EPISODE 244 - Calamity!

Previously on DALLAS:

------------After Lila found him in bed with Daniel, Cory had no choice but to confess everything to her, and later to Cass.

------------Krystina confronted Brad and warned him about causing any trouble for John Ross, and about being connected to her brother Adam.

------------Craig Forrester showed up at the Ewing Barbecue, much to Brad's annoyance.

------------Craig vowed to "take care of" the "Krystina problem."  Later, one of his henchmen snuck onto Southfork in the dead of night and planted an explosive device underneath Krystina's car.

-------------Lila confronted Daniel and blackmailed him into ending his relationship with Cory.

-------------Justin and Pamela learned from the DNA test that Devon is Tripp McKay's son.

-------------Bobby urged Christopher to get a DNA test done to find out for sure if K.C. is his son.

-------------John Ross blackmailed Sly's son Cole into helping him against Clay in the contest for control of Ewing Oil.

-------------Peter Richards had lunch with Sue Ellen, and later admitted to Lucy that even after all these years he still wanted Sue Ellen.

-------------Cory was devastated when Daniel broke up with him.

-------------When her own car was giving her problems, Heather borrowed Krystina's car to pick Michael up from school.  Later, the explosive device under Krystina's car went off, causing Heather to almost collide with Dylan's car.  Both cars veered off the road and crashed.......and a huge fireball of an explosion followed the crash!


A highway in Braddock County....

The sounds of sirens can be heard on a highway in Braddock County, as an ambulance, followed by a 

fire engine, speed toward the scene of a horrific two car accident that had occurred just minutes earlier.  Meanwhile, two miles away at the scene of the tragedy, a car, a 2021 Infiniti sits at the bottom of a hill, off the highway, engulfed in flames.  The car belongs to Krystina Carrington Ewing, but had been driven on this tragic day by Heather McCabe Ewing, who had just picked her son Michael up from school.  

 On the opposite side of the highway, at the bottom of an embankment resting against a tree, sits another car, a blue 2022 Honda Civic driven by Dylan Ewing.  Inside the car, Dylan is laying over on 

the passenger seat, unconscious, battered and bleeding from injuries sustained in the crash.  The sound of sirens can be heard in the distance.  


On the street up the hill from where Dylan's car had crashed, cars begin pulling over, curious and concerned spectators wanting to see what has happened.  Several of the spectators make their way down the embankment to where Dylan's car sits, hoping to help the driver injured in the accident.  


Meanwhile, on the other side of the highway, several more men rush down the short hill to where the other car is now almost completely engulfed in flames.  But the fire is so intense they are unable to get too close to the car.  One man, a truck driver, hurries down the hill carrying a fire extinguisher.  He unloads the extinguisher on the flames in an attempt to put out the fire.  Moments later, the ambulance, two fire engines, and two Braddock County Sheriff's vehicles pull up and come to a stop on the highway.  Several firefighters rush to the fiery scene and open up their hoses on the burning car.  Paramedics hurry down the hill to be ready to come to the aid of the accident victim inside the burning car.  As the firefighters successfully put out the blaze, they can see the victim in the car, slumped over the steering wheel, obviously suffering very severe burns and injuries.  


"HEY, OVER HERE!"  A man's voice yells from nearby.  Two paramedics rush over to the man, and laying in some tall grass they find another victim, a young boy........Michael Ewing, laying

unconscious, his head bleeding from a large gash near his right temple.  The paramedics immediately check the boy, and, finding a pulse, begin working on him.  


"Pulse is weak, but thank God he's alive," one of the paramedics says.


"We gotta get him to the hospital, STAT!"  Another paramedic says.  "Let's get a stretcher over here."



Meanwhile, back at Southfork, Lucas is standing on the patio, anxiously and impatiently checking his watch every several seconds as he waits for Heather and Michael and wonders why they haven't gotten home yet.  


Bobby comes out of the house and pauses at the patio door when he sees Lucas.  After a few seconds, he walks out to him.  "Son, what's up?"  He asks.


"Oh, I'm just waitin' on Heather and Michael.  Heather should've been back from picking Michael up from school a half an hour ago."


"Heather's car is here," Bobby says.  


"Yeah, there's somethin' wrong with her car, so Krystina let her take her car.  Damn, they should've been back by now."


"Heather probably just stopped off somewhere on the way home.  Maybe they stopped for a bite to eat."


"No, we're supposed to go out tonight,"  Lucas says.  "Heather and I are taking the boys to dinner and then to a movie.  I think I'm gonna try and call her again."  Lucas takes his cell phone from his pocket and dials his wife's number.  After several rings, Heather's voicemail picks up.  Lucas starts to hang up, but then he decides to leave a message.  "Hey, sweetheart, I was just wonderin' where you and Michael are.  If you get this before you get home, shoot me a text or give me a call and let me know you guys are okay.  Love you, and I'll see you soon."  Lucas ends the call and shakes his head.  "Damn it, Heather,"  he says.  "Where the hell are you guys?"


 An ambulance speeds toward Braddock Medical Center, lights flashing and siren blaring loudly.  A moment later, the ambulance turns into the trauma center wing of the Braddock Medical Center.  

Seconds later, another ambulance follows behind and also turns into the trauma unit, coming to a   

stop behind the first ambulance.  Two paramedics emerge from the first ambulance and unload Michael from the back, quickly rushing the injured boy into the trauma unit.  Two paramedics get out of the second ambulance, take a critically injured Dylan from the back and rush him into the unit directly behind the first paramedics.   

A team of doctors meets the paramedics.  "What've we got?"  A male doctor asks.


"Car accident," one of the paramedics replies.  "Kid's vitals are stable, but he's got a possible head injury, likely concussion."


"Okay. let's get him into trauma room 3,"  the doctor says.  

Following closely behind are the paramedics bringing Dylan in.  They are met by another team of doctors.


"Car accident," says one of the paramedics.  "His blood pressure is 81 over 45 and dropping.  We almost lost him in the ambulance."


"Trauma room 4, STAT!"  A doctor says.  Dylan is rushed into the trauma room next to the one Michael had been taken into.  The doctors immediately begin working on him.


"Doctor, his blood pressure is 75 over 40 and still dropping,"  a nurse says.


"Looks like internal injuries.  Get me an X ray in here!"  The doctor says in a loud, forceful voice, his tone indicative of the seriousness of Dylan's injuries.  


"What about notifying the family?"  A nurse asks.  


"Check with the paramedics,"  the doctor says.  "Right now my main concern is to keep this young man alive."

The Krebbs Ranch....

















  Donna comes onto the front porch of the Krebbs home and looks down the driveway toward the road.  She checks her watch, worried about Dylan.  After almost a full minute she takes her cell phone from her pocket and speed dials Dylan's number.  His phone rings several times, but there's no answer.  Donna sighs and puts her phone back into her pocket as Ray comes onto the porch. 


"Hey,"  he says. 


"Ray, I'm worried sick.  Dylan should've been home an hour ago."


"Come on.  You did ask him to stop by the store and get that......what?.......spaghetti sauce or somethin'?"


"He still should've been home,"  says Donna.  "He doesn't answer his phone."


"Maybe he's just in a dead spot.  Y'know there's a couple spots between here and Braddock where you can't get any service on those damned cell phones."


"If he's not here in a few minutes, I'm gonna drive toward Braddock and see if I can spot him."


Ray is about to say something when his cell phone rings in his pocket.  He takes his phone from his pocket and looks at it.  Not recognizing the number, Ray decides to answer the call anyway.  "Hello?  Yeah, this is Ray Krebbs."  Ray's face grows pale as he listens to the person on the other end of the line.  Watching her husband's expression, Donna can tell something is very wrong.  Ray sighs.  "How bad?"  He asks the person he's talking to.  "We're on our way."  Ray puts his phone away and looks at Donna.


"Ray, what is it?  Who WAS that?"  Donna asks.


"That was Braddock Memorial.  Dylan's been in an accident.  A bad one."


Donna clasps her hand over her mouth as she begins to cry.  Ray checks his pocket for the keys to his truck and when he feels the keys, he and Donna hurry to his pickup truck parked in front of the house. A second later, they speed off toward Braddock Medical Center.


 Meanwhile, back at Southfork, Lucas walks into the den.  He checks his cell phone for the time, and to see if he's gotten a text from either Michael or Heather since last time he checked, but there is nothing.  He shakes his head, then goes to the bar and pours himself a drink.  Krystina comes down the stairs.  Seeing Lucas in the den, she walks into the room.  


"Lucas?"  She says.  "Heather and the boys still aren't home yet?" Krystina asks in a worried voice.


"No, and I'm more than a little worried."


"I assume you've tried calling her."


"I've called at least ten times.  Michael's phone too.  And I've texted both of them and I've gotten no reply.  Krystina, somethin' must have happened."


"Lucas, just calm down.  There's got to be a simple explanation."


"She would have called me unless something bad happened,"  Lucas says as Bobby and Ann come into the room.


"Still no word from Heather?"  Bobby asks.


"No.   I think I'm gonna take a drive toward Braddock and see if I can spot them."


"Hey, what's goin' on?"  John Ross asks, entering the room.  "How come everyone looks so tense?"


"Heather took my car to go and pick Michael and Little John up from school, and they haven't come home yet," replies Krystina.  


"What?"  John Ross says, a worried look on his face.  


Just then, Krystina's phone rings.  She looks at it.  "It's Braddock Elementary calling,"  she says, then she answers the call.  "Hello, this is Krystina Ewing.  What?  Little John is still there?  No, no, umm, I'll come and pick him up.  Yes, someone else was supposed to pick him up this afternoon, but, I don't know what happened.  Yes, thank you."  Krystina ends the call.  


"Heather never picked Little John up?"  Lucas asks.


"No, she didn't."


"Oh my God,"  says Lucas.  "Something happened.  I'm goin' out to look."


"I'm coming with you,"  Bobby says.  He and Lucas quickly rush out. 


"Come on,"  John Ross says to Krystina.  "Let's go pick Little John up."  No sooner has he said the 

words than his cell phone rings.  John Ross takes out his phone and looks at it, then answers.  "Hello?"  He says.  "Yes, this is John Ross Ewing.  What?  My wife's car?"  John Ross listens as the person on the other end of the line informs him that a car registered to his wife has been involved in a horrible accident.  "Oh my God,"  John Ross says.  He drops his phone, then he rushes from the room.  "UNCLE BOBBY!  LUCAS!"  He calls to his uncle and cousin as he rushes out of the den, hoping to catch them before they drive away.


Ann and Krystina exchange worried looks.  "John Ross, what is it?"  Krystina asks, she and Ann following him from the room.  "What's wrong?" 


Bobby and Lucas are just about to get into Lucas's car when John Ross comes running out of the house to catch them, Ann and Krystina following behind.  "Uncle Bobby!  Lucas!"


"John Ross, what is it?"  Bobby asks.


"I just got a call from the Braddock Sheriff's Office.  Krystina's car has been in a bad accident."


Lucas feels his heart sink inside his chest, and his mouth falls open in shock.  "Oh, God,"  he says.


"Come on, son, let's go,"  Bobby says.  "You get in, I'll drive."


"I'll be right behind you,"  Ann says.  She, John Ross, and Krystina watch as Bobby and Lucas speed away in Lucas's car.  "Did they take Heather and Michael to Braddock Hospital?"  Ann asks.


"Yes, the sheriff's department said there were at least three victims."


"Ann, I'd love to come with you, but....."  Krystina says.


"Darlin' you go on with Ann,"  says John Ross.  "I'll go get Little John."


Krystina gives her husband a quick kiss.  She and Ann run to Ann's SUV and they, too, speed away, leaving a shaken John Ross alone in the parking area.

Braddock Medical Center....a short time later...

Ray and Donna rush into the trauma unit at Braddock Medical Center, hand in hand, and hurry to the front desk, where a middle aged nurse is sitting and just hanging up the phone.  "Excuse us,"  Ray says.  "Dylan Ewing."


"Just a moment," the nurse says.  "I'll page Dr. Cantrell and see if he can come out and speak with you."  The nurse picks the phone up again at the desk.


"Thank you,"  says Ray.


Donna begins to cry again.  Ray puts his arms around his wife to comfort her.  


A second later, the nurse again hangs up the phone.  "Mr. and Mrs. Krebbs?"


"Yes?"  Ray says.


"Dr. Cantrell will be right out to  speak with you."


"Thanks,"  Ray says.  He and Donna walk over to some chairs down the hallway.  


Bobby and Lucas rush into the trauma unit.  Spotting Ray and Donna, they hurriedly approach them.  "Ray, Donna, what are you doing here?"  Bobby asks.


"Dylan's been in an accident,"  Ray replies.  "We're waitin' to talk to the doctor now."


Lucas rushes over to the nurse's desk.  "Excuse me,"  he says.  "My wife and son, Heather and Michael Ewing, were in a car accident."


"Yes, there was a Michael Ewing brought in a little while ago,"  the nurse  says.  "Age 15?"


"Yes, that's my son."


"The doctor is examining him now.  He'll be out to talk to you shortly.  I'll let him know you're here."


"And what about my wife?"  Lucas asks, Bobby walking up beside him.


"What was the name?"  


"Heather Ewing."


The nurse looks at a list of names on a paper on the desk.  "I'm sorry, but there's been no  Heather Ewing brought in."


"What?  There has to be a mistake.  Check again!"


"Sir, I looked at the names.  The only Ewings admitted to the trauma unit today are Michael Ewing and Dylan Ewing."


"Is there someone we can talk to?"  Bobby asks.  "A doctor?"


"As I told your friend here, the doctor will be out to speak with you shortly."


"DAMN IT!"  Lucas angrily says.  "Michael was brought here, but what about Heather?"


"Son, it's possible Heather may have been taken to another hospital,"  says Bobby.  


"But why would they take her to another hospital?  Unless her injuries were so bad they knew they couldn't treat her here.  Dear God, Dad, where is she?"


A doctor comes out of the trauma room and approaches Ray and Donna.  "Excuse me, are you Mr. and Mrs. Krebbs?"


"Yes, we are,"  replies Ray.  Bobby and Lucas walk over to them.


"Dylan......how is he?"  Donna asks.


"Dylan's injuries are very serious.  He has a concussion, and he's suffered two broken ribs, one of which has punctured a lung.  He's bleeding internally, and we need to operate as soon as possible to stop the bleeding."


"Oh God,"  Donna cries.  


"Tell us the truth, Doctor,"  Ray says.  "Is Dylan gonna live?"


