room.  She pauses for a second as she watches him, his back to her.  Finally she walks over to him.


"Lucas,"  she says.  "Are you okay?"


"Yeah.  I'm fine."


"You sure?  The way you left the room........"


"Jill, you know when you wondered why everyone was drinking club soda instead of alcohol?"  Lucas asks.




"It's because of me."


"I don't understand,"  Jill says.


Justin turns to face her.  He pauses a moment and sighs.  "After Heather died, I lost my way.  I mean I REALLY lost my way.  I couldn't cope with the pain, so I started drinking.  A LOT.  Pretty soon, I was drinking all the time.  So much so that I usually passed out instead of falling asleep at night."


"Oh. Lucas.  I'm so sorry,"  Jill says sympathetically.  


"This went on for months and months.  I neglected my boys, and the ranch and everything.  I just recently got sober.  The whole family has been very accommodating to try and help me stay sober."


"I'm so sorry you had to go through all that."


"It's okay.  Because I'm doing much better now.  Michael and I, we........we were in a really bad place there for a while.  My drinking caused me to not be there for him when he needed me most, and it caused a serious rift.  He developed behavior problems, and got in some trouble at school.  But now I think everything is gonna be okay."


"It will be,"  Jill says.  "You're strong.  And you've got the whole family for support."


Lucas smiles and nods, then he and Jill hug.

Upstairs....Michael's room....

Meanwhile, Michael and Casey are upstairs in Michael's bedroom playing a video game.  "Oh, dude!"  Casey tells out as Michael scores the final point in the game, beating him.  


"Cool game, huh?"  Michael asks.


"It was until you beat me,"  Casey replies.


"You wanna play again?"


"Nah,"  Casey says.  He pauses for a few seconds, then looks at his cousin.  "Michael, I'm real sorry about your Mom."

"Thanks, man.  It's been hard.  Really hard.  Especially when my Dad was drinking."


"Your Dad started drinking?"  


Michael sighs.  "Yeah.  He couldn't handle it when my Mom died, so he kinda fell apart.  I guess I did, too.  But we're okay now."


"That's good,"  Casey says.  "I hate that you didn't get to come out to California last summer like we'd talked about."


"Yeah, me, too.  Well, maybe this summer I can."  


"I hope so.  It must get pretty lonely here for you now with Jacob gone."


"It does.  I miss him, but we talk all the time.  I talk to him on Facebook and we video chat a lot.  But still, it's not like having him here.  Hey, why don't you ask your Mom if you can spend the night here tonight?"


Casey smiles.  "Sure, I will.  Come on, let's ask her now," he says, and the two boys quickly leave the room.  


Michael and Casey come downstairs just as Lucas and Jill are coming back into the foyer from the living room.  


"Mom,"  Casey says.  "Is it okay if I spend the night with Michael?"


"Well, not tonight, sweetheart,"  Jill replies.  "Tomorrow is your great-grandmother's funeral, and, I think your Grandma and Grandpa Anderson would like to spend some time with you.  They haven't seen you in a while."


Casey sighs.  "Oh, yeah, I forgot about the funeral."


"Maybe tomorrow night, after the funeral?"  Lucas asks.  "Michael is out of school this week on winter break."


"Okay, yeah, that would work,"  Jill says.  "Casey?"


"Sure,"  Casey says.  


"I think we really should be going,"  Jill says.


"Do we have to, so early?"  Casey asks.


"Yes.  I told your father we'd be back by 8 o'clock."


Casey nods.  "Michael, I'll see if I can stay tomorrow night."


"Okay, sounds good,"  says Michael.  


"Casey, let's go in and say goodnight to Uncle Bobby, and Ann and the rest of the family,"  says Jill.  


Casey nods and follows his mother into the den.  


"Well, did you and Casey have a good time?"  Lucas asks his son.


"Yeah, we did.  It's good seeing him again.  Hard to believe he and Jacob both live in California now."


"Well, maybe you can go out and visit both of them this summer,"  Lucas says.  He puts his arm around his son's neck and the two go into the den to join the rest of the family.

Ewing Oil....the next morning....

Sly and Sally are working at their desks at Ewing Oil the next morning when Bobby steps off the elevator.  He approaches Sly's desk.  


"Mr. Ewing, good morning," Sally says.


"Good morning, Sally.  Sly,"  Bobby says.


"Bobby, how wonderful to see you," Sly says with a smile.  


"Well, it's wonderful to see you, too."


"Are you enjoying your retirement, Mr. Ewing?"  Sally asks.  


"Yes, I am, Sally, very much.  Sly, is Clay in his office?"


"He is.  I'll let him know you're here,"  Sly says.




Meanwhile, Clay is at his desk, reading over some reports, when Sly buzzes his office.  "Yes, Sly?"


"Clay, Bobby is here to see you."


"Uncle Bobby?  Send him in."


Clay stands from his seat and walks over to the door as Bobby walks in.  "Uncle Bobby, hello."


"Hello, Clay, how are you?"


"Couldn't be better.  So what brings you over?  Just come to check on things?"


"Well, actually, Clay, I came to talk to you about somethin',"  Bobby says.


"Okay.  Have a seat."


Bobby takes a seat in  front of the desk while Clay returns to his seat behind his desk.  


"So what can I do for you?"  Clay asks.


"Clay, I've been doing a lot of thinking, especially since the night of the Oil Baron's Ball."


"Thinking?  About what?"


"About Ewing Oil, and about you."


"Oh?  Uncle Bobby, are you having second thoughts about making me president of running Ewing Oil?"   Clay nervously asks.


"No, Clay, not at all.  You are the president of Ewing Oil, and that's not gonna change."


"Then, what's this all about?"


"Well, with Sue Ellen stepping down from the company to run J.R.'s Foundation, Clay, you're gonna need someone at your side to help you run Ewing Oil.  A vice-president."


"Uncle Bobby, I can handle it."


"Clay, I ran Ewing Oil alone for quite some time.  I know what a challenge it can be.  And with the company growing the way it is, it's a two person operation."


"Did you have anybody in mind?"  Clay asks, getting up from his seat and walking to his bar.


"Yes, I do,"  Bobby replies.


"You want a drink?"  


"No, thank you."


Clay pours himself a glass of bourbon, then turns back to Bobby.  "Alright, who'd you have in mind?"


Bobby stands from his seat to face his great-nephew.  "John Ross."


"John Ross?"  Clay asks.  "Uncle  Bobby, you can't be serious."


"Clay, I AM serious.  Now just hear me out.  This is entirely your decision, but I'm asking you to please consider it.  John Ross knows the business, and he knows the company like the back of his hand."


"Where as I'm an inexperienced moron, is that it?"


"No, that's not it, and if you'd just listen to me.  Look, Clay, as I said earlier, YOU are the president of this company, and that's not going to change.  But you need someone to help run a company this size.  Michelle said the other night at the Oil Baron's Ball that she barely sees you, and you told me once that you work sometimes well into the night."


"But I love it."