"I'm sorry, Mr. Krebbs.  We're gonna do all we can, but, I must warn you......Dylan's condition is critical.  Now you and Mrs. Krebbs were listed as Dylan's emergency contacts.  Are you his parents?"


"We are his.........Dylan is just like our son."


"But you're not blood related?"  The doctor asks.


"Dylan's father was my first cousin,"  Ray says.  "Dylan's been livin' with us for the past several years.  That close enough?"


"It'll have to be," replies the doctor.  "I'll get the consent forms for you to sign."  The doctor walks away from the group.


"Ray, I'm so frightened,"  Donna says.


"I know.  Me, too,"  Ray says, embracing his wife.  "We should call Conner and let him know."


"Ray, why don't you let me take care of that?" Bobby asks.


"Thanks, Bob, but you've got your own problems to worry about with Michael and Heather.  I'll take care of it."


Bobby looks at his brother and nods.  Ann and Krystina enter the trauma unit through a set of double doors down the hall.  Spotting the group, they hurry to them.  


"Bobby, have you heard anything about Heather and Michael?"  Ann asks.


"No, not yet."


"The nurse said the doctor would be out to talk to us about Michael, but we don't even know where Heather is,"  says  Lucas.


"What do you mean you don't know where she is?"  Krystina asks.


"Heather wasn't brought in to this hospital,"  Bobby replies.


Ann places a reassuring hand on Lucas's shoulder, then she looks over at Ray and Donna.  "What are you two doin' here?"


"Honey, Dylan has been in an accident,"  Bobby  replies.  




"Oh my God.  Dylan, too?"  Krystina asks.


"Yeah. Hell of a day, huh?"  Bobby says.


A nurse approaches Donna and Ray with some papers on a clipboard.......the consent form for Dylan's surgery.  The couple follows the nurse into a nearby waiting room.  


"Well, I can't just stand around here doing nothing,"  Lucas says.  


"Son, just calm down, I'm gonna ask the nurse to check her list again,"  Bobby says.  


"Is there anything we can do?"  Krystina asks.


"Heather's mother.......have you called her and told her about the accident?"  Ann asks.


"No, I, umm, I didn't even think about it,"  replies Lucas.


"I'll call her,"  Ann says.  She takes her cell phone from her pocket, and as she is about to dial the number of Heather's mother, Connie Richardson, a Braddock sheriff's deputy comes down the hall, approaches the nurse's desk, and asks her a question.  The nurse points to the Ewings down the hall.  The deputy makes his way the short distance down the hall to them.



"Excuse me, are you the family of Heather Ewing?"  The deputy asks.


"Yes, I'm her husband,"  Lucas replies.  "Where is my wife?  The nurse said that she wasn't brought here to this hospital."


"Your wife is being brought in now."


Lucas breathes a sigh of relief, as do Bobby, Ann, and Krystina.  "Thank God.  How bad was she hurt?"


The deputy hesitates a moment before answering.  "I'm very sorry, Mr. Ewing.  Your wife was killed in the accident.  They're bringin' her body in to the morgue now."


"Oh God,"  Ann cries, clasping her hand over her mouth.  


"Wh......what did you just say?"  Lucas asks, unable to process the terrible news.


"Your wife was killed in the accident, Mr. Ewing.  I'm very sorry."


"No,"  Lucas says.  "No, that......that can't be.  That's not right."


"Son,"  Bobby says, putting his hand on Lucas's shoulder.  "I'm so sorry."


"Sorry?  Sorry for what?  Dad, that......that's not true.  Heather's not dead.  She's.....she's probably just hurt real bad, and they're bringing her in for treatment."


"Mr. Ewing, I am sorry, but it IS true," the deputy says.


"No.  I don't believe it."


"Lucas, you have to,"  Bobby says.


"NO!"  Lucas angrily snaps, pushing Bobby's hand away from him.  He walks a few steps, then turns back to the assembled members of his family.  "She's not.....she's not......"  Lucas pauses, trying to fight back the tears that seemed destined to escape from his eyes at any moment.  Finally, after a few second, he breaks down.  "No,"  he says.  "NOOOOOO!!!!!"  Lucas doubles over as if in physical agony, then falls to his knees.  Bobby rushes to his son and embraces him as Lucas cries uncontrollably.  Ann and Krystina watch the heart wrenching scene, both women also in tears. 


Hearing Lucas's cries from the waiting room, Ray and Donna rush into the hall and they, too, witness Bobby attempting to comfort his inconsolable son.  Ray puts his arm around his wife, unaware of the news Lucas had been given, but knowing their family was facing a devastating tragedy, and might face yet another before this terrible day ends.  


Dusk is beginning to settle over Southfork, the evening sunset casting a beautiful and peaceful glow over the ranch.  Christopher's car turns into the ranch and proceeds down the long tree-lined driveway 

and comes to a stop in the parking area behind the mansion.  Christopher and Erin get out of the car with little K.C. and go into the house.  


John Ross is sitting in the den sipping on a glass of bourbon when the three walk into the foyer, Christopher and Erin talking cheerfully about their day.  Maria, the Ewing family maid, meets them in the foyer.  


"Maria, would you take K.C. to the guest room?"  Christopher asks.


"Yes, Mr. Christopher,"  the maid replies.  She takes the little boy by the hand and leads him out of the foyer. 


John Ross gets up from his seat and walks to the middle of the den.  "Christopher,"  he says.  "Glad you're home."


Christopher and Erin walk into the foyer.  "John Ross.  Where is everyone?"  Christopher asks with a smile.  "It's almost dinner time and the house is like a morgue."  


"Christopher, I need to talk to you.  I got some bad news."


The smile disappears from Christopher's face.  "John Ross, what's wrong?  Has something happened?  Where are my Dad and Ann?"


"They're all at the hospital,"  John Ross replies. 


"The hospital?  John Ross, what the hell is going on?  Has something happened to my father?"


"No, Uncle Bobby's fine.  Christopher, it's Heather.  She took Krystina's car into Braddock this afternoon to pick up Michael from school.  They had an accident.  I don't know all the details, but, according to Uncle Bobby, Heather and Michael collided with Dylan's car.  Michael and Dylan were hurt pretty bad.  Dylan's in surgery right now.  They don't know if he's gonna make it."


"Oh.......oh my God,"  Christopher says.  "And.......what about Heather?"


John Ross remains silent as he lowers his head.


"John Ross?  What about Heather?  How bad was she hurt?"


John Ross hesitates a second, then looks at his cousin.  "Heather didn't make it, man.  She was killed."

A look of shock and grief comes over Christopher's face as he hears the news that his sister-in-law and former girlfriend has been killed.  Tears begin falling down his face.  Standing next to him, Erin embraces Christopher in an attempt to comfort him.  

C.J. Ewing's apartment....

 C.J. Ewing is pacing around the living room of his apartment that evening, his cell phone to his ear.  A moment later, C.J. hears someone at the door, and Conner walks into the apartment.  C.J. immediately puts his phone away.  


"Oh, man am I tired,"  Conner says.  "We had to round up a couple strays this afternoon in the north pasture, and I mended three fences.  My feet are killing me.  I just wanna jump into a nice, hot shower and crawl into bed."


"Conner,"  C.J. says, his voice shaky.


"C.J., what is it, what's going on?  You look upset."


"I am, man.  I have some bad news, Conner.  Ray called.  Dylan has been in a car accident.  It's bad.  He's in surgery now, and they don't know if......"

"Where is he?"  Conner asks, calmly.


"Braddock Memorial,"  C.J. replies.


Without saying a word, Conner immediately turns and bolts out of the apartment as fast as he can.


"Wait, I'll come with you!"  C.J. yells after Conner.  He rushes out of the apartment to catch up to him.

Braddock Medical Center....later....

Ann, Ray, and Donna are sitting in a waiting room at the hospital half an hour later when Conner and C.J. burst into the hallway through a set of double doors.  Seeing the pair heading down the hall toward the nurse's station, Ray gets up and goes after them.  "Conner,"  he calls.


Conner and C.J. stop, and turn to face Ray, then meet him half way down the hall.  "Ray, I just heard about Dylan.  I was in the field all afternoon until a little while ago and my damned phone died on me.  How is he?"


"Not too good,"  Ray replies sadly as Donna comes into the hallway and walks up beside her husband.  


"He, uh.....he has some internal injuries,"  Donna says.  "They had to take him into emergency surgery, and....."  Donna pauses as she breaks down in tears.  Ray puts his arm around her.


"Dylan has some broken ribs and they think one of the ribs has punctured a lung,"  says Ray.  


"What happened?"  Conner says, tears streaming down his face.


"Dylan went into Braddock to do some errands and he was on his way home when.......apparently he collided with another car,"  Ray replies.  "We don't know all the details yet, but, the driver of the other car was Heather."


"Heather?  Lucas's wife, Heather?"  Conner asks.


Ray nods.  "She'd been to pick Michael up from school."


"Michael?"  C.J. asks.  "Oh my God, how bad are they......"


"Heather didn't make it,"  Ray says.  "Michael was hurt, but they think he's gonna be okay."


Conner begins to cry.  "How long has Dylan been in surgery?"


"About an hour and a half now,"  Ray says.  


"Oh God,"  Conner cries.  "Oh my God, Dylan.  Please, God.  I can't.......I can't lose him.  Not now, with things the way they are between us."


Donna puts her arms around Conner and hugs him tightly.  


Meanwhile, Bobby and Lucas get off of an elevator and make their way down the hallway to the waiting room.  Ann stands to greet them.  


"Lucas positively identified Heather's belongings,"  Bobby says in a shaky voice.  "I, umm.....I identified the body by identifying Heather's wedding ring.  I wanted to spare Lucas that."


"She was burned,"  Lucas says in tears.  "She burned up in that car."


Ann breaks down in tears upon hearing of the horrible way Heather died.  


"The Coroner said that he's pretty sure she died instantly, so, hopefully she didn't suffer,"  says Bobby.  "Thank GOD Michael was thrown from that car."


"I have to go and be with Michael,"  Lucas says.  "I have to tell him when he wakes up.  Ann, did you call Heather's mother?"


Ann nods.  "She took it really hard."


"I have to go and see my son,"  Lucas says.  "But how am I gonna tell him?  How am I gonna tell him that his mother is dead?"


"I'll come with you,"  says Bobby.


"No.  I have to do this myself.  And I want some time alone with my son."  Lucas turns and starts to walk away.  He stops, pauses, then looks back at Bobby and Ann.  "Y'know, I can't help but wonder how this happened.  Heather was the best driver I know.  If she and Dylan's car collided or whatever the hell happened.........it makes me wonder if..........if maybe Dylan was drinking again."


"NO!"  Donna says adamantly, standing in the doorway.  "No, Dylan was NOT drinking.  I spoke to him on the phone before that accident and he was NOT drinking."


Lucas looks at her.  "Then you tell ME what the hell happened.  And why my wife is dead,"  he angrily says, then walks past Ray and Donna and leaves the room.  


"Donna, I'm sorry about that,"  Bobby says.  "He's hurtin' right now."


"I know.  I don't blame him,"  Donna says.  "Right now, all I can concentrate on is Dylan and what's going on in that operating room."


A couple of minutes later, Lucas walks into a hospital room in another part of the hospital.  He stands 

in the doorway for a minute looking across the room at his 15-year-old boy in bed, still unconscious and sedated.  Lucas struggles to hold back his tears and keep from falling apart as he looks at his son in that hospital bed, and as he ponders what he will do next, and how he and his boys will go on without Heather.  Unable to hold himself together, Lucas breaks down in tears at  

Michael's bedside.


Downstairs, in the operating room, Dylan's surgery continues, as a team of surgeons are working to 

stop the bleeding, repair the damage to his internal organs, and save his life.  

Braddock Medical Center....

Bobby walks into the waiting room at Braddock Medical Center later that night carrying two cups of coffee.  He pauses at the doorway, looking at Conner sitting alone in the room, his face buried in his hands.  Bobby walks over to the younger man and hands him one of the cups of coffee.


"Thanks,"  Conner says.


"You're welcome,"  Bobby says, taking a seat across from him.  


"How's Michael?"  Conner asks.


"He still hasn't woken up yet.  Lucas is trying to figure out how he's gonna tell Lucas about his mother when he wakes up."


Conner sighs.  "Poor kid.  Poor Lucas.  My heart goes out to both of them."


"Mine, too.  Y'know this is the worst part about bein' a parent.  You wanna protect your kids from all the pain and suffering and heartache life has to offer, no matter how old they are.  But unfortunately, you can't.  Now I have a question.  How are YOU doin'?"


Conner looks at his older cousin.  "I guess you know all about the trouble that Dylan and I have had this past year.  That we haven't been on speaking terms."


"Yes, I do."


"Do you know why?"  Conner asks.




"I've been sitting here thinking about that big fight Dylan and I had.  In some ways that seems like it was a LONG time ago.  A lifetime.  Then, in some ways it feels like it was last night. I love my brother, Bobby.  For so much of this past year, I've tried to convince myself that I didn't love him.  Even though the entire falling out we had was all my fault."  Conner pauses and sighs deeply.  "God, I messed things up so bad.  Y'know, Bobby, traveling around so much with my Dad when I was growing up, I use to get real lonely as a kid.  We never stayed in one place long enough for me to make any real friends.  And you know what I used to fantasize about?"


"What's that?"  Bobby asks.


"That I had a brother.  A brother close to my age.  And then when I came here to Dallas after my father died, and I met Dylan........it was like this dream, this LONGING I'd had since I was like 6-years-old... ...to have a brother......had come true.  And we became close.  Ray and Donna, they took us in, treated us like their own sons."


"As far as Ray and Donna are concerned, Conner, you and Dylan ARE their sons."


"How could I have done it, Bobby?"  Conner asks, tears streaming down his face.  "How could I have messed things up SO bad with my brother?  And with Ray and Donna?  I never meant for any of it to happen.  I can't lose him, Bobby.  I just can't.  Not with him still hating me."


"The relationship between brothers is, at best, a complicated one,"  Bobby says.  "I should know better'n anybody.  I never had that much of a relationship with Gary until later in life.  He left when I was only 13, and didn't come back until I was an adult, except for a couple very brief visits when I was in my late teens.  I didn't find out Ray was my brother until we were both adults in our thirties, but we had already been the best of friends, and finding out we were bothers made us even closer.  Of course we had our problems over the years. For a while, Ray and I were estranged from each other, and for a while it seemed as if we would never speak to one another again, but it wasn't long before we came back together and mended our relationship.  But, of my three brothers, the one I had THE most complicated relationship with was J.R.  Now he was quite a character."


"If he was anything like John Ross, I can imagine,"  Conner says.