"I know but that's not the point,"  Bobby says.  "Clay, believe me, you'll burn out fast workin' like that.  And you need someone within the family to serve as vice-president, and who else is there?  I'm retired.  Sue Ellen is stepping down to run J.R.'s Foundation.  Christopher and Lucas are happy running Southfork and neither of them has no interest in coming back into the business.  Lucas is running Westar with Pamela.  Clay, there's no one else but John Ross."


"What about Alex?"  Clay asks.


"Sue Ellen and I did talk about Alex, and I thought about it.  But Alex is young.  I would like him to continue on in his present job here, but, as vice-president you need someone with experience.  And I do have another reason for asking this of you.  A personal reason."


"What reason?"  Clay asks.


"John Ross was hurt when I asked the committee to get you to present the Jock Ewing Memorial Scholarship at the Ball the other night.  That, and the fact that he was forced out of Ewing Oil, has really hurt him.  Clay, 

I know you and John Ross don't get along......"


"Don't get along?"  Clay asks.  "That's like saying World War II was just a minor disagreement."


"This decision is entirely yours, Clay, but I'm asking you as a favor to me to consider bringing John Ross into the company as vice- president."


"Uncle Bobby, what makes you think John Ross would even consider working here as MY vice-president?  He feels like he should rightfully be president of Ewing Oil.  The two of us would be at each others' throats all the time.  And I'd have to watch him like a hawk."


"If you agree to this, I'll make sure that John Ross that if he does anything sneaky and underhanded, or if he makes it impossible for you to work with him, he's out.  I just think that John Ross needs to be a part of Ewing Oil.  It would make me real happy to see the two of you workin' together.  You can have some time to think about it.  Just let me know what you decide.  I have to go.  I've got to get back to the ranch and get ready for Mavis Anderson's funeral this afternoon."  Bobby starts to leave.


"Uncle Bobby,"  Clay says.  


Bobby stops at the door and turns back to him.



"I don't need time to think about it."


"Then, your answer is no?"  Bobby asks.


"No.  If you think that this can work, and if John Ross will promise to behave himself........then, we'll give it a try."


Bobby smiles.  "Thank you, Clay.  Who knows, John Ross might even turn down the offer.  But if he doesn't, this could be a chance for the two of you to learn how to get along with each other.  Or at least to peacefully co-exist.  I'll talk to you later."  Still smiling, Bobby leaves the office.


After Bobby is gone, Clay takes a sip of his drink and sighs.  "Get along with John Ross?  Not likely," he says to himself.  

A cemetery in Dallas....later....

 It's a cold, dreary afternoon as Mavis Anderson's casket is carried from a black hearse, up a hill at a cemetery in Dallas and placed carefully at the gravesite, where Mavis will be buried beside her beloved Punk.  Once the casket is in its place, the large crowd of mourners gathers around the gravesite just as a slight drizzle begins to fall.  Once everyone is in place, a minister steps forward.  "We're gathered here on this rather 

dreary Monday afternoon to say a final farewell to Mrs. Mavis Anderson.  Mavis was a simple woman with simple tastes, despite her family having wealth.  She was an uncommonly kind woman, as her children and grandchildren can attest.  I had the pleasure of knowing Mavis for many years, long before Alzheimer's robbed her of her memories.  I was Mavis's pastor, and friend since 2004, and I will always cherish my memories of this very special woman.  Mavis's son, Tim, would like to say a few words, and then I will close with a passage of scripture and a prayer.  Tim?"


Mavis's son, Tim Anderson, Craig's father, steps forward to address the crowd.  "First, I want to thank all of

you who came out on this rather miserable day to say goodbye to my mother.  It truly means a lot to my family, especially to my sister and I, to see so many old friends here.  And I promise I won't keep you long.  I know it's cold and starting to drizzle some.  My mother, Mavis Anderson, was the most remarkable woman I've ever known.  She was preceded in death by my father, her husband of 45 years, Marvin Anderson, better known to most of you as Punk.  When my parents were married, my father was 48 and my mother was 30.  It was a second marriage for both of them, and ironically, neither of their first marriages produced any children.  But together, they became the parents of 3 children, my older brother Brian, who died of leukemia when he was 15, myself, and my sister Kathy.  All my life, my mother was the rock of our family.  The one who kept us all from falling apart, even in the hardest of times.  Probably the worst time that my family ever went through was when my brother died.  I was only 14 at the time, and Kathy was 12.  That was the only time that I ever saw my mother come close to falling apart.  I can't even imagine the pain she and my father went through,  

losing a child, but despite the pain of that, my mother knew she had to keep going.  And even with all the pain she was feeling herself over the death of her son, she was able to comfort me in my loss.  But that's the kind of woman my mother was.  Somehow, she always knew the right thing to say at the right time.  I remember one day when I was about 14, after my school's baseball team had lost one of the biggest games of the season, my  mother came into my bedroom.  I'd been crying, and I tried to hide that fact from my Mom because, in Texas, 14-year-old boys aren't supposed to cry, right?  And that was especially true back in the mid-1970s.  But anyway, my Mom came into my room after I'd been crying, and........


14-year-old Tim Anderson is sitting on his bed, tears running down his face as he angrily sulks over his team's loss earlier that day.  Tim's train of thought is broken by the sound of a knock at his door.  "Come in," he says, quickly wiping his tears.  His mother, Mavis, enters the room.  


"You alright, sweetheart?"  Mavis asks.


"Yeah.  I'm fine."


Mavis walks over to her son.  "I know you're upset about the game"


Tim lowers his head.   "I was awful out there today, Mom."


"Oh, sweetheart, no you weren't."


"Yes I was.  I didn't score a single run, and I missed two really important catches,"  Tim says.  

"You went out there today onto that field, and you did your best, right?"  Mavis asks.  "I mean, you went out there and you put your all into that game."


"Sure I did.  Only my best wasn't good enough."


"Timothy, not everyone is naturally talented at some things.  Some people are naturally talented at cooking.  Some are naturally talented at writing.  Some are naturally talented at sports.  And other people are not talented at those things.  Would you say I'm a pretty good cook?"


"Sure, Mom."


"Well, when I was a young girl, my mother was trying to teach us girls how to cook.  I had two sisters, you know, Alice and Dorothy.  Dorothy was of course the oldest, and Alice the youngest, so I was in the middle.  Well, Dorothy was just a natural cook.  She picked up everything my mother said at the drop of a hat.  First time she tried frying chicken, it tasted just like my mother's.  Me, I couldn't get the hang of it.  First time I tried frying chicken I nearly set the kitchen on fire."


Tim laughs.


"I couldn't do anything,"  Mavis continues.  "I couldn't cook anything right,  not even bread.  Couldn't make cakes or pies, and my mother was about ready to give up on me.  But I was determined I was going to keep trying."


"So what happened?"  Tim asks.


"I spent all of my free time in that kitchen practicing.  I was determined I was going to be as good a cook as my mother and my sister Dorothy.  So I cooked, and I baked.  I made a lot of messes, but after a lot of those messes, I finally got the hang of cooking.  And the more I did it, the better I got.  My point is, if being on that baseball team is something you really want, then practice.  I'm sure your father will help you, and so will your Uncle Luke.  And I'll ask Ellie if her son Bobby can help you on weekends.  He's good at pretty much any sport."


"You really think I can get better?"


"I know you can.  I think your problem out there today was that you were nervous.  It was your first game.  Practice and practice some more.  Then if you still aren't good at baseball, then you'll know it's not your natural talent.  But you're never going to know if you don't try and get better, and if you sit up here and pout every time your team loses a game.  Just think about it."  Mavis leans over and kisses her son on the forehead, then she starts to leave the room.


"Mom?"  Tim calls to her.


Mavis pauses at the door and looks at him.  




"I love you,"  Mavis says, and leaves the room.  

**************RETURN TO THE PRESENT***********

"I took my Mom's advice that day, I practiced every day after school and all day Saturdays and half days on Sunday," Tim says back at the gravesite.  "With my father's help, I got better and better, and by my second year of high school I was the team's most valuable player.  All thanks to that pep talk.  That's the kind of mother Mavis Anderson was.  I could stand here all day and talk to you about her.  Tell stories about her.  But, I realize it's getting colder out here by the minute, and I won't keep you.  On behalf of myself and my family, I'd like to thank all of you for coming.  Now I'll, uh, I'll turn it back over to Rev. Bradley."


The minister steps forward and shakes Tim's hand.  "Thank you, Tim, for sharing such a wonderful memory of your mother with us.  Now, in closing, I would like to read a passage to you that Mavis told me a long time ago she wanted read at her funeral.  This is John, Chapter 14, verses 1 through 3:  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have......."

The Anderson home....later....


A large crowd of friends and relatives are gathered at the home of Mavis Anderson later that bitterly cold afternoon, following Mavis's funeral.  In the living room of the stately home, Mavis's son Tim, daughter-in-law Carol, and daughter Kathy are greeting and shaking hands with well wishers who had come to pay their respects.  Bobby and Ann approach Tim while he is chatting with another man.  


"Tim,"  Bobby says, placing his hand on Tim's shoulder.


"Oh, Bobby.  You're not leaving so soon, are you?"


"Yeah, we really should be getting back to Southfork,"  Bobby replies.  "Tim, we're really sorry about your mother.  Mavis was a wonderful woman."


"Thank you, Bobby,"  Tim says.  "You know my mother always thought the world of you and your family.  She adored Miss Ellie and considered her her best friend."


"I know, and my Mama felt the same.  I'll never forget all the time the two of them spent at those DOA meetings back in the old days."


Tim laughs slightly.  "Yeah, they were always fighting for some worthy cause or another."


"Yes, they were.  Well, we'd better get going.  Tim, my deepest condolences."


"And if there's anything at all we can do, please don't hesitate to call,"  Ann says.


"Thank you both,"  Tim says, shaking hands first with Bobby, then with Ann as they leave.  


Across the room, Tim's youngest son, troubled young Adam Anderson is standing alone, watching the crowd, when his oldest brother Craig comes over to him.  "It's good to see you here, Adam,"  Craig says.


"You think I wouldn't show up?"  Adam asks.


"I really wasn't sure.  Have you even spoken to Scott at all since you've been here?  Even before Grandmother's funeral?"


"No, why should I?"  Adam asks.

"Why should you?  Because he's your brother, that's why,"  Craig says.


"Come on.  He and I don't have one thing in common.  We never have.  And besides, he's a........."  


"A what?"


"You KNOW what.  A queer."


"And what difference does that make?"  Craig asks.  "He's still your brother."


"Oh, great, he's coming over here now,"  Adam says, seeing middle brother Scott approaching.  


"Well, here we are," Scott says, walking up to his brothers.  "The three Anderson brothers, together at last.  I can't even remember the last time the three of us were in the same room.  I think it was when Adam here was just a baby."


"Yeah, I think that's about right," says Craig.  


"Adam, it's good to see you,"  Scott says.  "How are you?"


"Just fine.  Craig, excuse me,"  Adam says and walks away.  


Scott watches his younger brother as Adam grabs his coat  from a coat rack near the front door and leaves.  Scott smiles and shakes his head.  "I have no idea what I ever did to him, but he never could stand me for some reason."


"Well, I think Adam feels like he was abandoned.  Look. Scott, don't take his hostility personally.  I think Adam still resents being sent away when he was so young."


"Mom and Dad had no choice, Craig.  He was a problem child even from the time he was a toddler.  You weren't around for some of the crap he pulled when he was just 5, 6, 7 years old.  You know that kid in that movie Problem Child?  Adam made THAT kid look like Opie Taylor by comparison.  I guess it's true that some people are just born bad."


"Now wait a minute, Scott.  Adam is NOT all bad."


"Oh yeah?  When he stayed with you in Knots Landing a couple years ago, didn't he almost get Casey killed?"


"And he felt really terrible about that,"  Craig says.  "Scott, you weren't there.  Adam was genuinely remorseful about that."


"Sure,"  Scott says with a smile.  "Well, you may believe there's some good in our little brother, but I don't share that belief.  And I think the sooner he goes back to wherever it is he calls home these days, the better I like it."  Scott starts to walk away.


Craig grabs him by the arm.  "Scott, he's still our kid brother.  Y'know, if you made the first move and tried to at least make friends with him, he might just meet you half way."


"Not a chance.  Last time I saw him before today, a few years ago, he called me an f-ing fag.  You saw I tried to be friendly with him just now, and you saw how he acted toward me.  So to hell with him.  I don't really care if I ever see him again."  Scott walks away from his brother, leaving Craig saddened and shaking his head at the state of his younger brothers' relationship, or lack of.


Jill and Casey come over to him.  "Hey," Jill says.  "Problems?"


"Yeah.  Two brothers who hate each others' guts."


"I'm sorry.  Listen, I'm about to leave and take Casey out to Southfork.  I was gonna just let him ride with Uncle Bobby and Ann, but, they already left, and, anyway, I'd like to drive out and see Lucas for a while.  And Casey's gonna spend the night with Michael."


"Okay,"  Craig says.  "You want me to come with you?"


"Nah, you stay and visit with your family and friends.  I won't be long."


"Alright.  You be careful.  I heard on the radio they were forecasting some sleet for later tonight."


"Don't worry,"  Jill says.  "I'll be back before it gets dark."


"Casey, you be good, and I'll see you tomorrow."


"See you tomorrow, Dad,"  Casey says.


"Be sure and say bye to your Grandma and Grandpa before you leave."


"I will."


Jill kisses her husband, and she and Casey walk away.  Craig goes to the front door and leaves the house.  Outside, he shivers, as the temperature continues to drop.  He looks around and spots Adam, then he walks over to his brother.  "Feels like it's getting colder by the minute,"  Craig says.


"I guess,"  replies Adam.  


"Dad told me you've been living and working down in Houston."


"Yep.  For over a year now, ever since I got out of...

.........ever since I got out of jail."


"You like it down there?"  Craig asks.


"It's okay.  It's better than here."