Bobby smiles at the comment, his first smile in several hours, since learning of the accident.  "Believe me, John Ross has nothing on his father.  J.R. was always scheming and conniving, and always doing things behind my back that, sometimes, quite frankly, almost tore the family apart.  There were times when I felt like J.R. had crossed a line and done something I would never be able to forgive.  Heck, one time about ten years ago, he went so far as to steal Southfork away from me so he and John Ross could drill for oil on the ranch."


"He stole Southfork?  How'd he manage to do that?"


"It's a long and complicated story.  But, the short version is, I made the stupid decision to sell the ranch after I found out I had cancer.  I signed the papers to sell the ranch to this conservancy, but what I didn't know was that J.R. was behind the whole thing.  It turned out to be a fraud, and then J.R. swooped in and bought the ranch from this fake buyer.  I was so furious I could've killed him."




"Yeah......WOW.  But that was my brother.  It was just who he was.  Conner, the point I'm tryin' to make is........I forgave J.R. for that, and for at least a hundred other such dastardly schemes over the years.  In time, Dylan will forgive you."


"But the difference is, you and J.R. had the advantage of being brothers your whole lives,"  Conner says.  "Dylan and I don't have that history."

"It doesn't matter, son.  You and Dylan have something more important than history.  A bond.  And maybe if anything positive can come out of this awful tragedy, it will be that you and Dylan can repair your relationship."


Conner sighs.  "If he makes it through this."


"You have to have faith Conner, and believe that he WILL make it."


"Bobby's right,"  Ray's voices comes from the doorway.  Bobby and Conner look up to find him standing there.  "Bob, you mind if I have a word with Conner?"


"Of course not.  I need to go check on Lucas and Michael anyway."  Bobby stands and starts to leave the room.


"Bobby,"  Conner says.


Bobby stops at the door and turns back to him.  "Yes?"




"You're welcome,"  Bobby says.  Ray puts his hand on Bobby's shoulder, then Bobby quietly walks out of the room.  


Ray walks over and takes a seat beside Conner.  "I'm glad you're here,"  Ray says.  "Bobby's right, Conner.  We gotta have faith and believe your brother's gonna come outta this.  And when he does, we're gonna put this family back together again.  "I promise, I'm gonna do all I can to see that happen."  He places his hand on Conner's shoulder to comfort him.


Donna comes to the door.  "Ray, the doctor is coming,"  she says.  


Ray and Conner quickly get up from their seats and follow Donna out of the room and down the hall to meet the surgeon.  


"How is he, Doctor?"  Donna nervously asks.


"We managed to stop the bleeding,"  the doctor replies.  "We were lucky in that, Dylan only suffered one broken rib, and it only made a minor tear in the lung tissue.  However, there is another problem.  A very serious problem."


"Tell us,"  says Ray.


"Both of Dylan's kidneys sustained major trauma in the accident.  My main concern right now, aside from infection, is failure of one or both of Dylan's kidneys."


"And what happens if........if one or both kidneys fail?"  Donna asks, fighting back her tears.


"In normal circumstances a person can live a very normal and full life with only one kidney.  But in Dylan's condition, if even one of his kidneys fails, the other damaged kidney may not be strong enough to function, and if that happens......."  the doctor pauses.  

"Dear God, what you're telling us is that.......Dylan could die?"  Donna asks.


"Yes. That's the worst case scenario.  The best case scenario should both kidneys fail and Dylan recovers from his other injuries........he'll have to spend the rest of his life on dialysis.  I'm not gonna lie to you.  Dylan's condition right now is very critical, and the next 48 hours will be ESPECIALLY critical.  Dylan lost a lot of blood.  His blood type is B Negative, which, unfortunately is the second rarest blood type there is.  So, if any of you who are blood relatives happen to have that same type, you could help Dylan by donating."


"My type is also B Negative,"  Conner says.  "I'll donate."


"Good, thank you,"  the doctor says.  


"Can we see Dylan?"  Ray asks.


"You and Mrs. Krebbs can see him, but only for a minute.  Dylan is being moved from recovery to our Critical Care Unit.  I'll let you know when you can see him."


"Thank you, doctor,"  Ray says.


"Would you come with me?"  The doctor asks Conner.  "I'll show you where you can donate blood."


Conner nods, and follows the doctor down the hall.  Ray puts his arm around Donna to comfort her as she cries.

Southfork....the next morning....

Christopher comes down the stairs at Southfork the next morning and finds Bobby sitting alone at the end of the dining room table, his back to the door.  Christopher pauses a moment and looks at his father, realizing that, once again, Bobby was going to have to be the strong patriarch and guide the family through yet another devastating tragedy.  "Dad,"  Christopher says, walking into the dining room.  He takes a seat beside his father in Ann's usual place at the table.


"Morning,"  Bobby says, sipping on a cup of coffee.


"You get any sleep at all last night?"


Bobby sighs as he shakes his head.  "No, I didn't.  Ann was so exhausted when we got back from the hospital that she fell asleep pretty fast.  I came down here because I didn't wanna disturb her."


"How's Lucas?"  Christopher asks.


"Not good.  I've never seen your brother so hurt.  So lost."


"And what about Michael?"


"Michael has a severe concussion and some bruises.  If there are no complications from the concussion the doctor seems to think he'll be okay.  At least physically, anyway.  Lucas is gonna have to tell Michael about his mother this morning.  I offered to be there, but Lucas said he wanted to do it alone."


"Poor Michael,"  Christopher says.  "I can't even imagine how hard this is gonna be for him.  He and Heather were so close."


"Yes they were."  Bobby looks at him.  "This has to be hitting you pretty hard, too, son.  I know you and Heather were very close at one time."


Christopher lowers his head and nods.  "Yeah.  I was falling in love with her when.......when she went back to Bo after he was injured in the fire here at Southfork.  But we remained good friends.  And I saw how happy she made Lucas."


"Your brother's life seemed to come together after Heather and Michael came into it,"  Bobby says.  "I'm just worried how Lucas is gonna handle this."


"Lucas is strong, Dad.  Not only that, he has a couple reasons to pick himself up and go on.... Michael and Logan.  Those boys are really gonna need him now.  And we're all gonna be there for Lucas and the boys, too."


Bobby nods.


"What about Jenna and Charlie?"  Christopher asks.  "They're in New York, aren't they?"


"Yeah.  I got ahold of Jenna late last night at Charlie's apartment.  They're both gonna catch the earliest available flight to Dallas this morning.  They're probably on their way now."


Christopher sighs.  "I probably should call Courtney in California.  She and Heather were pretty close.  Is there anyone else you want me to call, or anything you need me to do?"


"Not that I can think of right now, son, but thanks,"  Bobby says.  "Oh, wait, yes, there is.  Would you call Lucy and Mitch and let them know?  And I guess Sue Ellen, if John Ross hasn't already called her."  Bobby rubs his eyes.  


"Consider it done."  Christopher places his hand on his father's shoulder.  "Dad, you look absolutely exhausted.  Why don't you go upstairs and try and get some sleep?"


"I doubt I could sleep even if I tried.  But, I AM exhausted and would like to lie down for a while."


"Then go ahead.  I think I'm gonna drive into the hospital and check in on Michael and see how Lucas is doing."


"That would be nice.  Your brother's gonna need all the support he can get right now."


"And he'll have it."


Bobby gets up from his seat.  "Well, I'm gonna lie down for a couple of hours.  I'm beat,"


"Get some rest, Dad,"  Christopher says as Bobby leaves the room and goes upstairs.

Cass Winthrop's apartment....



 Lila is rearranging the cabinets in the kitchen of the apartment she shares with Cass when Jasmine comes into the kitchen.  "Morning, Mom,"  she says.


"Well, good morning,"  says Lila.  


"Mom, what are you doing?"


"What does it look like?  I'm rearranging everything in all the cabinets."


"Cass might not like that."


"I use to do it all the time in our old apartment back in Bay City,"  Lila says.


"Yeah, but you and Cass were married then,"  Jasmine says, getting a jug of milk out of the refrigerator.  "You're not married anymore, remember?"


"Just a mere technicality, my darling.  Cass and I are livin' together, along with our two beautiful children.  Just like a real family again."


"Why, Mother, you sound as if you're scheming to get Cass to marry you again."


Lila looks at her daughter and smiles.  "Hey, how about you stop runnin' your mouth and do me a favor."


"What's the favor?"  Jasmine says, taking a sip of her glass of milk.


"Go and wake your brother up.  I haven't seen him all mornin', have you?"


"No, but I haven't been up long myself,"  Jasmine says.  "I'll get him up."



Lila smiles.  "Good, because as soon as I'm done with this, I'm gonna treat both of you to a little shoppin' at the mall and then lunch."


Jasmine looks at her mother curiously.  "You sure are in a good mood this morning.  Any particular reason?"


"Let's just say I took care of a problem that was weighin' heavy on my mind."


Jasmine shakes her head, and leaves the kitchen.  Lila returns to her work of replacing everything she had taken out of the cabinet that she had taken out to rearrange, humming a tune happily as she works.  Almost a minute later, Jasmine returns.  


"You get your brother up?"  Lila asks.


"No.  He's not in his room."


"He's not?"


"No, and his bed doesn't look like it's been slept in,"  Jasmine says.


"Well, that's strange.  Maybe he just went out early."


"Mom, this is Cory, we're talking about.  The kid who's never made his bed a day in his life.  He wouldn't start now.  He obviously hasn't been home all night."


A worried look comes over Lila's face.  "Now I'm startin' to worry."


"Maybe he just spent the night with a friend."


"Without lettin' us know?"  Lila goes to the kitchen counter and picks up her phone.  She looks through her messages.  "He hasn't texted me or left a voice mail.  Check your phone to see if he texted you."


Jasmine sighs, takes her phone from her pocket and looks at it.  "Nope, Cory hasn't texted me since early yesterday."


"Sweety, do me a favor,"  Lila says.  "Text him and ask if he's okay."


"Alright,"  Jasmine says.  "I'm gonna watch some TV  for a while."  Jasmine leaves the kitchen.


Lila begins to worry about her son, especially after the chat she'd had the day before with Daniel, blackmailing him into ending his relationship with Cory.  


Jasmine goes into the living room, texting her brother as she takes a seat on the sofa.  She picks up the remote and switches on the TV, then sits back and waits for a reply from Cory.  She begins flipping channels, a bored expression on her face.  But when she flips to a channel where the local news is on, she sees a picture of Heather on the screen.  Jasmine quickly turns up the sound on the TV and watches in shock as she learns from the news of the tragic car accident the day before.....

 "The accident occurred on Sam Houston Parkway in Braddock late yesterday afternoon when a 2021 Infiniti driven by 35-year-old Heather Ewing of Braddock, nearly collided with another car and veered off the road and down an embankment, where the car burst into flames.  Mrs. Ewing's 15-year-old son, Michael Ewing, was a passenger in the car, but was thrown from the vehicle before it exploded into flames.  According to Braddock County Sheriff Lou Chambers, Heather Ewing is believed to have died instantly in the crash.  Her son is listed in stable condition at Braddock Medical Center.  The driver of the other vehicle, 26-year-old Dylan Ewing, who was driving a 2022 Honda Civic, crashed down the embankment on the opposite side of the road as Heather Ewing.  The 26-year-old was taken to Braddock Medical Center, where he is listed in critical condition.  A sad irony in this tragedy is that the drivers of both vehicles involved in this fatal crash are from the same family, the prominent Ewing family of Southfork Ranch in Braddock, and Ewing Oil in Dallas.  Heather Ewing was the wife of Lucas Ewing, the son of recently retired Ewing Oil President Bobby Ewing, and prominent socialite Jenna Wade.  Dylan Ewing is said to be a cousin of the family...."


"Oh my God.......Dylan,"  Jasmine cries.  She switches off the TV and breaks down in tears.  After a few seconds, she composes herself and leaves the room.  She quickly returns, carrying her purse and car keys and rushes out of the apartment.


"Jasmine?"  Lila calls from the kitchen, having heard the front door of the apartment close.  Lila comes into the living room to find her daughter gone.  "Jasmine?"  Lila goes down the hallway and looks into her daughter's room, but it's obvious to her that Jasmine has left suddenly, causing her to be come even more concerned about Cory.

Griggs Park in Dallas....

 Meanwhile, Clay is out enjoying a morning run in Dallas's beautiful Griggs Park, near his apartment 

building.  Clay is really pushing himself on this hot, late summer morning.  Finally, he slows his run 

to a trot, and then a brisk walking pace.  He is breathing hard from his hectic run in the hot Texas sun.  At only 9:25 in the morning, the temperature has already reached over 80 degrees, and the humidity made it feel at least ten degrees hotter.  As Clay rounds a corner on the park's running/walking trail, he spots a pair of feet sticking out from behind some bushes.  Clay abruptly stops, thinking someone might be hurt.  "Hello?"  He calls out to the person.  "Hey, are you okay?"  Cautiously, he moves closer, walking around the bush.  He again stops abruptly, stunned when he sees that the person laying behind the bushes is none other than his cousin, Cory Winthrop.  "Oh God,"  he says, thinking that 

Cory had been attacked in the park.  "Cory?"  He rushes to the young man's side and kneels.  "Cory?" Clay touches Cory on the shoulder and shakes him. "Hey, Cory?"


Suddenly, Cory wakes up, and seeing Clay, he is startled and quickly sits up.  


"Hey, man, it's me, Clay.  Dude, are you okay?"


"Clay?"  Cory asks, rubbing his face.  "Where.......where am I?"


"You're in Griggs Park.  Cory, what the hell are you doing here?  Did you sleep here all night?"


"I........I don't know. I don't remember,"  Cory replies, his speech slurred.  


Then Clay looks over beside Cory in the bushes and sees an empty vodka bottle.  He picks the bottle up. "No wonder you don't remember.  Man, you are one lucky kid.  Come on, on your feet."  Clay grabs Cory and pulls him to his feet, but it's obvious Cory is still too drunk to stand on his own.  "Oh, boy,"  Clay says.  "Okay, I'm gonna take you to my place and try and get you sobered up so you can tell me what happened and why you were sleeping in this park.  Come on."  With great effort, Clay puts his arm around Cory and practically carries him away from where he had been sleeping.

Braddock Medical Center....

 Lucas is sitting at Michael's hospital bed watching his son sleep when there is a brief knock on the door, and Christopher walks in.  "Lucas?"  Christopher says.


"Oh, hey."


"How's Michael?"



"He woke up around 5:30 this morning in a lot of pain, so they gave him some pain medicine.  It's had him knocked out ever since."