"I take it then, that you don't have any plans to move back here to Dallas any time soon."


"No, I don't," says Adam.  "The farther I stay away from here, the better.  I wouldn't even be here now except Mom begged me to come.  She begged me to come to the funeral of a grandmother I hardly knew.  And did you notice Dad hasn't said two words to me all day?"


"He's kinda got a lot on his mind right now, little brother."


"It's no different now than it ever is.  I just don't belong in or with this family, and that's all there is to it."


"Adam, y'know, it seems to me that you've never even really tried to be a part of the family."


Adam looks up at him.  "Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black.  How many years did YOU stay away?"


"You're right, I did.  For different reasons than you.  But I came back."


"That's because you belong with them,"  Adam says.  "I don't."


"You still resent Mom and Dad for sending you away to school when you were little."


"I don't wanna talk about this, so could you please just leave me alone?"  Adam asks.


"You're gonna have to deal with the family sooner or later, little brother.  You can't keep running from who you are."


"Yeah?  Watch me,"  Adam says.  He quickly gets to his feet and walks away from his brother.


A cold and steady light rain was falling on Southfork later that afternoon, as a warm and cozy fire burns in the living room.  Bobby is standing at one of the French doors in the living room looking out at the drizzle falling.  John Ross comes into the living room and pauses as he watches his uncle for a moment, Bobby's back to him.  "Uncle Bobby," John Ross says.  "Ann told me you wanted to talk to me."

"Yes, John Ross.  Come in."


"Okay, what have I done now?"  John Ross asks.


"You haven't done anything.  I have some good news for you, and a proposition I'm hoping you'll take me up on."


"Okay, you got me curious,"  John Ross says.  "What's this proposition?"


"John Ross, how would you like to come back to work at Ewing Oil?"


"In what capacity?  Has Clay screwed up already and you're bootin' him out as president?"


"No, Clay hasn't screwed up.  I want you to come back to the company as vice-president."


"You........you want me to come back to Ewing Oil as vice-president?"  John Ross asks.

 "Yes.  John Ross, it's the perfect answer,"  says Bobby.  "Your mother is stepping down from Ewing Oil to concentrate on running the J.R. Ewing Foundation.  The company needs a vice-president, and who better than you?  You have the experience, you know the company from top to bottom."


"All the more reason I should be president and not some flunky vice-president who has to answer to Clay Beaumont for everything."


"John Ross, my hope is to see you and Clay working together to run Ewing Oil.  To make the company as great as it was in J.R.'s early days of running it.  Look, son, I know how hard this is for you.  You feel like you are the rightful heir to Ewing Oil, and that Clay moved in and usurped your place.  But as hard as this is for you to hear this.........John Ross, the simple fact is, YOU may have been running the company now instead of Clay had you not gone against mine and Sue Ellen's wishes and gotten involved in that disastrous offshore deal with ColbyCo."


"How long is everyone gonna hold that over my head?  I made a mistake."


"John Ross, that wasn't a mistake.  You willfully made a bad decision and did something I specifically asked you not to do.  But that's in the past."


"Is it really?"  John Ross asks.


"Yes.  That's why I'm making this offer.  John Ross, I want you involved in the company.  But it can't be as president."


"You really think Clay and I would be able to work together?  We'd be at each others' throats all the time, and what makes you think he'd even agree to this?"


"I've already talked to Clay about it this morning," says Bobby.  "And he agreed to give it a try.  So now it's up to you.  John Ross, I would consider it a personal favor to me if you would agree to this.  Clay needs someone with your experience to help him run the company.  I would also love to see J.R.'s son and grandson working together to make Ewing Oil one of the biggest and most successful companies in the oil business.  If you need some time to think about it......"


"No.  I don't need any time.  You got yourself a deal,"  John Ross says.


"You'll do it?"


John Ross nods.


"Thank you, John Ross.  I was afraid you were gonna say no."


"I'll do it.  Ewing Oil is in my blood, Uncle Bobby.  I want.......no, I NEED to be a part of it, and if that means playin' second fiddle to James's bastard son, then so be it.  And I hope that if the time ever comes when Clay decides to step down as president........you'll at least give me a chance to fill that president's chair again."


Smiling, Bobby reaches out his hand to his nephew and the two shake hands on the deal.  "We'll meet with Clay in the next couple days and iron out the details,"  Bobby says.

John Ross and Krystina's bedroom....later....

 John Ross walks into the bedroom just as Krystina comes in from the bathroom after washing her hair.  "Hey," she says to him.


"Hey, yourself,"  John Ross says with a smile.


"You seem in a better mood than you did twenty minutes ago."


"Because I am.  I just had a talk with Uncle Bobby."


"Oh?  About what?"  Krystina asks.


"Uncle Bobby asked me to come back to Ewing Oil."


"What?  You're kidding.  John Ross, that's GREAT!  What happened?  Is Clay stepping down as president?"


"No, he's not.  I won't be goin' back as president."


"Then in what capacity are you going back?"  Krystina asks.


"As vice-president."


"Vice-president?  Wow.  I'm surprised you agreed to that.  It means that Clay will basically be your boss."


"I know all that,"  says John Ross.  "But just because I'm returning to Ewing Oil as vice-president does not mean that I have to remain vice-president."


"John Ross, what exactly are you up to?"


"Darlin', don't you see?  Being vice-president of the company means I've got my foot in the door.  And if and or WHEN Clay steps down or is removed as president, who do you think will likely take over then?"

"And why would Clay step down or be removed?"  Krystina asks with a slight smile.  


"Well, you never know.  After all, anything can happen," John Ross says with a devious smile.  


 Christopher's car pulls up to Southfork and comes to a stop in the parking area.  Christopher, Erin, and K.C. get out of the car and head toward the house just as Bobby walks Jill onto the patio.  "Hi, Jill," Christopher says.


"Hi, Christopher, how are you?"


"Just fine," Christopher replies, greeting his cousin with a kiss on the cheek.  "I heard you were in town for a few days.  I'm really sorry about Craig's grandmother."


"Thank you."


"Oh, Jill, I'd like you to meet Erin Ward,"  Christopher says.  "Erin, this is my cousin, Jill Anderson."


"Hello, Jill, it's nice to meet you,"  Erin says, shaking hands with Jill.


"It's great to meet you, too."


"You're the cousin who lives next door to Karen MacKenzie in Knots Landing, right?"  Erin asks.


Jill smiles.  "Yes, I am."


"Karen is my godmother.  My parents use to live on Seaview Circle when I was born."


"Oh, yes, your parents are Kenny and Ginger Ward, right?"  Jill asks.


"That's right."


"Well, I've heard a lot about you, and it's nice to finally meet you."


"Thank you,"  says Erin.  


"I suppose I'd better hurry and get going," says Jill.  


"Yeah, up the road there's already some freezing rain starting to fall,"  says Christopher.  "So we won't hold you up.  Jill, I hope I get to see you and catch up while you're in town."



Jill smiles.  "Sure.  Craig and I are coming over tomorrow to pick up Casey.  He's spending the night with Michael."


"Okay, well, see you tomorrow."


"Okay, bye.  Erin, it was nice meeting you."


"Nice meeting you, too, Jill,"  Erin says as she, Christopher, and K.C. go into the house.


"She seems very nice,"  Jill says.


"Erin is lovely,"  says Bobby.  "I'm real happy for Christopher.  His divorce from Courtney was very hard on him, and then he had another relationship after that that didn't work out."


"I'm guessing the little boy is her son?"  Jill asks.


"K.C. is Erin's and Christopher's son."


"Christopher is his father?  How long have they known each other?"


"It's a long story, but they met several years ago when they were both in California.  Of course that was before Christopher married Courtney."


"Boy, it sure has turned a lot colder in the last hour or so,"  Jill says.


"Yeah, and my guess is right, that drizzle is about to turn to freezing rain here like Christopher said it already has up the road,"  Bobby says.  "Jill, I really wish you'd stay the night, too.  I hate the thought of you driving all the way back into town in this weather, when the roads are probably already starting to freeze."


"I'll be fine, Uncle Bobby.  I'll take it real slow and easy."


"Tell you what.  I'll get one of the hands to drive you in.  We can either bring your rental car to you at the Andersons and bring Casey, too, or someone can pick you up tomorrow when the weather is hopefully better."


"I don't wanna put anyone to any trouble,"  Jill says.


"I insist."



"Okay, thanks, I really would appreciate it,"  Jill says


Just then, Justin's truck pulls up and comes to a stop in the parking area.  Justin and Devon get out of the truck, Devon carrying his duffle bag, and approach Bobby and Jill on the patio.  "Hi, Jill"  Justin says.


"Hi.  Lucas told me that Devon was coming to spend the night with Michael and Casey."


"That's right,"  Justin says.


"Devon, the boys are upstairs in Michael's room,"  says Bobby.  "Why don't you go on up?"


"Okay.  Thanks for driving me out, Justin."


"No problem.  You behave yourself, and I'll pick you up sometime tomorrow.  Have fun."


Devon smiles.  "Thanks, I will."


"Bye, Devon,"  Jill says.


"Bye,"  the boy replies, and goes into the house.  


"Well, Justin, you seem to really be enjoying being father to that boy,"  Bobby says.


"Yeah, Devon's a great kid."


"He sure seems to be,"  says Jill.  "He and Casey really hit it off well."


"Jill, are you about to leave?"  Justin asks.


"Yeah, I was just about to get one of the hands to drive Jill back into town so she doesn't have to drive on these icy roads,"  Bobby says.


"Well, I'm about to head back, so why don't you just ride with me?"  Justin asks.


"Justin, that would be great, thanks."


"What are brothers for?  Uncle Bobby, see you later."




"Take care, Justin," Bobby says as Justin and Jill leave.  










Clay's apartment....late evening....

Clay is standing on the balcony of his apartment that night looking out over the city of Dallas, deep in thought about his conversation with Bobby earlier that day.  


Michelle comes onto the balcony.  "Clay?"  She says.  "Oh, damn, it's FREEZING out here."


"Yeah, it is."


"What are you doing out here so long?"  Michelle asks, shivering in the cold.  


"I just came out here to think.  I do my best thinking right out here on this balcony."


"Well, can't we go in where it's warm?" 


Clay looks at her and smiles.  "Sure, okay,"  he says, and the two move in from the balcony to the warmth of the apartment.


"This is much better,"  says Michelle.  "You must be frozen, you were out there so long."


"Nah, I like the cold, remember?"


"Clay, what's bothering you?  You've been in a bad mood all evening, and then you disappeared out onto that freezing balcony for more than half an hour.  What's wrong?  Talk to me."


"Uncle Bobby came to see me this morning, and he asked a favor of me.  A HUGE favor."


"What kind of favor?"  Michelle asks.


"He wants me to take John Ross back at Ewing Oil as my vice-president,"  Clay replies.


"What?  Are you kidding?  Do you think John Ross would agree to being your second in command, or whatever?"


"I don't know."


"YOU agreed to it?"  Michelle asks.


"Honey, I didn't have any choice.  Okay, maybe I did, but, Uncle Bobby trusted me enough to make me president of Ewing Oil, so how could I say no to me.  He IS still majority shareholder in the company, after all."


"And Bobby told you that you could run Ewing Oil any way you saw fit,"  says Michelle.  "Without any interference from him."


"He's not interfering.  He asked me to do this, he didn't tell me I had to."


"He knew you wouldn't say no."


"Well, I just have to learn how to work and peacefully co-exist with John Ross.  And that's gonna just be loads of fun."


Michelle smiles and puts her arms around Clay.  "Let's not talk about John Ross or Ewing Oil anymore."


"Fine with me.  So, uh, what should we talk about?"  Clay asks, putting his arms around Michelle.


"How about we don't talk at all?"  Michelle asks in a seductive tone, then the two kiss.

Southfork....the next morning....

 A beautiful light snow was falling on Southfork by 8:30 the next morning, creating an almost magical 

 atmosphere.  The stillness of the bitterly cold winter morning only adds to the beauty and serenity of the 

scene. Bobby and Ann come down the stairs and find Justin standing at the front door, looking out one of the windows at the falling snow.  "Mornin',"  Ann says.


"Morning.  Snow's starting to come down pretty good out there."


Bobby walks over to the window and looks out.  "Sure is."


"I always love when it snows,"  Ann says.  "The ranch is so pretty in the snow."


"How about after breakfast, you and I go for a romantic walk in the snow?"  Bobby asks with a smile.  


"I'd love that."


Michael, Casey, and Devon come down the stairs.  "Hey, did you guys see that it's snowing outside?"  Casey asks.


"Yes, we did," Bobby replies.


"Dad, can Casey, Devon, and I go out riding?"  Michael asks.


"Sure, after breakfast,"  replies Lucas.  "Just as long as you guys don't go too far.  I don't want you gettin' caught out there if the snow gets any worse."


"I don't think it's gonna get that bad,"  says Devon.  "Justin and I heard the forecast on the radio when he was bringing me over here yesterday and they said we'd have mostly flurries all day, but nothing serious."


"Come on, let's have some breakfast,"  Ann says.  


"I think we'll just have a snack, and head on out," says Michael.


"Nothing doing," Lucas says.  "You're gonna have breakfast with the rest of the family."


"Oh, why don't you let them go on, Lucas?"  Ann asks.  "They can have somethin' when they get back.  Besides, if they're goin' out ridin', they should probably do it now while it's not snowin' so hard out there."


"Okay, but you guys dress warmly,"  Lucas says.  "Especially you, Casey.  It's freezing out there, and you're use to the warm California climate."


"Yeah, I got a warm coat you can borrow,"  Michael says.  "Come on."


"You remember what I said.  Don't go too far," Lucas tells the boys as they head up the stairs.  Lucas joins Bobby and Ann in the dining room for breakfast.


"Y'know, I really Devon," Ann says.  "He's really come a long way since he's been livin' with Justin and Pamela."


"Yeah, he has," Bobby says.  "It's easy to see why Justin and Pamela think so highly of him."