"Lucas, I can't tell you how sorry I am.  And if there's anything at all I can do......ANYTHING.....just let me know."


"Thanks, Chris, I appreciate it,"  Lucas says, wiping a tear from his eye.  


Christopher walks over and places his hand on his brother's shoulder.  "How're you holdin' up, little brother?"

Lucas fights to hold back his tears.  "I honestly don't.....know,"  Lucas replies.  "Part of me feels like my entire world has just been pulled out from under me.  I feel so many different things right now.  I feel angry.  I feel hurt.  Devastated.  Lost.  And then I look at my son, and I feel so incredibly grateful that he's alive and with me.  The cops told me that Michael must not have been wearing his seatbelt, and that's why he was thrown from the car.  God, the many times I've preached to that kid about wearing his seatbelt.  I'll never do that again, because if he'd been wearing the damned thing yesterday, he would've burned up in that car with........with Heather,"  Lucas stops talking as he breaks down in tears.


Unable to stand seeing his brother in this kind of pain, Christopher kneels in front of Lucas's chair, puts his arms around him and embraces Lucas as he cries.  


"Oh God, Chris, what am I gonna do?"  Lucas cries.  


"You're gonna survive, man,"  Christopher says.  


"I can't.  I can't do this without Heather."


"Lucas, listen to me.  You've gotta be strong.  Now we are ALL gonna be here for you and the boys, but you're gonna have to be strong for them.  For Michael, especially, but also for Logan.  YOU'RE the one they're gonna need the most."


Just then, Jenna and Charlie come into the room.  "Lucas,"  Jenna says.  


Upon seeing his mother, Lucas immediately springs to his feet and rushes to Jenna's arms like he was a little boy again.  "Mom,"  he says in tears.  


"Oh, baby, it's okay,"  Jenna says, hugging her son tightly and gently stroking the back of his head.  "It's okay.  It's okay,"  Jenna repeats in an attempt to comfort the broken 35-year-old man who, to her, is still her little boy.  


Christopher and Charlie look on in silent anguish, both their hearts breaking for their brother. 






Conner stands at the doorway of Dylan's room in the Critical Care Unit watching as a nurse checks the machines connected to Dylan. 

When the nurse finishes, she nods to Conner.  "You can come in and see your brother now.  But only for a few minutes.  The doctor said that Dylan can only have one visitor for no longer than five minutes every hour."


"I understand.  Thank you,"  Conner says.  The nurse leaves the room.  Conner looks down at his brother for a long moment, then takes a seat at Dylan's bedside.  He lowers his head and closes his   eyes and says a quick silent prayer, then looks at his brother.  "Dylan,"  he says softly. "Don't you do

 this to me.  Don't you DARE die on me, you understand?  There's way too much unfinished business between us.  You've gotta come out of this and get better, if for no other reason, than to beat my ass again for all the pain I've caused you.  Dylan, I.........I know I haven't said this to you in a long time but, I love you.  I really, REALLY love you, brother.  And I don't think I can make it without you.  Especially the way we left things between us.  Dylan I am SO sorry for what I did to you.  For the pain I caused you.  Please........PLEASE.......you gotta wake up so I can tell you how sorry I am, and so I can spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you."  Conner gently touches his brother's hand.


Suddenly, Conner hears a commotion outside in the hallway.  "Sir, you can't go in there,"  he hears a female nurse say.


"The hell I can't, that's my brother!"  Says the voice of an angry Todd Baxter.  


Conner gets up from Dylan's bedside and goes to the door to meet Todd.  


"How is he?"  Todd asks.  "I couldn't get anything out of these nurses."

"Nurse, it's okay,"  Conner says.  "This is Todd Baxter, he's Dylan's brother, too."


"How is Dylan?"  Todd demands to know.  


"Not good,"  Conner replies.  "He had some internal bleeding, but they did surgery last night and stopped that.  But he still has a lot of internal injuries, and a concussion."


"Oh my God,"  Todd says, looking in the doorway at Dylan.  "Why didn't you call me last night?  I would've been here."


"Look, I'm sorry.  Everyone was upset and worried about Dylan.  We just didn't think to."


Todd angrily looks at him.  "You didn't think to?  That's my kid brother in there, more so than he is yours.  I watched him grow up, YOU didn't.  If he had died, would you and the Krebbses still have waited until today to call me and tell me?"


"Can we NOT do this right now?"  Conner asks.  "I know you don't like me, and I don't particularly like you, either, but us arguing isn't gonna help our brother."


"I'm going in to see him,"  Todd says.


"Okay, fine.  Five minutes."


"You're telling me how long I can stay and visit my brother?  Who the hell gives you the right?"


"That's the hospital's rule, not mine.  I'll be down in the waiting room."  Conner walks away from him.


"Hey, Conner?"  Todd says.


Conner stops and turns back to face him.  "What?"


"I hope the guilt is eating you up right now.  I may not have been much of a brother to Dylan, but I sure as hell never slept with his girlfriend."

"Yeah, well, that's only because you're gay.  If Dylan had a boyfriend.......I sure wouldn't put it past you," Conner says, then he turns and heads down the hall away from Dylan's room.  

Clay's apartment....

Cory comes out of Clay's bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist after he has just taken a shower. 


"Feelin' better?"  Clay asks.  


"Little more sober, at least," Cory replies.  


"So you wanna tell me why you were sleepin' in the park? When I found you, I thought you'd been attacked or somethin'."


"I'd rather not talk about it."


"Okay, fair enough,"  Clay says.  "But it's obvious something pretty serious happened, and I just want you to know that, if you need to talk, I'm here."


"Thanks.  That really means a lot."


"No problem,"  Clay says.  "Hey, we're family."


Cory lowers his head.  "Family,"  he says softly.  "I guess family's all I have now."


"Is that such a bad thing?"



"I guess it depends on the family,"  Cory says.  


"So, whatever's got you so upset......is family related?"


"I guess you could say that.  Partly, at least."


"And the other part?  A girl?"


Cory looks at him for a few seconds.  "If it were a girl, my life would be a lot simpler."


"Okay, you kinda lost me there,"  says Clay.  


Cory lowers his head and remains silent.


Clay stands and walks over to him.  "Look, Cory, I know you said you didn't wanna talk about it, and I'm not trying to pry or to pressure you, but, y'know, sometimes, talking to someone helps."


Cory looks at him, and as he is about to say something, Ashley knocks on Clay's open bedroom door and walks in.  "Clay,"  She says, then she pauses mid-sentence, surprised to see Cory there, only a towel around his waist.  "I'm sorry, Cory, I didn't know you were here."


"Uh, yeah, I guess I'd better get dressed,"  Cory says, embarrassed.  He starts to go back into the bathroom to get dressed.


"Ash, what is it?"  Clay asks.  "You look upset."


"I am,"  Ashley says in tears.  "I just heard on the news........Dylan's been in a horrible accident.  He's in the hospital in Braddock, in critical condition."


Hearing the news of Dylan's accident, Cory stops in the doorway to the bathroom.  "What did you say?  Dylan was in an accident?"


"Yes. But there's more,"  Ashley says.  


"What?"  Clay asks.


"It's Heather, Lucas's wife.  According to the news report, Heather was driving down the road in Braddock, and her car and Dylan's car collided or something, and.........and Heather was killed."  Ashle says.


"Oh, no,"  Clay says.  "Oh my God."  Clay embraces his sister as Ashley cries.  


Cory stands watching them for a moment, then he rushes into the bathroom to get dressed and go to see his sister, as he knows Jasmine will be upset over the news about Dylan.

Braddock Medical Center....

Ray and Donna step off the elevator in the Critical Care Unit of Braddock Medical Center and as they are about to go into Dylan's room, they meet Todd coming out.  "Todd,"  Donna says.


"Mrs. Krebbs,"  Todd says.


"Todd,we're glad you're here,"  says Ray.


"Thank you for calling me and letting me know about Dylan."


"Have you contacted your mother?"  Donna asks.


"I tried, but my mother is traveling somewhere in Europe.  I don't even know where.  But I'm gonna keep trying to contact her."


"Good,"  says Ray.  


"Well, they told me I could only stay a few minutes with Dylan, so I'm gonna go and get a bite to eat and then come back.  If there's any change while I'm gone, give me a call."


"Yes, we will,"  Donna says.


Todd nods, and walks away from the couple.  


"Dylan's mother's a real piece of work, itn't she?"  Ray asks his wife after Todd has left.  "She never calls her son.  Never visits him.  Never even writes him.  And now Dylan's in this hospital and may not survive, and Harriet Linda Smithfield Baxter can't even be reached because she's busy traveling around Europe with her jet set friends."


"That woman has never cared about Dylan,"  says Donna.  "She's so ashamed and so wracked with guilt over her affair with Jack Ewing and the fact that Dylan is Jack's son that she's never been able to see past that and see her son........her wonderful, sweet, kind, loving son."  Donna stops talking as she breaks down in tears.  


Ray puts his arms around his wife and embraces her.  "As far as I'm concerned, Dylan's mother doesn't deserve to know anything about him.  As far as I'm concerned, you've been more a mother to him and to Conner in the last six years than either one of their real mothers have been their whole lives."


Donna looks down the hall and sees Jasmine getting off the elevator.  She sighs deeply.  "Oh, good Lord, what is SHE doing here?"


Ray looks down the hall and sees Jasmine coming toward them.  "I'll get rid of her,"  Ray says.


"No.  I want that pleasure myself,"  says Donna.  "You go in and sit with Dylan."


As Jasmine walks up to them, Ray looks at her, then goes into Dylan's room without saying a word to the girl.  


"How is Dylan?"  Jasmine asks.  


"What are you doing here?"  Donna sternly asks.


"What do you think I'm doing here?  I came to see Dylan.  I just heard about the accident this morning.  Why didn't someone call me?"

"Call YOU?  Why would we do that?"


"Because I happen to be his girlfriend,"  Jasmine replies.  


"His girlfriend?"  Donna asks.


"Yes, his GIRLFRIEND, and I have every right to see him."


"That will happen over MY dead body,"  Donna says.


"Don't tempt me, old lady."


Donna looks at the girl for a second.  "You really ARE J.R. Ewing's granddaughter.  All the more reason for you to be kept as far away from Dylan as possible."


"Well, from what I understand, my grandfather always got what he wanted.  So do I,"  Jasmine says.


"I've dealt with females like you before,"  Donna says.  "And I've always chewed them up and spit them out.  I also dealt with J.R. plenty of times, and I always held my own with him.  So don't think for a second that I can't deal with a little trollop like you.  Now get out of here before I call security and have you tossed out on your  ass."


"This isn't over.  I'll be back."  Jasmine turns and walks away from her.  She goes down the hall and waits for the elevator.  When the doors open, Conner steps off the elevator and the two come face to face.  


"What the hell are you doing here?"  Conner asks.


"I came to see Dylan, but that witch Donna wouldn't let me in."


"Good.  Because the last thing my brother needs right now is for you to be anywhere near him."


"Dylan happens to me my boyfriend," Jasmine says.


"Boyfriend?  Victim, you mean.  Now get out of here, Jasmine, and leave my brother alone.  You've caused Dylan and this whole family enough pain."


"I caused him pain?  You're the one who screwed the slut he called a girlfriend.  So before you throw stones at me for simply showing Dylan what kind of people his brother and the girl he loved are, take a look at yourself in the mirror, and remember that night........remember the look on Dylan's face when he caught you in bed with Ashley."  Jasmine brushes past Conner and gets into the elevator.  The doors close, leaving Conner alone in the hallway, a stricken look on his face as he realizes that part of what Jasmine said is true.  

A few minutes later....

Jasmine walks out of the front entrance of the hospital and back into the hot, late summer sun.  She pauses for a moment and looks back through the glass double doors into the hospital, her heart breaking that she can't see Dylan, and the anger also rising up inside of her over being treated like trash by Donna and Conner.  She wipes a tear from her face, and as she starts to head to her car, she sees her brother coming toward her.


"Jasmine,"  he says.


"Cory, what are you doing here?"  


"I heard about Dylan's accident.  How is he?"


"I dunno," Jasmine replies in tears.  "They won't let me see me."


"Who?  The doctors?"  Cory asks.


"No.  Conner and that witch, Donna."


"I'm so sorry.  Are you okay?"


Jasmine shakes her head.  "No.  Cory, I'm so worried about him.  Dylan could die, and I can't even get in there to see him.  To tell him how I really feel about him."


"You really do care about him, don't you?"  Cory asks.


"Of course I do.  I love him.  I never meant to, but I fell in love with Dylan."


Cory embraces his sister in a tight hug.  "I'm sorry, sis."


"Hey, wait a minute,"  Jasmine says, pulling out of the embrace.  "Cory, where have you been?  Mom was worried when I went to wake you this morning and I told her your bed hadn't been slept in.  Did you spent the night with Daniel?"


Cory lowers his head and sighs.  "No."


"What's wrong, little brother?"  Jasmine asks.


"Daniel.......he broke up with me yesterday."


"He WHAT?  Why?"


"I don't know.  He said that there was someone else, but I don't think that's true.  It all seems too sudden."


"Why do you think he would lie?"


"I have an idea why,"  replies Cory.  "I think Mom got to him."




"Yeah.  She hates the fact that I'm gay, and I know she hated me and Daniel being together."


"Cory, Mom loves you. She would never do anything to hurt you."


"Come on, Jas.  We both know better than that.  Mom would do anything if it meant getting what she wants.  It's the only thing that makes sense."


Jasmine sighs.  "Let's get out of here and away from this hospital.  Let's go home."


"No,"  says Cory.  "I'm not ready to go home yet.  I'm not ready to face Mom.  I just came here after I heard about the accident because I figured you'd be here."


"I texted you this morning.  Why didn't you reply?"


"Because I lost my phone last night.  I was so upset and hurt after Daniel dumped me that I........I got drunk and I fell asleep in some park."


"You did WHAT?"  Jasmine asks, stunned by her brother's confession.  "Cory, are you out of your mind?  You could've been hurt or killed by some psycho."


"I know.  But last night I didn't care.  Clay Beaumont found me and he took me home with him and sobered me up this morning.  That's when I heard about the accident, when Ashley came in and told Clay."


An angry look comes over Jasmine's face.  "Ashley.  I'll bet they let that bitch in to see Dylan, even after all the pain she caused him.  Cory, I have to go.  I  don't feel so well."


"Are you okay?"  Cory asks.


"Yeah, just feeling a little sick.  I'm sure it's the stress of worrying about Dylan.  Will you please come home with me?"