"Hard to believe he's the same kid who helped his brother kidnap Michael and Jacob,"  says Lucas.


"That was a long time ago, and Devon's brother was behind that,"  Bobby says.  


"I know.  It's just hard to forget it, that's all,"  Lucas says, taking a sip of his coffee.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....

 Dylan is standing at the window in the nursery at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital that morning looking 

in at his newborn son, beaming with pride.  A nurse walks up beside him.  


"Which one is yours?"  She asks.


"The one on the right."


"Oh, the Ewing baby."


"That's right."


"I was just in checking on your wife a little while ago,"  the nurse says.  "You're one lucky man, Mr. Ewing.  Little fellow is getting stronger all the time."


"When I look at him, I just can't believe it,"  says Dylan.  "I can't believe he's actually my son."


"Well, you'd better get use to being a father.  You're gonna be one for a long, long time.  Have you and Mrs. Ewing decided on a name yet?"


"Not yet.  In fact, I'm gonna talk to my wife about it right now.  Take care."


"You, too," the nurse says as Dylan walks away.  


A moment later, Dylan walks into Jasmine's hospital room down the hall and finds her talking to a middle age man.  



"Dylan, come in,"  Jasmine says.  "Sweetheart, this is Detective McCarthy.  Detective, this is my husband, Dylan Ewing."


"Mr. Ewing," the detective says.


"Detective?"  Dylan asks.  "Jasmine, what's going on?"


"Detective McCarthy is here to ask me about what Ashley did to me at the Oil Baron's Ball."


"Mr. Ewing, your wife and Ashley Beaumont..........they have a history of animosity?"  Detective McCarthy asks.


"Yes, but, Jasmine, what is this?  What are you doing?"


"The only right thing I can do,"  Jasmine replies.  "I'm pressing charges against Ashley Beaumont for assault."


"You're WHAT?"  Dylan asks.  


"I'm pressing charges against Ashley.  She did push me, after all.  Our baby could've died."


Dylan looks at her in shock.

Ewing Oil....


Clay is standing at the window of his office looking out at the snow falling outside on the city of Dallas, once again deep in thought over his future having to work with John Ross.  Clay is snapped out of his daydream by a knock at his door.  "Come in,"  he says.


Sly and Sally both come into the office.  "Clay, I just heard on the TV that they're expecting the snow to get heavier in the next couple of hours, and they're even expecting blizzard conditions," Sly says.


"A blizzard?"  Clay asks, surprised.


"Yes, and would you mind if I left early and head home now?"  Sally asks.  "You know I live outside of town and I'd like to get home before the roads get really bad."


"Of course.  Would you like for me to get someone to drive you?"


"No, thanks, I'll be fine as long as it doesn't get any worse before I get home.  I'll leave right now."


"Okay, and you be careful,"  Clay says.  "And call me when you get home and let me know you arrived safely."


"Thanks, Clay, I will,"  Sally says.  "Bye."


"Bye, Sally and be careful,"  Sly says as Sally rushes out.


"Sly, why don't you go ahead and get home, too, before the weather gets worse?"


"I only live a couple streets over, so I'll be fine,"  Sly says.


"Yeah, but I don't think we're gonna get any business done here today, so we may as well just close up and go home."


Sly smiles.  "Okay.  I'll leave right now, then.  Clay, are you alright?  You seem a little distracted today."


Clay sighs.  "Yeah, I guess I am.  But I'm fine.  Thanks, Sly.  You go on home and enjoy your day off."


"Thanks, I will.  I'll see you tomorrow, Clay."


"Okay.  Bye, Sly,"  Clay says as she leaves.  


After Sly is gone, Clay walks over to the window and looks out again, the snow outside growing increasingly harder.


 Michael, Casey, and Devon come down the stairs at Southfork and into the foyer.  Lucas is in the den.  "Hey, guys,"  Lucas says.


"Dad, we're about to head out riding,"  says Michael.


"Okay, but, just remember what I said.  Don't go too far, and if it starts snowing any harder, you head back.  And don't stay out too long."


"Don't worry, we won't."


Lucas smiles.  "Alright, then, you guys go on and have a good time.  And dress a little warmer than that."

"Don't worry, we're going to, Mr. Ewing," Devon says.  


"See you later, Dad,"  Michael says, and he and the other two boys leave.  


A minute later the boys come onto the patio.  "It's starting to snow harder,"  Devon says.  "Maybe we shouldn't go riding."


"Come on, it'll be okay," says Michael.


"Yeah, we won't be gone long," Casey says.  The three boys begin toward the stables.


"Oh, crap,"  Devon says, stopping alongside the pool.


"What's the matter?"  Michael asks.


"I left my phone up in your room.  Oh, well, I guess I won't need it,"  Devon says.


"Come on,"  Michael says, and the three continue on to the stables.

Clay's apartment....

 The snow is beginning to get heavier in Dallas as morning gives way to early afternoon.  At Clay's apartment, Ashley is busy packing her things as she prepares to move in with Conner at his new place.  Her packing is interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.  Ashley leaves her bedroom, goes into the living room and opens the door to find Detective McCarthy.  "Yes, may I help you?"  She asks.


"Are you Ashley Lynn Beaumont?"  McCarthy asks.


"Yes, I am."


"Miss Beaumont, you're under arrest."


Ashley's mouth falls open in shock and her heart sinks.  "Under arrest?  For what?"


"For the assault of Jasmine Ewing,"  McCarthy replies.  "You have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law......"  as the detective continues reading her her rights, Ashley's mind tunes out his voice and she goes into a minor state of shock, unable to believe what's happening to her.


 Lucas is sitting in the den at Southfork doing some paperwork when Bobby and Christopher come in.  "Boy, it's gettin' colder and colder out there," Christopher says.  


"Sure feels good in here, though," says Bobby.


"Did you two come from the stables?"  Lucas asks.


"Yes, we did,"  Bobby replies.  "We were double checking to make sure everything was secure."


"Do you know if Michael, Casey, and Devon are back from their ride yet?"


"No, I didn't see Michael's horse in the stables,"  Christopher says.


"I'm a little worried," says Bobby.  "It's really gettin' bad out there."


Lucas looks at his father.  He gets up from his seat and goes to the window and looks out.  "My God, the snow's really comin' down.  The boys should've been back by now."


"How long have they been gone?"  Bobby asks.


"Forty-five minutes, an hour maybe.  I really don't know, I've been working on these feed bills and going over the books."


"Maybe we should go out and look for them," says Christopher.


Bobby is about to say something when Ann comes into the room.  "I just heard it on TV,"  she says.  "This weather is gonna get a lot worse throughout the day.  They're predictin' blizzard conditions this afternoon."


"A blizzard?"  Bobby asks.




"My God.  We've gotta find the boys if they haven't come back yet,"  Lucas says.


"Come on, let's go,"  says Christopher.


"I'm comin' with you," Bobby says.  


"Be careful, please,"  Ann says as her husband and stepsons leave the room quickly.