"No.  I'll come home when I'm ready to face Mom.  I don't know when that'll be.  But in the meantime, Clay said I could stay at his apartment for as long as I need to.  Jasmine, don't tell Mom or Dad that you saw me."


"Why not?"  Jasmine asks.


"Because then Mom will drag it out of you that I'm at Clay's, and she'll be over there to drag me back home.  So just don't mention that you saw me."


"Okay, I won't,"  Jasmine says.  "But come home soon, okay?  I really need my brother right now."  Jasmine begins to cry.


Cory again embraces his sister.  "Hey, you know where I'll be.  Right now, I think I'm gonna go and buy me another phone.  When I get it set up, I'll text you, and then, you can get in touch with me any time you need to, okay?"


Jasmine nods.  "I love you."


"I love you, too.  Sure you're gonna be okay?"  


"Yeah, I'll be fine."


Cory gives his sister a quick hug.  "I'll be in touch later,"  he says, then he turns and walks away.  


Jasmine composes herself, then walks to her car in the parking lot nearby.  As she is about to get into her car, she suddenly feels very sick to her stomach, as well as dizzy.  "Oh, no," she says quietly to herself.  "Please no,"  she says, a look of worry and fear on her face.


Lucas is sitting at Michael's bedside when the boy slowly begins to wake up.  He moans.  Lucas gets up from his seat and stands over his son's bed.  "Michael?  Michael?  It's me, Dad."  


Michael slowly begins to open his eyes and sees Lucas standing over him.  "Dad?"


"Hey, buddy.  How you feeling?  You in any pain?"


"My leg hurts.  And my ribs."


"Okay, I'll call the nurse to give you somethin' for pain in a couple of minutes."


"Dad........what happened?"  Michael asks, very sleepily.  "I'm in the hospital?  Why?  Dad, what happened?"


"Michael, you don't remember the accident?"


"Accident?  Yeah, wait.  I was with Mom.  We were on our way home.  Dad, where is Mom?  Was she hurt?"


Lucas looks at his son.  "Michael, there's something I have to tell you.  It's........it's about your mother."


Meanwhile, Bobby steps off the elevator down the hall from Michael's room just as Jenna is coming down the hall with two cups of coffee.  The two meet in the hall.  "Hello, Jenna,"  he says.


"Hello, Bobby.  I was just on my way to take Lucas some coffee.  He's been sitting at Michael's bedside all night."


"I know.  I'm glad you're here, Jenna.  Lucas is gonna need his mother's support right now."


"He's gonna need BOTH of us,"  Jenna says.  


Bobby nods, and the two proceed down the hall to their grandson's room.  As they are about to go into Michael's room, Bobby and Jenna are startled when they hear a scream come from inside the room.  Horrified, they rush into the room and find Lucas trying to comfort and calm a hysterical Michael 

after Lucas has told the boy about his mother's death.  Bobby and Jenna watch, heartbroken, as their son cradles Michael in his arms, both Lucas and Michael crying.




Southfork....that night....

Krystina is sitting at her dressing table brushing her hair when she suddenly breaks down and begins to cry.  John Ross comes into the bedroom from the couples' adjoining bathroom.  He pauses in the doorway when he sees his wife in tears.  After a few seconds, he walks over and puts his arms around her from behind.  "You okay?"  He asks.  "Thinkin' about Heather?"


Krystina nods.  "I just can't believe she's gone."


"I know,"  John Ross says with a sigh.  "Me and my cousin Lucas have never been close but I wouldn't wish what he's goin' through right now on my worst enemy."


"And poor Michael.  I can't even imagine how hard this is gonna be for him.  I keep thinking, if only I hadn't let Heather borrow my car, this wouldn't have happened."


"Now hold on a minute here,"  John Ross says, turning his wife around to face him.  "This was NOT your fault.  It was an accident.  Or......."


"Or what?  John Ross?"


"Or maybe this accident wasn't just a simple accident,"  John Ross says.


"What do you mean by that?"


"Krystina, think about it.  Dylan was drivin' the other car.  Now Uncle Bobby said the police said that it looked like Heather swerved and ran off the road to avoid a head on collision with Dylan.  What if Dylan was drinkin' when that accident happened?"


"Oh, John Ross, I.......I just can't believe that.  Dylan has been doing so well."


"Yeah, but we know that he almost killed Alex and Bridget a few years ago when he was drunk behind the wheel.  And it hadn't been that long ago he fell off that damned wagon again.  It's the only explanation that makes any sense."


"Oh, good Lord, if that's really what happened then.....oh my God, that will be horrible for Ray and Donna, but especially for Lucas.  And for Michael."


"I guess we'll know when Dylan  wakes up,"  John Ross says.  


Krystina puts her arms around him and the two embrace.

Cass Winthrop's apartment....

 In the bathroom at the Winthrop apartment that night, Jasmine is looking down at something she 

holds in her hand.........a home pregnancy test which is showing a positive result.  "No,"  she says. "Oh God no, this can't be happening."  A tear falls down Jasmine's face as she continues to look down at the small pregnancy test in her hand, a test which is about to change her entire life!

Southfork....the next morning....


 Bobby is sitting at the table on the patio the next morning reading the Dallas Morning News when Pamela's car drives up and comes to a stop in the parking area.  Justin and Pamela get out of the car and walk up to the patio where Bobby is sitting.  


"Mornin', Uncle Bobby,"  Justin says.




"Bobby, we came because we wanted to let you know how sorry we are about Heather,"  Pamela says.


"Thank you, I appreciate that.  I know Lucas will, too."


"How is Lucas?  And how's Michael?"  Justin asks. 


"Lucas is trying to hold it together as best he can.  Michael is.......well, the news of his mother's death was devastating for him."


"That poor kid,"  says Pamela.  "Is there anything we can do?  Anything at all?  For you, or Lucas, or Michael?  Maybe you'd like us to take Logan for a day or two?"


"Thank you, but, no, I can't think of anything,"  Bobby says.


"Has Lucas been able to make the funeral arrangements?"  Justin asks.


"No.  He and Heather's mother, Connie Richardson are supposed to be meeting at the funeral home sometime later today to make the arrangements."


"I still can't believe this is real,"  says Pamela.


"Yeah, none of us can.  But unfortunately, it IS,"  Bobby says as Ann comes out of the house.


"Well, hello, you two,"  Ann says,


"Morning, Ann,"  Pamela greets.  


"Would the two of you like some breakfast?"


"No, thanks, we had breakfast at home with the boys before we came out,"  Justin replies.


"Speakin' of the boys, how are things goin' with Devon?"  Ann asks.


"Great,"  replies Pamela.  "Devon is a great kid and Hunter and Randall both adore him."


Bobby's cell phone rings.  He picks the phone up from the table and looks at it.  "Would you all excuse me?  I have to take this."


"Sure, Uncle Bobby,"  Justin says.


Bobby gets up from his seat and walks away from the others to answer his call.  Ann watches him with concern.  


"Is everything okay, Ann?"  Justin asks.

"Yeah,"  Ann replies.  "I'm just worried about Bobby.  The stress of the last couple days can't be good for him."


"You're worried about his heart?"  Justin asks.


Ann nods.  


"Next to Justin, Bobby's the strongest man I know, Ann,"  says Pamela.  "I'm sure he'll be fine."


Meanwhile, Bobby answers his call.  "I hope you have some good news for me," he says.


"I wish I could say I did, Bobby,"  Bum says on the other end of the line.  "I've been trying to find somethin' on this guy Craig Forrester, but he's covered his tracks real good."


"You mean you haven't found anything?"  Bobby asks. 


"Well, now I didn't say that.  I've found a couple minor things in Forrester's past, but nothing that would be of much use to you," Bum says, walking down a street in Dallas.  

"Bum, anything you can find on this guy might be of use,"  Bobby says.  "I don't care if it was something as simple as a suspension from school in 7th grade for fighting in the gym."


"Bobby, I know it's none of my business, after all, you're payin' me to do this, but, would you mind telling me why you want me to dig up information on this Craig Forrester?  And exactly what it is you're lookin' for?"


"Bum, there's just somethin' about Craig Forrester that seems so familiar to me.  I can't put my finger on it, but I know I've seen him somewhere before, and yet he claims he's new to Texas.  Forrester came to the Barbecue uninvited, and he seemed kind of cozy with Brad Barnes, so that got me curious."


"You think this Forrester character is up to somethin' with Barnes?"  Bum asks.


"Let's just say that, with Barnes as head of the ORC, I can't help but be a little worried.  Like I said, I can't put my finger on it, but there's just somethin' about Craig Forrester.  Call it......intuition."


"Have you mentioned your suspicions to John Ross?"


"No.  John Ross has been occupied tryin' to win this contest for control of Ewing Oil.  I don't want him to know anything about this until I have something concrete on Forrester and whether he's workin' with Barnes.  You know how John Ross is, Bum.  Things have been quiet lately on the Barnes-Ewing feud front, and I wanna keep it that   way.  If John Ross even suspects Barnes is up to something......well, I just don't him goin' off half-cocked and starting up that war again.  At least not until there's a reason to."


"All right,"  Bum says.  "If there's anything there in Forrester's background, I'll find it."


"I know you will, because you're the best in the business.  Thanks, Bum.  Get back to me as soon as possible."


"Will do, and Bobby?"




"I'm real sorry about Heather."


"Thank you, Bum.  Bye."  Bobby ends the call and puts his phone away.  He looks off into the horizon of the ranch, a worried expression on his face.

An office in Dallas....

 Craig Forrester is working at his desk in his new office in Dallas when his secretary buzzes his desk.  "Yes, Valerie?"


"Mr. Forrester, Brad Barnes is here to see you."


"Tell Mr. Barnes I'm not available and to make an appointment.....preferably sometime next month."  Craig smiles as he returns to his work.  A moment later, Craig hears raised voiced in the outer office.


"Sir, no, you can't go in there!"  Craig hears his secretary say.


"Just watch me,"  Brad angrily says, bursting into the office.  


"Mr. Forrester, I'm sorry,"  the secretary says.


"It's alright, Suzy.  Leave us alone, please."


"Yes, Suzy, leave Mr. Forrester and I alone,"  Brad says.  


The secretary looks at Craig, and at Brad, then leaves the office.


"Barnes, I know you're kinda short on manners, and from everything I've heard, you inherited that trait from both your parents, so I'll just overlook you burstin' into my office like this.  Now what do you want?"



"You son of a bitch,"  Brad angrily says.  "It was you, wasn't it?  You and Wendell."


"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Heather Ewing,"  Brad says.



"Yes, I heard about that on the news,"  says Craig.  "Terrible tragedy."


"Heather was driving Krystina's car.  You were talking to Adam Carrington about keeping Krystina under control.  You wanted John Ross distracted so that he would take his mind of that contest for Ewing Oil and lose control of the company to Clay Beaumont.  YOU had Krystina's car tampered with."


Craig looks at him.  "You accusing me of murder, Barnes?"


"Damn right, I am."


Craig stands, walks over to Brad and faces him.  "You'd better be REAL careful who you accuse of murder,  Barnes.  I'm sure I don't have to remind you that you're in this thing up to your neck, too."

"I had NOTHING to do with what happened to Heather Ewing,"  Brad says.  "And I'm sure I don't have to remind YOU that I know your true identity, who you really are.  All I have to do is make a phone call to the authorities.....or better yet, to Bobby Ewing, and blow your cover right out of the water."


Craig laughs.  "You do that......or you even THINK about doing that......and I'll make damned sure that you down, and hard.  There's absolutely no evidence of my involvement in any of this.  You, on the other hand.........a man with a grudge against the Ewings?  Cliff Barnes's son.  Your family has been feuding with the Ewings since the Great Depression, and then there was all that trouble between you and John Ross.  You really want your entire career to go up in smoke?"


"I will NOT be a party to murder, especially not the murder of an innocent woman who had nothing to do with any of this."


"Heather Ewing's death was unfortunate.  What the hell was she was doing driving Krystina's car, anyway?"


"You son of a bitch,"  Brad says.  "You tried to kill Krystina.  There's no way I'm gonna let you get away with that."


Craig looks at Brad and smiles.  "You always have been a little sweet on John Ross's wife, haven't you?  Which is almost comically ironic.  You're sweet on Krystina.  Your father had an affair with John Ross's mother, Sue Ellen, and your grandfather, Digger Barnes, was in love with John Ross's grandmother, Miss Ellie.  Talk about a generational curse."  Craig walks up to Brad and stands just inches from him.  "Now you listen to me, Barnes.  You're in this thing a whole lot deeper than I am.  Jeremy and I have made sure of that.  Anything goes wrong, and it's not gonna be me and Jeremy Wendell who take the fall........it'll be you and Adam Carrington.  And that would not only be the end of your career, but also the end of your life as you now know it, because, with a murder charge, you'd be lookin' at the death penalty here in Texas.  Or, at the very least, life in prison."


"You're not gonna get away with this, Forrester,"  Brad says.


"Oh, Bradley.......I already have.  Now, you continue to follow our plan, and I'll make sure that you get to a position of REAL power.  National power.  You always wanted a career in politics.  I'll make that happen."


"And then what?"  Brad asks.  "I'm in your pocket for the rest of my life?"


"Being in my pocket is a WHOOOLE lot better than being on death row, don't you think?  Y'know, I've always thought you'd make a really good United States Senator.  Senator Barnes.  Has a nice ring, doesn't it?  Too bad it's not you running against Matt Culver instead of that boring windbag Mark Stoddard.  But then........never know what might happen, or change.  You go on back to that cushy office of yours at the Oil Regulatory Commission and take a good look around.  Then you think about what I said.  I own you, Barnes.  I can make or break you any time I want.  Now get out of here and do what I told you to do."


Brad angrily looks at Craig.  "One of these days, I'll find a way to bring you down."


"Better men than you have tried."


Brad looks at him for a couple more seconds, then he turns and leaves the office.  After he's gone, Craig smiles deviously.  

Cass Winthrop's apartment....

 Lila is pacing anxiously around the living room while Cass is talking to someone on the phone.  "No,"  Cass says to the person he's talking to.  "No, we haven't heard a word from him, which is why I want you to try to find him.  Come on, Jack, you're sergeant on the police force.  It's been over 24 hours since Lila and I have seen or heard from our son.  You have to help us."  Cass listens to his friend on the other end of the line for a moment.  "Thank you, Jack.  I really appreciate that.  Please, let me know as soon as you hear something.  Yes, if Lila and I hear from Cory, I'll give you a call.  Thanks again.  Bye, Jack."  Cass ends the call and looks at Lila.


"Well?"  She says.


"My friend, Sgt. Jack Morgan on the Dallas PD is gonna put out a search for Cory."


"Good.  That's good.  Damn it, Cass, where is he?  Cory would NOT do this.  He would not just stay gone and not let us know he's okay unless somethin' happened to him.  Or he would answer his phone.  Cass, I'm scared."


"Hey, listen to me,"  Cass says, walking over to her.  "The police are on this.  They'll find him."  Cass puts his arms around Lila.


Jasmine comes into the living room.  "Hey,"  she says.  "Have you guys heard from Cory yet?"


"No, but I called a friend of mine on the Dallas PD and he's gonna see what he can do,"  replies Cass.


"Oh?"  Jasmine says as she starts to cry.


"Oh, baby, are you okay?"  Lila asks.


"I'm worried about Dylan, Mom, and they won't even let me in to see him."


"Honey, in Critical Care, only family is admitted in to see a patient,"  says Cass.


"I'm his girlfriend.  I need to see him."


Cass and Lila exchange puzzled looks upon hearing Jasmine's announcement.  "You're his what?"  Lila asks.


"It's true, Mom.  Dylan and I have been involved in a relationship for a while now."


"Why didn't you tell us?"  Cass asks.


"Dylan and I didn't think anyone would approve."


"And you were right,"  Jasmine says.  


Jasmine is about to say something when they hear someone at the door.  To the surprise of all three, the door to the apartment opens and Cory walks in.  


"Oh my God,"  Lila says.  "Cory."


"Thank God,"  Cass says. "Cory, where have you been?"


"Your father and I have been worried sick about you,"  says Lila.  


"I'm fine,"  Cory says.  "No need to worry about me."


"Cory, where have you been?"  Cass asks.  "I called the police to get them to look for you."


"Like I said, Dad.......I'm fine."


"You didn't answer your father's question,"  says Lila.  "Where have you been?"


"Do you really care, Mom?"


"Cory, what kind of question is that?"


"You weren't happy when you found out that I was gay.  So do you really care where I was?"


"Cory, don't talk to your mother like that,"  says Cass.


"Of course I care,"  Lila says.  "Cory, I don't know where this anger toward me is comin' from, but it's completely unfair.  You are my son and I love you, no matter what."


Cory looks at his mother, then at Cass.  "I just came home to pack some things."


"Pack some things?  Cory, what are you talkin' about?"  Lila asks.


"Pack?  Where are you going?"  Cass asks.


"I'm gonna be staying with Clay and Ashley for a while."


"Clay and Ashley?  For Heaven's sakes, why?"  Lila asks.


"Because I need some space, Mom."


"You need some space?  Space from WHAT?"


Cory looks at his mother.  "Space from you, Mom."


"Cory, I don't understand where all this sudden anger toward your mother is coming from," says Cass.


Cory pauses a few seconds before replying to his father.  "Daniel broke up with me a couple days ago."


"Son, I'm sorry, but why take that out on your mother?"


"Because it's HER fault,"  Cory says.


"MY fault?"  Lila asks.


"Remember what you told me when I first confessed to you that I was gay and that I was involved with Daniel, Mom?  You told me that I wouldn't be seeing him anymore, and then all of a sudden, Daniel breaks up with me and tells me that he's in love with someone else."


"Well, that's hardly MY fault,"  Lila says.


"Daniel and I were together for two years, and then you find out about our relationship and BOOM! Just like that, it's over.  Dad, I know she got to Daniel.  She somehow convinced, or FORCED him to break up with me because SHE didn't approve."


"Cory, I don't know what Daniel told you, but....."


"He didn't tell me anything, Mom.  At least not about you.  I just know you were behind this because not only is this just the kind of thing you would do, but because the timing is too perfect.  And that's why I've got to get out of here."  Cory turns and leaves the room.


"Cory!"  Lila calls after him.


"No,"  says Cass.  "Let him go.  He needs some time, and space."


"You mean you really want him to move out?"


"Of course not.  But space might be the best thing for both of you."


"I don't need any space from my son.  And Cass, why didn't you defend me when Cory accused me of bein' behind this......this breakup?"

"Because I'm not all that certain that what Cory said was wrong,"  Cass replies.  "Lila, I've known you for a long time, and this is JUST the kind of thing you would do.  Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna go and call Sgt. Morgan back and tell him that Cory's fine."  Cass walks past Lila and out of the room, leaving Lila angry that her plan to break up Cory and Daniel had only served to drive a wedge between her and Cory, and possibly her and Cass.


Miguel is finishing putting some small bales of hay in the stalls in one of the stable buildings at Southfork that afternoon when Bobby walks out to the stables.  


"Miguel,"  Bobby says.


"Oh, hello, Mr. Ewing."


"How's it goin'?"


"Just fine,"  Miguel replies.  "Mr. Ewing, I want to tell you how sorry I am about Miss Heather.  She was a very nice lady."


"Thank you, Miguel."


"How is Michael?"


"My grandson is in a lot of pain, some physical, but mostly emotional.  Why don't you go and see him?  I'm sure he could really use a friend right now."


"Yes, sir, I will."


"Miguel, Christopher told me that you were thinkin' about leaving Southfork and going back to Mexico."


"I had thought about it."


"I understand.  I'm sure you must miss your mother and your brother very much,"  Bobby says.


"Yes, I do, but, I did a lot of thinking, and, for now, I have decided to stay at Southfork.  If I am still welcome, that is."


"Miguel, of COURSE you're welcome,"  says Bobby.  "I know how happy that'll make Christopher.  It makes me happy, too.  You're one of the best hands we have here, and the family likes having you around, too."

"Thank you, Mr. Ewing, that means a lot to me,"  Miguel says.  "I haven't had a chance to tell Christopher my decision yet, with everything going on with your family."


"Well, I hope you tell him soon.  He could really use some good news right about now."


"Yes, I will.  I should get back to work."


Bobby nods.  Miguel smiles at him, and turns and walks away.  After the teenager is gone, Bobby pauses for a moment, his mind cluttered with thoughts of the tragedy his son and grandson were facing, and what the next few days, and months, were going to be like for Lucas and Michael.  


Sue Ellen's car pulls up and comes to a stop in front of the stables.  She gets out and approaches her former brother-in-law.  "Bobby,"  she says.  

"Hello, Sue Ellen."


"Ann told me I could find you out here."


"So what can I do for you?" Bobby asks.


"I wanted to talk to you and tell you how deeply sorry I am about Heather."


"Thank you, Sue Ellen."


"Bobby.........I also wanted to tell you that I'm sorry things have been so strained between us these last few months."


"I'm sorry, too, Sue Ellen.  Last thing I ever wanted was 

for this contest I set up between John Ross and Clay to drive a wedge between the two of us."


"I know that,"  Sue Ellen says.  "None of that seems important at a time like this."


"No, it doesn't."


Sue Ellen smiles at him.  "I'm glad that's settled.  Now, how are you holding up?"


"I'm okay.  I have to be.  My son and my grandson need me right now."


"Bobby, you're the strongest man I know.  But just remember, you don't have to be strong for them all by yourself.  You have a whole family to be here, for all of you, and that includes Catlin and myself."


"I know,"  Bobby says.  "I don't think I could get through this if I didn't know it."


Sue Ellen walks over to Bobby and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.  "If you need anything, we're just a phone call away.  That goes for Lucas and Michael, too."


"Thank you.  And thanks for comin' by and talking."


"Of course.  I think I'm going to go to the hospital in Braddock and see how Dylan is doing, and offer my support to Ray and Donna, too.  I'll see you later, Bobby."


Bobby smiles and nods as Sue Ellen goes back to her car and gets in.  He watches as she drives away.

Braddock Medical Center....

 Ray, Donna, and Conner follow Dylan's doctor out of Dylan's room at Braddock Medical Center.  "Well, doctor?"  Ray says.  "Can you tell us why Dylan hasn't regained consciousness in all this time?"


"Dylan has slipped into a coma, Mr. Krebbs."


"A coma?"  Donna asks.


"Yes.  And we have another problem.  Our latest tests we did this morning show that both of Dylan's kidneys are starting to fail."


"No,"  Donna cries in tears.


"What does that mean?"  Conner asks.


"Dylan can survive and function on one kidney, provided he makes it through this,"  the doctor replies.  "But, if both kidneys fail, especially in his weakened condition.......then I'm afraid Dylan doesn't have much of a chance."


"You're saying my brother could die?"  Conner asks.




"Isn't there something you can do?"  Donna asks.


"To be honest, Dylan would fare better at a larger hospital, like Texas Health Presbyterian in Dallas.  We just don't have the facilities here to treat injuries as severe as his."


"Then why didn't they take him there to begin with?"  Conner angrily asks.


"Because this hospital was closer, and Dylan needed to be taken to the closest hospital so he could be stabilized.  We've been doing everything we can for him, but, Dylan needs to be transferred to Dallas.  They have better equipment there, and........better trained doctors.  Specialists.  Look, if both of Dylan's kidneys fail, it's my professional opinion that the only way to save him is a transplant."


"Kidney transplant?"  Ray asks.


"Yes.  And he would have to be at Texas Health in Dallas for that."


"Then transfer him,"  Donna says.


"I'll make the arrangements and contact the hospital in Dallas,"  the doctor says.  


Ray nods.  The doctor walks away.  As Ray comforts a crying Donna, Conner walks to the window into his brother's room and looks in at a comatose Dylan.  


A Braddock Sheriff's deputy comes through a set of double doors down the hall and approaches them. "Mr. and Mrs. Krebbs?"


"Yes?"  Ray says.


"I wanted to come and tell you personally.  We got the results of Dylan's blood tests the hospital took right after the accident.  You'll be happy to know that there was NO alcohol in Dylan's system.  No substances at all.  So this accident was not caused by alcohol."


Ray, Donna, and Conner all breathe a collective sigh of relief.  "Thank you,"  Ray says.  "We appreciate you comin' to tell us that."


The deputy nods.  "You're welcome.  My prayers are with Dylan, and with y'all."


"Thank you,"  Donna says.  The deputy walks away.  Ray puts his arm around his wife again to comfort her as she cries.

Brad's apartment....that evening....

 Brad comes home from work that evening.  He takes off his jacket, then goes directly into his bedroom, where he immediately changes out of his suit and into more comfortable, around the house clothes.  After he finishes changing, he makes his way through the living room, where he picks up the remote control from the sofa and switches on the television, turning it to the local 6 o'clock news.  Brad then goes into his kitchen, opens the refrigerator and takes out a beer.   While the news plays in the background, Brad opens the beer and takes a sip.  As he takes another sip, Brad hears a news story come on TV that catches his interest.  He rushes into the living room, where he picks up the remote and turns up the volume, then he listens to the news report:

 "Our top story this evening is the death of State Senator Mark Stoddard.  According to a family spokesperson, Senator Stoddard passed away very suddenly this afternoon after he collapsed in his office at the state capitol in Austin.  The Senator was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival at approximately 3:30 this afternoon.  No cause of death was immediately announced, but Senator Stoddard was known to have had numerous cardiac episodes over the past few years.  In 2018, he underwent a procedure to unblock several arteries leading to his heart.  In 2020, he underwent an angioplasty and later that same year, the Senator had to cancel a speaking engagement after suffering chest pains.  Stoddard's death poses a major problem for Governor Abbott.  Stoddard was the democratic candidate for the United States Senate, running against Republican incumbent, Senator Matthew Culver, who had THIS to say about the passing of his opponent in the 2022 mid-term Senate race....."


"Texas lost a great man today,"  Matt Culver says.  "Senator Stoddard and I may have been on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but there was hardly a man that respected more.  Mine and Margaret's prayers go out to the Senator's family, his friends, his colleagues, and his constituents."


"Senator Culver, who do you think will replace Senator Stoddard in this year's election and be your opponent in November?"  A reporter asks.


"I have no idea,"  Matt replies.  "I haven't thought that far ahead, but I assume it'll be whoever the Governor appoints as Senator Stoddard's replacement in the statehouse."


Reporters continue to hurl questions at Matt as he makes his way into a building in Austin.  


"That was United States Senator Matt Culver commenting on the death of his opponent in this year's Senate race,"  the news anchor says.  "Once again, our top story at this hour.....State Senator Mark Stoddard has died suddenly of an apparent heart attack at the age of 62.  The Senator is survived by his wife of 38 years, Joanne Stoddard, two sons, Brian and Mark Stoddard, Jr., a daughter, Sharon Stoddard McKinley, and 6 grandchildren."


"I'll be damned," Brad says, stunned after hearing the news of Stoddard's sudden death, as he remembers Craig Forrester's ominous words spoken just hours ago about it being a shame that Brad wasn't running against Culver for the senate instead of Stoddard.  Could it be a bizarre coincidence? Brad wonders or could Forrester have arranged Stoddard's sudden death?  Brad closes his eyes, deeply regretting the day he ever met and got involved with a man like Craig Forrester.


 Krystle Carrington is standing at the piano in the den at Southfork that evening looking at some Ewing family photos sitting on top of the piano.  A confused look comes over her face as she believes she should know the people in the photos, but she can't place them.  Krystina comes down the stairs, and seeing her mother in the den, she walks into the room.  "Mom?"  She calls out, but Krystle doesn't respond.  She continues to stare at the photos, her back to Krystina.  "Mom?"  Krystina calls to her again, and again, Krystle doesn't respond.  Concerned, Krystina walks over and places her hand on Krystle's shoulder, startling her.


Krystle turns around to face her daughter.  "Krystina, you startled me."


"Sorry, I didn't mean to.  I called to you twice, but it's like you didn't hear me.  Mom, are you okay?"


"I'm fine.  I was just daydreaming, I guess."


"Are you sure?"


"Yes, I said I'm fine,"  Krystle snaps, taking Krystina aback.  "I'm sorry.  I guess I'm just a little on edge."


"It's okay, Mom.  We're all on edge right now."


John Ross and Alex come into the den.  "Hey, you two,"  John Ross says.  


"Hey,"  says Krystina.  


"How about I take you ladies out to dinner?"  John Ross asks.  


"Sounds good to me.  Alex, are you gonna join us?"


"No, I'm gonna go by the hospital and see Michael, and then I have a date with Bridget,"  Alex replies.


"Good, I'm glad you're going to see Michael,"  says Krystina.  "He can use all our support right now."


"I'm just not sure what I'm gonna say to him.  What do you say to a 15-year-old kid whose mother was just killed?"


"Just act as natural as you can,"  John Ross says.  "Be yourself."


"I don't think any of us really knows what to say in a situation like this,"  Krystina says.  


"The main thing is to just let Michael know that you're there for him, and that you care,"  Krystle says.