The snow was now falling hard across the ranch, with a dangerously cold wind blowing as Michael, Casey,

and Devon, who was trailing slightly behind the other two more experienced riders.  


"This snowstorm sure is getting bad,"  Casey says.


"Yeah, we'd better head back to the stables fast," says Michael.  "Hey, Devon, you okay back there?"


"Yeah, I'm okay, just freezing."



"We're ALL freezing," Casey says.  "Somehow I knew it was a bad idea to go riding in this weather."


"Come on, none of us knew it was gonna get this bad so fast," says Michael.  "Let's just try and get back to the house before it gets any worse.  I think we go this way."


"What?"  Devon asks.  "You don't even 

know the way back?  Dude, you LIVE here!"


"Southfork is a BIG ranch, okay!  Yeah, I know the way back.  It's this way."


"I hope you're right," Casey says.  


"Just follow me."


As the three boys start up a hill on their horses, the sound of a crackling from a tree to their left can be heard.  Suddenly, a large limb from the tree breaks under the weight of the ice and snow that had begun to accumulate on its branches and falls, hitting Michael's horse.  The horse whinnies loudly as it stumbles sideways, bumping into Casey's horse.  All three horses are frightened, and the boys lose control of the animals.  "WHOAH!  WHOAH!!!"  Michael yells. 


The three animals lose their footing on the side of a steep hill they had been climbing.  The horses all begin to tumble down the hill.  Casey and Devon are thrown from their horses and they tumble down the hill after their horses, but Michael's foot is caught in the stirrup of his saddle, and he falls down the steep hill with his horse, the large, heavy animal landing on Michael's foot and dragging him down the hill, where they land in a creek.  Casey and Devon land at the edge of the creek.  Casey's and Devon's horses both get to their feet fast after they end up at the bottom of the hill on the edge of the creek, but Michael's horse remains on its side, half the animal in the creek, his head resting on the bank.  



"MICHAEL!!!"  Casey yells.   "OH MY GOD, MICHAEL!!!"  He and Devon quickly scramble to their feet and Casey rushes over to his cousin, finding Michael about to be submerged in the freezing waters of the creek.  It appears Michael is unconscious.  "MICHAEL!!!"  Casey yells again just as Michael's head goes under water.  Without even thinking, Casey quickly jumps into the icy cold water and pulls his cousin out, dragging him to the edge of the bank where Devon is waiting to help pull an unconscious Michael to safety.  



"Is he okay?"  Devon asks, once he and Casey have pulled Michael out of the creek.  


"I don't know.  Let's roll him over."


Casey and Devon roll Michael over on his back and they are shocked to see that he has a large cut on his forehead.  


"Oh my God,"  Casey says.  "He's bleeding pretty bad."


"Come on,"  says Devon.  "We gotta get him back up the hill and back to the house."


Casey looks around.  To his left and his right, all he sees is the creek running through the snow covered woods.  When he looks straight ahead, he sees the steep hill he, Devon, and Michael had fallen down.  "Somehow, we gotta get Michael back up that hill."


"Where are our horses?"  Devon asks.


"I dunno, they must've run off."


"Oh boy,"  Devon says.  "Looks like Michael's horse isn't gonna be any help."


Casey walks over to the animal, which appears to be severely injured.  Casey kneels beside the horse and gently touches its head.  The horse looks up at him, but is unable to get up.  "Casey examines the animal as best he can.  "I think his leg is broken."


"Casey, Michael is hurt bad,"  says a frightened Devon.  


"I know."


"Well, come on, we have to get him out of here."


"Only thing is, I have no idea where we are,"  Casey says.  


"Neither do I."


Casey goes over to where Devon is kneeling beside Michael.  "Michael, come on,"  Casey says, touching his cousin's face.  "Michael wake up."


"You think we can get him up that hill?"  Devon asks.


"I dunno.  We need to get some help.  I'll use my phone and call the house."  Casey reaches into his pocket for his phone, but finds it gone.  "Oh no."




"My phone, it's gone.  I'll bet I lost it when I went in the creek after Michael."


"Michael's phone, we can use it."


Casey reaches into his cousin's pocket.  Finding Michael's phone, he takes it out, but the screen is shattered, and the phone is water logged.  "Great.  His phone is ruined.  Use yours and see if you can get a signal way out here."


"Dude, I left my phone back at the house in Michael's room, remember?"  


"Damn,"  says a frustrated Casey.  


"Man, what are we gonna do?"  Devon asks.  


"One thing's for sure, we can't stay here."


"I know.  It's FREEZING."


"Not only that, dude, we gotta get Michael some help.  He's losing blood, and if we stay out here much longer, I'm scared of what might happen to him, and to us.  Come on.  Together, I think we can carry him up the hill, and maybe the other two horses are up there."


Devon grabs Michael on one side, and Casey on the other, and the two boys lift him to his feet.  As the snow begins to fall harder, the boys attempt to carry Michael up the hill, but after only making it a short way up, they slip on the snowy side of the hill and fall back down.  


"Come on, let's try again,"  Casey says.  Once again, they pick Michael up and make an attempt to get up the hill, but again, they slip and fall to the bottom of the hill again.  


"Casey, it's no use,"  Devon says.  "We can't carry him up this slippery hill."


"You're right.  Devon, see if you can climb to the top yourself.  Look for the horses.  If you see them, try and get one down here."


Devon nods.  He gets a running start, and on his own, he is able to climb with great effort all the way to the top of the hill.  Once at the top, he makes his way through the few sparse trees and to the edge of the pasture. He looks around, but sees only one of the horses.  "Hey, boy,"  he says.  "It's okay."  Devon approaches the animal, but the frightened animal takes off running.  "WAIT!!!"  Devon yells, running after the horse.  But the animal gets away and disappears over the horizon.  


At the bottom of the hill, Casey is sitting on the ground with Michael's head in his lap, holding one of his gloves over the wound on Michael's head to try to stop the bleeding.  "Hang on, cuz,"  he tells Michael.  "We're gonna get you out of here."


A moment later, Devon makes his way back down the hill.  


"Any sign of the horses?"  Casey asks.


"I found one, but I couldn't catch him.  He ran away.  I didn't see the other one."


"Devon, we've gotta do something.  We can't stay here and freeze to death, and we can't count on anyone finding us."


"Michael's Dad, he'll come looking for us when we don't come back."


"Dude, Lucas has no idea where we are.  We didn't tell anybody where we were going, just that we were going out riding.  No one knew the weather was gonna get this bad.  Southfork is enormous.  And no one even knows where to look for us.  I'm sure they'll look, but, they may not find us in time, not on this big ranch."


"So what are we gonna do?"  Devon asks, shivering in the cold.  


"Devon, we have to try again to get Michael up that hill.  If we stay here, he could die, or we could all freeze to death."


"Casey, I'm scared.  I'm real scared,"  Devon says.


"Me, too, man.  Me too,"  Casey says, the snow beginning to come down harder still.  He and Devon look around at their surroundings, and the steep, snow covered hill they had to somehow find a way to climb with Michael in order to save not only his life, but theirs as well.....