"Mom's right,"  Krystina says, taking her mother by the hand.  


Bobby, Ann, and Lucas come into the living room.  "Evening, everyone,"  Bobby says.


"Lucas,"  Krystina says, walking over to him.  "Lucas, how are you?"




"He's not okay, he's exhausted,"  Bobby says.  "Ann and I convinced him to come home from the hospital and get some rest."


"I just came home to get some clothes and maybe take a quick shower and then I'm goin' right back to the hospital," Lucas says.


"Lucas, your father's right," says Ann.  "You're not gonna do Michael or anyone else any good if you make yourself sick.  Now I want you to go upstairs, take a hot shower, and climb into bed."


"I don't wanna leave Michael for that long."


"Lucas, your mother is at the hospital with Michael,"  Bobby says.  "She said she would sit with him all night if she needed to."


"And I know that my Mom is planning on going back to the hospital, too,"  says Alex.  "And I'm about to head over there myself and see Michael."


"There, you see?"  Bobby asks his son.  "Son, you have an entire family to stay with Michael while you get some rest before you end up in the hospital yourself."


Lucas nods.  "Okay, okay.  I'll try and get a few hours sleep.  I doubt if I can, though."  He starts to leave the room.  


"Say, Lucas?"  John Ross says.


Lucas stops in the doorway and turns back to look at his cousin.  

 "Look, you and me, we've never really gotten along or seen things eye to eye,"  John Ross says.  "But we ARE family, and I just want you to know how sorry I am about Heather.  Me and Krystina, we're here for you and your boys if you need anything."


''Thank you, John Ross," Lucas says, his voice shaky as he struggles to hold back his tears.  "That means a lot."


"Come on,"  Ann says.  "I'll go with you."


Lucas nods to his stepmother and Ann takes him by the arm and helps him out of the room and up the stairs as the others watch, expression of sorrow and sympathy on their faces.  


"Uncle Bobby, I hate to say it, but he looks like he's about ready to break,"  John Ross says.  


"You're right, John Ross, and I'm really worried about him.  He hasn't even made Heather's funeral arrangements yet, and I don't wanna bring it up to him because he's so emotionally devastated right now.  And I sure as hell know what he's feelin'.  I was in that exact same state after April was killed.  For weeks I walked around like a zombie, not feelin' anything and not wantin' to."


"Bobby, if it'll make things easier, I'd be glad to help with making the arrangements,"  Krystina says.  "I can get with Ann and maybe Heather's Mom if she's up to it, and we can take care of it."


"Thank you, Krystina."


"Well, I'd better get going,"  says Alex.  "Uncle Bobby, you said my Grandma is at the hospital with Michael?"


"Yes, she is."


"Okay, I'll see you all later,"  Alex says, leaving.


"Bobby, have you heard anything on how Dylan is doing?"  Krystina asks.


"Yes, I talked to Ray just a little while ago.  He's not good.  They had to transfer him from Braddock to Dallas.  His kidneys are starting to fail, and, they may have to do a transplant if they can find a match."


"Oh, no,"  Krystina says.  


"Ray, Donna, and Conner are all worried sick,"  Bobby says.  "If Dylan doesn't make it.......well, I just don't know how this family will survive two tragedies at the same time."


"Well as much as I hate to say this, Dylan brought this on himself,"  says John Ross.  


"John Ross, I know you've never liked Dylan, and you've never forgiven him for running you over seven years ago, but you can't mean that,"  says Bobby.


"Well, it's obvious his drinkin' caused this accident."


"Dylan wasn't drinking, John Ross."


"What?"  Asks a surprised John Ross.  


"Ray told me the Sheriff's department informed them that Dylan's blood tests from the hospital showed no alcohol in his system.  In fact, there were no substances in his system at all, not even Aspirin.  So Dylan wasn't  driving under the influence."  Bobby turns and walks out of the room.  


A puzzled expression comes over John Ross's face.  "Well I'll be damned.  If Dylan wasn't drunk, then I wonder what the hell DID cause that accident."

Craig Forrester's apartment....

 Craig Forrester's cell phone rings just as he steps off the elevator down the hall from his new apartment. Taking the phone from his pocket, he looks at it, then answers the call.  "Hello, Jeremy, what can I do for you?"

Meanwhile....a limousine driving through downtown Dallas....

"Forrester, what the hell is going on?"  Asks Jeremy Wendell, riding in the back of his limousine in downtown Dallas as he speaks to Craig on the phone.  "You assured me that you were going to take care of John Ross's wife, Krystina Ewing.  But instead it was his cousin's wife who died."

Craig's apartment....

"Jeremy, there's no way we could've foreseen that Heather Ewing would be driving Krystina Ewing's car,"  Craig says.  "It was an unfortunate mistake."


"Mistake?  This wasn't a mistake, Forrester, it was a catastrophe," Jeremy says.  "I wanted John Ross crushed.  I wanted him devastated to the point that he would forget all about that fight between he and Clay Beaumont for control of Ewing Oil so that he would LOSE that fight.  But you bungled that."


"I bungled it?"


"Yes, you bungled it.  So now, we're going to have to find another way of dealing with John Ross."


"Jeremy, don't you worry.  You leave John Ross Ewing to me."


"Just make sure that you do a better job this time.  We can't afford any more mistakes, there have been too many already.  First that stupid Henry Wong in California failed to deliver Gregory Sumner's former company to us, and now he's on the run from the police after committing murder.  If John Ross wins that contest for control of Ewing Oil, getting our hands on THAT company will be more difficult."


"Jeremy, I said I will take care of it,"  says Craig.


"You had better take care of it.  Don't forget, I'm bankrolling this entire project, and I can't afford anymore mistakes."


"There won't be anymore mistakes."


"I'm counting on that, Forrester.  Because if I hear of one more screw up......the next dead body that pops up.......will be YOURS."


As Craig is about to say something, he hears a click, indicating that Jeremy has hung up on him.  A look of pure anger and hate comes over Craig's face.  "You're gonna regret threatening me, old man.  Soon, you're gonna find out who's REALLY in charge of this whole thing."  Craig puts his phone into his pocket.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....

Mitch is finishing examining Dylan and going over his tests from Braddock Medical Center while Ray, Donna,  Conner, Todd Baxter, Sue Ellen, Lucy, and C.J. are waiting in the hallway outside Dylan's room in the Critical Care Unit at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital that night.  After he finishes reading, Mitch again checks Dylan's vitals while a nurse looks on.  "Nurse, let's do an infusion of Plasmalyte-148 and Normosol-R."


"Yes, Dr. Cooper,"  the nurse replies.


"And every two hours, administer 50 mgs. of hypertonic saline."


"Yes, Doctor."


"I'll go talk to the patient's family,"  Mitch says.  "I'll check back in about an hour.  If anything changes, have me paged."  Mitch leaves the room and approaches Ray, Donna, Conner, Sue Ellen, Lucy, C.J. and Todd down the hall.  The group stands to meet Mitch in the hall.


"Well, Mitch?  Anything you can do for him?"  Ray asks.


"I'm going to be honest with you, Ray.  Dylan's condition is extremely critical.  We have several hurdles we have to face right now.  Not only is Dylan beginning to suffer from renal failure in both kidneys due to trauma he sustained in the accident, he also has some swelling around his brain.  That's why he's still unconscious.  I've started Dylan on an I.V. regimen of two medications to slow the progression of the renal failure.  Now that'll buy us some time, but only a few days at most.  Hopefully, by then, the swelling on Dylan's brain will have gone down."


"Mitch, this........kidney failure........can it be reversed?"  Donna asks.


"I hope so, Donna."


"And.....if not?"  Todd asks.


Mitch looks at him and pauses before answering.  "If not, then our only option is a kidney transplant. We're hoping that the drugs will stop the progression, but both of Dylan's kidneys sustained major trauma in the accident.  If the medication doesn't reverse the renal failure in a matter of a few days, we'll have no choice.  Conner, Todd, if this situation comes down to Dylan having to undergo a transplant, would the two of you be willing to be tested to see if you're a match?"


"Yes,"  Conner quickly replies.  "I'll get tested right now if you need me to."


"Good, thank you,"  Mitch says.  "Todd?"


"Yes, fine, I'll get tested."


"Thank you.  The transplant will have a greater chance of success if it comes from a blood relative.  I'll arrange the blood tests to determine if either of you is a match.  I'll talk to you soon."


"Thanks, Mitch,"  Ray says as Mitch walks away.


"He has to get better,"  Donna says.  "He just has to."


"He will, Donna,"  says Ray.  


"We all just have to pray, and have faith,"  Sue Ellen says.  


"I'm going outside and try and call my mother again,"  Todd says.  "Let me know when Dr. Cooper is ready for us."


"I'll come and get you if Mitch is ready for you before you get back,"  Lucy says.


"Thank you,"  Todd says, and leaves.  


Sue Ellen places her hand on Conner's shoulder.  "Conner, are you alright?"  


The young man nods.  "I'm scared.  I can't lose him.  I can't lose my brother.  Not with the way things were left between us."


Sue Ellen puts her arms around Conner and embraces him in an attempt to comfort him.


 Bobby and Ann come down the stairs later that night at Southfork to answer the ringing doorbell.  Bobby opens the front door and he is surprised to find the sheriff.  


"Evening, Mr. Ewing,"  Braddock Sheriff Lou Chambers says. 


"Sheriff Chambers.  What can we do for you?"


"I'm sorry it's late.  But I need to speak to John Ross and Krystina."


"Of course, come in,"  Bobby says.


As the Sheriff comes into the house, John Ross and Krystina come downstairs.  "Sheriff, what's goin' on?"  John Ross asks.


"John Ross, I'm sorry to bother you and Mrs. Ewing at such a late hour, but, this is somethin' I thought you'd wanna know, and I need to ask Mrs. Ewing some questions."


"Questions about what?"  Krystina asks.


"After the accident that killed Heather Ewing, forensics ran some tests on your car, as well as Dylan Ewing's car, to determine if there was a mechanical problem with either car that could have caused the accident.  It's standard procedure, especially when an explosion occurs after a crash.  Our investigators found a small device planted under the front axle of Mrs. Ewing's car."


"A small device?"  Krystina asks.  


"What kind of a device?"  John Ross asks.


"We're not exactly sure, but we sent the device off to a larger forensics lab in Fort Worth.  They should know  within the next couple of days, but from first examination it looks like this may have been some type of explosive.  And the location of the explosion as well as the direction of the force of the blast would indicate that the initial explosion that caused Mrs. Ewing's car to burst into flames came from underneath the car."



"Sheriff, are you sayin' what I think you're sayin'?"  John Ross asks.


"I'm sorry, but it looks like that accident was no accident.  If it turns out that really was an explosive planted underneath that car then that means........this is now a homicide investigation.  And furthermore, since it was Krystina's car that Heather Ewing was driving, the logical conclusion is that someone was trying to kill YOU, Mrs. Ewing."

A look of shock and fear comes over Krystina's face as the enormity of what the sheriff just said begins to sink in and she wonders who would want to harm, much less kill her.  John Ross puts his arms around Krystina, both of them deeply shaken by the news.  Meanwhile, 

standing at the top of the stairs is Lucas, who has just overheard everything the sheriff has said.  Lucas is stunned, his grief almost immediately replaced by anger over the loss of his wife, who he now knows was murdered!



Write a comment

Comments: 50
  • #1

    Parker Bena (Monday, 03 October 2022 00:27)

    WOW! An explosive beginning to Season 11. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Craig Forrester is slime. I don't what's worse about the whole thing. That or the fact that he's acting so smug about the whole thing and thinking he's made of Teflon. If Lucas tries to come after John Ross or Krystina over this, then he's nothing but a first class jackass. I know he lost his wife and I understand his grief, but that does NOT give him the right to blame John Ross and/or Krystina, ESPECIALLY John Ross, for this. This is NOT their fault. If Brad Barnes is thinking about a run for the US Senate, then he better think again because he is in this thing up to his eyeballs and Matt Culver WILL wipe the floor with him in the November election.

  • #2

    Loretta (Monday, 03 October 2022 00:40)


  • #3

    Timmy (Monday, 03 October 2022 01:35)

    Great episode been worth the wait anyone know who Forrester is I'm racking my brain trying to think who it could be or who he has related to

  • #4

    Timmy (Monday, 03 October 2022 01:51)

    Also I posted a similar think regarding weststar and In regards to the 14% that doctor Styles owned and when died when JR was trying to get weststar them shares would have gone to Kimberly cryder now with her in jail wouldn't Jill be trustee or have power of attorney over Kimberlys assets I could be wrong but if that's true she could sign them over to Justin and with pamelas shares they would be pretty untouchable at a move by Wendell or am I missing something

  • #5

    Lois (Monday, 03 October 2022 02:03)

    Is Dallas back on? What channel & time?

  • #6

    Timmy (Monday, 03 October 2022 04:17)

    As for Brad Barnes the smartest move IMO he can make is getting some proof that Wendell and Forrester where behind the Ewing's and going to them telling them the entire story fur a couple of reasons 1 Wendell and Forrester have both proven nothing is beyond them so getting rid of Brad if they needed to would be something they wouldn't even hesitate to do and secondly if Pamela finds out he knew and didnt say anything that relationship is over Pamela seems to be happy and at piece with the Ewing Barnes fued even her and and John Ross seem to be civil especially since she lost her child after Shawn Smith raped her. Brad needs to make a decision which road he takes now

  • #7

    Heath Goldstein (Monday, 03 October 2022 08:45)

    Wow. What a season premiere

  • #8

    joseph pace (Monday, 03 October 2022 12:06)

    great episode. craig will turn out to be a very bad guy. keep it up

  • #9

    Ada Vincent (Monday, 03 October 2022 13:05)

    Wow what great writing. Thanks John

  • #10

    Chris Hawkins (Monday, 03 October 2022 15:45)

    Well worth the wait, this was a well written episode, I can’t wait to find out what happens next, great writing John, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it, please keep up the great writing!!


  • #11

    Susan Masterson (Monday, 03 October 2022 19:07)

    Wow I really enjoyed the new season episode I am dying to know who Craig Forrester is and how him and Bobby are past rivals. Did I miss something? Did you say that already? So sad about Heather. I hope Dylan pulls through

  • #12

    Crystal Hill (Monday, 03 October 2022 19:13)

    Please tell me there going to be another? That was so good. I love reading your episodes. It keeps me on edge.

  • #13

    John Walden (Monday, 03 October 2022 20:17)

    @Susan.....no, you haven't missed anything. Bobby's connection to Craig will be revealed in the next episode.

  • #14

    Timmy (Monday, 03 October 2022 21:37)

    I been trying to think who Forrester is I was thinking some relation to someone JR screwed over but now U have mentioned Bobby I can't think of who it might be I'm only guessing here but I'm thinking the son of a woman in Bobby's past can't wait till all is revealed

  • #15

    CIndy Shaft (Tuesday, 04 October 2022 06:21)

    Wow! Great story. So sorry Heather had to die. Your writing keeps getting better and better. So suspensful. I started reading at 1am and could not put it down. Who is Forester? Cannot wait to find out. Praying for you John, that you can write more stories this year. Its been a fast 8 years. Thank you for your hard great work.

  • #16

    Glenn Silver (Tuesday, 04 October 2022 19:11)

    Superb episode, everyone is back in action.

  • #17

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 04 October 2022 19:35)

    What's going to happen when actor William Smithers actually dies?

  • #18

    Rose Meisenhelder (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 14:23)

    So Jeremy is connected with Henry Wong too? Has that come up before?

  • #19

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 18:22)

    I swear to god, Craig Forrester, and Jeremy Wendell are big-time slime. Henry Wong MEGA SLIME, and Brad Barnes and Adam Carrington, there are right up there with them. The whole clan is slime. I’m flabbergasted how cocky Craig Forrester is? Like Craig are you stupid or something? You and Wendell killed an innocent person because you guys were trying to kill JOHN ROSS WIFE! Do you guys have some kind of death wish? This is all because Krystina was onto Craig, Brad, and Adam her brother and the Coby Co. deal. Craig Forrester and Jeremy Wendell murdered Heather Ewing! And I can’t believe he’s acting so nonchalant about it like it’s whatever.

  • #20

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 18:39)

    Timmy, I absolutely agree with your entire comment. Yeah the great big dummy known as Brad Barnes has a big decesion to make. He needs to find proof that Wendell and Forrester did this and then he is going to have to tell the Ewings everything. He’s going to have to tell the one family on this planet, the family he hates more than anything, that Wendell and Forrester tried to kill Krystina Carrington-Ewing, and ended up killing Heather Ewing instead. Because he obviously has suspicions that they did this. But you are right if he knows something and doesn’t tell the truth, and Pamela finds out he knows, you are right again, that relationship is absolutely over. This just proves that Brad Barnes is an idiot. He always gets involved with the wrong people and this is the result. All you had was leave John Ross and you were doing great but man when he finds out you are involved he’s going to kill you himself. When the whole family finds out Forrester and Wendell killed Heather and meant to kill Krystina they are going to really be outraged. Man I can’t wait to see those reactions.

  • #21

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 18:49)

    I do agree with you again Timmy that Wendell and Forrester are going to get rid of him. They have proven they will get rid of anybody who is in their way so he needs to use his head. Him and Adam if they don’t want to face jail time not only for treason, not to mention murder, they needs to be smart and they haven’t been smart getting involved with these guys. He knows who Craig Forrester really is. Forrester could eliminate Brad with the drop of a hat. Adam Carrington needs to tell the whole entire truth. So does Brad Barnes because if they don’t, they will both be looking at conspiracy to commit murder charges. And those are life in prison sentences. Plus treason means life in prison for both guys.

  • #22

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 19:01)

    Yeah Lucas better not try to come at Krystina and John Ross based on what he heard. Especially that John Ross was man enough to be honest with him and tell him he was sorry about Heather and if he and the boys need anything to ask him. Lucas is going through a ton of grief, and emotions were already running high in this episode, but he absolutely better not blame John Ross or Krystina for any of this. So I would hope he keep his emotions in check. I mean his wife was murdered.

  • #23

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 19:12)

    It would not shock me if somehow Forrester also killed that Senator Stafford for Brad because he wants a career in politics and politics is a dirty game. But I wouldn’t even want it that way. That’s two murders I bet that Craig and Wendell are connected to. Once you start killing innocent people, the game definitely changes. And yes Timmy I think Bobby has crossed paths with Craig Forrester before and he’s going to find out what he’s really about. And I’m sure Bum will get to the bottom of it. And once he gets his info he will tell John Ross because I agree with Bobby. You don’t want John Ross flying off the handle to start another Ewing-Barnes feud.

  • #24

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 19:52)

    This is a terrible tradegy! Heather dead, Dylan in a coma with his kidneys messed up. Wow I will say it again, Wendell and Forrester you guys are slime and just downright evil. You know I had a feeling Heather was going to be dead the minute I found out that bomb was under Krystinas car. That car bomb was obviously meant for Krystina! And I think John Ross and Krystina figure out who tried to kill her. And Bobby will find out who Craig Forrester really is. One thing for sure, he covered his tracks very well that’s for sure but even the most cockiest guys mess up. Wendell and Forrester will mess up just as Barnes and Carrington already have.

  • #25

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 05 October 2022 20:11)

    Rose I have no idea how Jeremy Wendell is connected to Henry Wong but nothing surprises me with Jeremy Wendell anymore. Those two are extremely dangerous.

  • #26

    Andrew Hass (Thursday, 06 October 2022 00:54)

    Great Episode.I'm wondering if Lucas might start blaming Krystina for Heather's death since she was the intended target which could create conflict.Also i could see John Ross sending Krystina somewhere for a bit to keep her safe since the Ewings probably own a lot of houses/apartments/whatever around the world.
    As for Dylan, i'm wondering if testing his blood against Todd and Connor might lead to a revelation about his paternity because if i remember correctly there was never a DNA test done to prove Dylan is Jack Ewing's son.

  • #27

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 06 October 2022 04:24)

    Andrew Hass, Lucas better not blame Krystina for that shit. John Ross was man enough to come to Lucas and say he was sorry about Heather. He really was and let him know that if he and his boys needed anything to let him know. I mean yeah I definitely could see John Ross send Krystina somewhere safe because somebody just did try to kill her! And Heather Ewing was murdered, and the yeah Dylan’s situation could lead to a paternity issue. That would be crazy if Dylan turns out not to be Connors brother.

  • #28

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 06 October 2022 04:31)

    I can’t believe Jasmine is pregnant! She is about the last person on this planet that needs to be responsible for a child with all the conniving and underhanded things she has done. And Jasmine Donna doesn’t like you, because you are JRs granddaughter and you are just like your mother. The two of you are two pees in a pod. She knows what you are all about. And you are right she doesn’t approve of you at all.

  • #29

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 06 October 2022 04:36)

    And you better find out if you are really pregnant Jasmine so go to the doctor and find out because if you are, you need to totally change things about yourself to be somebody’s mother. Hell your mother needs to change too. And if you are really pregnant then you are going to have to tell your mother and Cass too. They will be stunned too. No tricks, no lies, no games. Your life just might have might be changed forever.

  • #30

    Derek Matbews (Thursday, 06 October 2022 04:41)

    And please Krystle, your daughter isn’t stupid. She knows something is going on with you so you might as well tell her. It’s time, that you tell her you have early signs of Alhemziers disease. You have already showed off signs of it since you have been with the Ewings. . I mean you called Alex John Ross. That’s a red flag anybody is going to notice.

  • #31

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 06 October 2022 04:47)

    Tell Krystina now so maybe something can be done about it because I would hate to see Krystina lose two parents. That would devastate her plus she finds out somebody is trying to kill her that’s a little much too much for her to handle.

  • #32

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 06 October 2022 04:57)

    Didn’t I tell you that stunt you pulled Lila was going to backfire on you?!!!! Your son is gay not stupid! He knows you did something to break up his relationship with Daniel. He has an idea that you forced him to break up with him and you were together for two years. All because you couldn’t accept the fact that your son was gay. And to think your son was found asleep in the MIDDLE of the park where he could have gotten killed by some pyschopath. I’m stunned he was there. I think for now space between you and your son Cory is a good thing. You have a lot of thinking to do Lila. Shame on you for what you did to your son and shame on you for what you did to Cory, all because you couldn’t accept the fact that you had a gay son. Honestly when I saw Cory I thought somebody beat him up or something. Another thing, I think Cory and Cass are on to you. They both know you did something. Even Cass said, I know you Lila so I don’t think what he said was wrong. She made him or forced him to break up with me.

  • #33

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 06 October 2022 05:02)

    With everything going on, I could see John Ross letting Slays son Cole off the hook because he will probably think it’s not worth it and he will be having all kinds of emotions about Heather Ewing’s death. That death is going to affect the entire family for a long time. And they have old and new enemies to take care of.

  • #34

    Rose Meisenhelder (Thursday, 06 October 2022 11:38)

    Just a suggestion, you don't have to wait for William Smithers to pass away to kill Jeremy Wendell.
    Does Adam know they tried to kill Krystina? Adam may be an a$$#0!@, but I can't imagine he would be okay with somebody trying to murder his baby sister.
    Brad, for the love of God, go to the police now. Otherwise you'll wind up either dead or in jail taking the fall.
    Lila, why are you surprised your little scheme blew up in your face? I kinda hope when Lucy finds out what you did, she becomes Daniel & Cory's ally and punches you in the face. Yeah, Lucy blackmailed Daniel but I think she does sympathize with them. Lucy never let J.R, intimidate her, she certainly won't be scared of Lila.
    And as a long time Another World fan, I think Jasmine has a lot in common with her grandmother Rachel Cory Hutchins (I am not reciting all her married names). Rachel was very conniving at Jasmine's age, although not with the same motives. Rachel grew up on the wrong side of the tracks without a father and wanted to marry into a better station in life. (Actually that also sounds like Lila.) Jasmine grew up in a privileged environment and had her biodad Matt and her stepdad Cass. She's spoiled and immature and acts without thinking but hopefully she can still change. Rachel did. Hopefully she will want to become a good mother and realize she needs to change some of her behavior. We'll see.

  • #35

    Derek Mathews (Friday, 07 October 2022 23:14)

    You said a mouthful Rose. I don’t believe that Adam knows that Craig Forrester and Jeremy Wendell have tried to kill his baby sister that will definitely change things for sure; Adam is an ass but he wouldn’t be ok with attempted murder and definitely NOT conspiracy to commit murder on his baby sister. Yeah Brad Barnes with his dumb ass needs to go to the police, but he needs evidence first. He might go to Pamela and tell her what he knows first then he will figure out what to do. It’s not shocking that Lilas little scheme blew up in her face; I saw that coming a mile away; Yeah I could see Lucy dealing with Lila for sure after that stunt she pulled on Daniel and Cory. And yes Jasmine is very immature and spoiled, and conniving and manipulative. She takes after her mother though. She’s not ready to be no mother and be responsible for a child.

  • #36

    Andrew Hass (Saturday, 08 October 2022 09:12)

    I hope Alex and Bridget get married soon and maybe the tragedy involving Heather, Dylan and Michael makes them realize life is short and they decide to get married sooner rather than later.Also i could see their wedding bringing back some past characters and have their wedding be the setting for some confrontations and story climaxes.

  • #37

    Andrew Hass (Saturday, 08 October 2022 09:19)

    I also hope Lucy comes to Daniel and Cory's rescue and deal with Lila because i think Lucy never would have outed Daniel even if Daniel hadn't cave into her blackmail.
    As for Adam, when he learns that Craig Forrester and Jeremy Wendell tried to kill Heather i hope he teams with John Ross to take them down because Adam might be many things but i don't think he's a cold blooded murderer.Yeah Adam might stoop very low in business including making deals with Iran but he's not a killer and he definitely wouldn't kill his sister.Plus since Forrester and Wendell might not expect Adam and John Ross to team up Adam and John Ross might be able to catch them off guard.

  • #38

    Trevor Campbell (Saturday, 08 October 2022 13:40)

    wow holy shit. RIP Heather. Wendell and forrester need to go down hard for this

  • #39

    Derek Mathews (Saturday, 08 October 2022 13:45)

    Andrew Hass I don’t know about Alex and Bridget getting married now but then again with what happened this family definitely needs some kind of happy occasion so a wedding might do the trick. They will ALL be going through all kinds of emotions and everything as a family. If these young adults are going to get married, have them get married in a church. I don’t want them young people to have to deal with all of those heartbroken marriages.

  • #40

    Derek Mathews (Saturday, 08 October 2022 14:06)

    Love the credits buddy

  • #41

    Derek Mathews (Saturday, 08 October 2022 14:21)

    Yeah I agree Andrew, Lucy would have never outed Daniel. I think she confronts Lila on what she did and she does in fact save Daniel and Cory. Yeah when Adam finds out what his partners have done to Heather Ewing and tried to do to his baby sister, he’s going to get smart really quick and form that alliance with John Ross and his family. And Brad might get smart too and decide to get evidence then he will have Pamela help him by turning it over to the police. He might even tell Pamela in the next episode or something. That would be wise. Adam and John Ross teaming up would definitely take Craig Forrester and Jeremy Wendell off guard.

  • #42

    Trevor Campbell (Saturday, 08 October 2022 18:10)

    crazy that brad barnes, adam carrington, henry wong, craig forrester, and jeremy wendell are all connected. That's for sure the biggest collection of scumbags in dallas history. I predict craig is a ewing relative.

  • #43

    Derek Mathews (Saturday, 08 October 2022 18:31)

    Yeah Trevor that stunned me. I’m like how is Henry Wong connected to Jeremy Wendell and Craig Forrester. Scumbags is the right word that’s for sure.

  • #44

    Parker Bena (Sunday, 09 October 2022 12:48)

    I don't like Adam. I don't want him teaming up with John Ross. I just want him to go away. Besides. He's doing a deal with Iran. That makes him a filthy traitor.

  • #45

    Parker Bena (Sunday, 09 October 2022 12:50)

    Adam is right up there with Benedict Arnold, Vidkun Quisling and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

  • #46

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 09 October 2022)

    Well nobody likes Adam buddy but he’s a lot of things but he’s not a cold blooded murderer like Wendell and Craig Forrester.

  • #47

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 11 October 2022 00:37)

    @Derek Mathews But, he IS a filthy traitor - a vile betrayer of the very country I proudly served.

  • #48

    Derek Mathews (Friday, 14 October 2022 16:54)

    Okay he’s a flithy traitor. I agree with that.

  • #49

    tinashemtoob@gmail.com (Friday, 14 October 2022 19:59)

    I really enjoyed season 11 first episode.When will more episodes be on your website?

  • #50

    Julia Cherri (Tuesday, 28 February 2023 18:41)

    John, it took me two days to read this episode but I really enjoyed reading it. There is so much going on and it is so exciting. It kept me on the edge of my chair not knowing what was going to happen next. Can't wait for the next episode. I have told you this many times before, you are an amazing writer and I hope you will continue and never stop. May God Bless You always.