Write a comment

Comments: 24
  • #1

    Rose Meisenhelder (Wednesday, 19 June 2024 21:00)

    So what's the baby's name?
    There's got to be a building someplace for the boys to find for shelter.
    And a sad farewell to Mavis.

  • #2

    Rose Meisenhelder (Wednesday, 19 June 2024)

    Cory, if you're still upset about Daniel, why are you not DOING something about it? If Daniel doesn't want to talk to you about what your mom did, why not ask Lucy for help? If you love the guy, put some effort into fixing things.
    Since Erin & Christopher went to Knots Landing for Mac's funeral, wouldn't Jill have already met Erin? Even if you didn't see it, wouldn't Christopher have said hello to his cousin at the funeral and introduced her to Erin?

  • #3

    Andrew P Hass (Thursday, 20 June 2024 08:54)

    I'm wondering if one of the reasons Jasmine may want to press charges against Ashley is that she thinks Dylan may still love Ashley a little and that if she hadn't been pregnant Dylan wouldn't have married her.

  • #4

    Joseph Pace (Thursday, 20 June 2024 16:35)

    Awesome. Well done, john. I enjoyed reading it.

  • #5

    CINDY T SHAFT (Thursday, 20 June 2024 20:28)

    Great ending. Nice send off for Mavis. Hope Clay and stop John Ross from taking Ewing OIl away from him. Next battle about to start. Can't wait for the next one.

  • #6

    NRK (Monday, 24 June 2024 12:31)

    So Bobby removed the liquor from the Southfork living room to accommodate Lucas being a recovering alcoholic. Previously, the Ewings didn't do that for Sue Ellen. Jock would have said that they shouldn't have to limit themselves because of Sue Ellen's weakness. John Ross seems to be echoing that sentiment.

  • #7

    Rose Meisenhelder (Friday, 28 June 2024 20:24)

    Maybe John Ross is annoyed because the family didn't do anything to remove alcohol from the house when his mother was struggling. I would imagine he still has some trauma from witnessing his mother's relapses as a child.

  • #8

    Chris (Saturday, 29 June 2024 17:31)

    Who is this Michele. Clay' new gf

  • #9

    Rose Meisenhelder (Saturday, 29 June 2024 20:28)

    Michele is the twin sister of Bridget, who is Alex's girlfriend. Their grandmother is Donna Love.

  • #10

    Randy Engel (Sunday, 30 June 2024 10:07)

    It was nice to have these two stories back to back hope a third comes out soon

  • #11

    Ada Vincent (Thursday, 04 July 2024 01:42)

    Great writing

  • #12

    Christina (Tuesday, 09 July 2024 23:28)

    Amazing always

  • #13

    trevor campbell (Friday, 12 July 2024 00:18)

    just now seeing this episode since there was no facebook post, good stuff. Hope we get another one soon

  • #14

    Julia Cherri (Tuesday, 13 August 2024 17:08)

    I am just now reading this story and I loved it. John you are a wonderful writer and I hope you will continue with more stories letting us know what happens to the boys and all the other.. Thank you John for all your hard work.

  • #15

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 00:03)

    Jasmine Ewing got some nerve pressing assault charges against Ashley Beaumont like what the hell? That whole entire thing was nothing more than an accident! She is always starting some kind of mess. Your baby didn’t die. You got a strong baby boy. You are alright and she’s really doing this. Man, Connor is going to be furious and the same goes for Donna and Ray! More drama coming. Seriously Jasmine is so much like Lila it’s not even funny.

  • #16

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 00:07)

    I wish them boys had just stayed home! They should have never gone out riding on the verge of a snowstorm. Like really? Micheals leg got hurt, the horses leg got hurt too, the other two ran away, like they don’t have their cell phones, like they are in a weak of trouble.

  • #17

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 00:19)

    I agree Rose, if you are that about Daniel Cory you can easily go to Lucy and ask her for help. Tell Lucy what your mom did to him, blackmailing him into ending his relationship with Cory. Lucy might confront Lila about that! Lucy been a Ewing longer than Lila and her relationship with her son is still super awkward. And yes I absolutely agree, if Christopher and Erin went to Mack’s funeral, then and Jill did too, then Erin and Jill should already know each other so that’s very odd that Jill and Erin are meeting for the first time.

  • #18

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 00:29)

    I love John Ross but man he got to stop doing this. Learn to behave yourself and stop your sneaky ways. Co-exist with Clay Beaumont and then things will be better for you. Clay does need a Vice President and all the older members like Bobby, and Sue Ellen they aren’t there at Ewing Oil anymore. John Ross is it but I would love if Krystina got back to work too. Clay could learn a lot from both. I do remember John Ross has had it hardest. James came, then Christopher and John Ross stopped getting attention from Bobbys grandparents. And then He was stuck with two parents always feuding with each other. And Sue Ellen had her drinking issues, and he felt abandoned by JR.

  • #19

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 00:54)

    Why didn’t Bobby and the rest of the Ewings try it accommodate for Sue Ellen’s drinking but they did it for Lucas? Yes I can understand why John Ross was a little annoyed by that; by the way I do agree with him on one thing. Casey has one smart mouth, and he needs to learn how to respect elders when he is in somebody else’s house.

  • #20

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 01:03)

    I loved the Knots Landing/Dallas crossover. I’m really sad that Mavis Anderson died. That was really a tough one to swallow and her years of Alzheimer’s is what got her. I loved the memories her son Tim talked about. I hate the way Adam and Scott is acting towards each other. Adam is a troublemaker! That’s why he’s never fit in with the family. I mean calling your own brother a queer and a fag is not cool. He has to learn that God connects with all people, shapes, sizes, and color. Boy Craig Anderson has his hands full when it comes to all this brother drama he’s dealing with. One thing for sure Mavis wouldn’t want Scott and Adam acting like this with each other.

  • #21

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 01:08)

    I hope them boys won’t freeze out bring in all that snow and now I know eventually the Ewing men will have to go after them. Them boys need a ton of help through. Casey showed alot of balls jumping into that water and saving Micheal. They should have just waited until the conditions but teenagers are just so hard headed these days.

  • #22

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 01:14)

    No Andrew Hass, Jasmine pressed charges against her because she wants her to suffer. Because she is a troublemaker and I don’t know why Dylan married her and everything. Like cmon really? There is no reason to press charges. Your baby is fine. You are fine. Your baby is going strong every day. But assault? This was really just an accident. Jasmine doing this out of spite and she wrong. Two wrongs don’t make a right and why is Lila going around threatening people. First Daniel, now Ashley. Whose next?

  • #23

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 01:17)

    If John Ross being at Ewing Oil he might need to go into business with himself because that way he can be the boss, because I’m not sure if he will play second fiddle to Clay Beaumont. It will be interesting though how everything unfolds.

  • #24

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 18 August 2024 01:24)

    It was great to see Jill see her family that was really great. Can’t believe it’s under sad circumstances and so on. Mavis Anderson was his mothers best friend and I loved seeing her at the Oil Barons Ball. She was her happiest going to those balls as well too.